Is My Pacman Frog Underweight?

Everyone expects a Pacman frog to be a big fat round frog and it’s not uncommon for frog owners to be concerned about whether their frog is underweight.

Pacman frogs are lazy and would rather lie in wait for their prey to come past them than move around to find it. They are ferocious eaters and will eat anything that is slightly smaller than themselves, including other Pacman frogs.

The chances of your Pacman frog being overweight are higher than it being underweight.

What Does an Underweight Pacman Frog Look Like?

There are three ways you can identify if your Pacman frog is underweight.

  1. Looking at your frog from above, your frog isn’t perfectly round, it isn’t a circle shape. If your frog isn’t showing a perfect round shape from above, then it is probably underweight.
  2. Looking at your frog from the side, the edges should not be sticking out. If the edges are sticking out, then your Pacman frog is underweight.
  3. Your frog has weak hind legs when you hold them. This shows weak muscle tone which could be a result of being underweight. A Pacman frog’s legs should be strong.
This is how a skinny Pacman frog looks like

What Causes a Pacman Frog to Be Underweight?


The first reason your Pacman frog may be skinny is its diet.

Pacman frogs are insectivores and love a varied diet of silkworms, crickets, wax worms, and mealworms. They should be fed at night and food should be supplied every two to three days.

Pacman frogs also need Vitamin and Calcium. Gut loading crickets or dusting insects two to three times per week will ensure your frog remains healthy.


Estivation is when your Pacman frog goes into a type of hibernation. This is often resulting in the enclosure temperatures being too cold or too hot.

During estivation, your frog won’t shed. The skin hardens to encase the frog, providing a protective layer.

Do not disturb your frog during this time.

When it is ready it will wake up and start looking for food. It’s not uncommon for your frog to look on the underweight side when it awakens, but the weight should be put back on quickly within a short period.


Frogs are not immune to parasites including tapeworm, pinworm, and roundworm. It’s recommended to consult the vet if you think your frog may be underweight due to parasites.

Parasites can be passed from one frog to another, so bear this in mind when handling your Pacman frogs, if you have more than one.

How to Help a Pacman Frog Gain Weight

If you have thoroughly checked your Pacman frog and you are sure it is on the underweight side, then you are going to want to help it fatten up.

How Often to Feed?

  • Juveniles should be fed each day.
  • Adults should be fed once to twice per week.

You can add extra feedings each week to help your frog gain weight.

Related –How to feed a Pacman frog and its food chart.

What to Feed?

Pacman frogs enjoy a varied diet, but adding waxworms is one of the great ways to help your frog gain weight. Waxworms are very fatty. Ensure you add some springtail treats regularly to help your frog add on those extra grams quickly.

When to Feed?

Remember your Pacman frog is nocturnal, so it’s more active at night. The best time to feed is the evenings.

You may want to consider encouraging your frog’s natural hunting instincts by adding as much food as your frog can eat overnight and letting it catch the food itself, rather than tong feeding.

Remember to remove any leftover food in the mornings.


If you have taken the steps to identify your Pacman frog is skinny, then you will want to try and bulk up your frog with a change in diet and feedings. If you suspect parasites or your frog is still not gaining weight, then it’s recommended to consult the advice of your vet.

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