If you are thinking of bringing a white tree frog into the home or you have just purchased a white tree frog, you may be wondering if it will croak and how often.
Knowing if your frog will croak can help you choose the best place to keep their enclosure. The bedroom is not the best place when you have a male white tree frog croaking in the middle of the night because of its mating season.
What is Croaking in White Tree Frogs?
A male white tree frog will croak. The croak is more like a bark than a croak in these frogs. It’s important to note that babies do not croak and will only start croaking from four to six months of age.
The croaking or barking is to attract mates, advertising their location to other white tree frogs in the area.
Female and baby white tree frogs do not croak. They tend to scream.
A frog’s scream can be similar to a small child. It is a high-pitched noise that is often given when the frog gets a fright or are in danger.
Related –How to tell if my white tree frog is male or female?
Why Does My White Tree Frog Croak?
Natural Habitat
White tree frogs will croak in their natural environment after heavy rain or attract a mate. By croaking they advertise their location, making it easier to find a mate in the wild.
White tree frogs will croak in the captive environment for a wide range of reasons from it being mating season and looking for a mate to responding to rain, storms, vacuum cleaners, hair dryers, loud music, and even the dog barking.
How Much Does a White Tree Frog Croak in Captivity?
As a new white tree frog owner, you may wonder how much the frog will croak in a captive environment.
The truth is that every frog is different. While some will barely croak, others will croak more regularly.
The white tree frog tends to croak at night or early in the morning. They also tend to croak to noise in their environments. A dog barking, the vacuum cleaner, or even the hairdryer can result in a croak or two.
Each croak lasts only a few seconds to a couple of minutes. Even though they are short bursts, it’s not recommended to keep your amphibian pet in the bedroom if you want a good night sleep.
Croaking is as natural to frogs as barking is to dogs, so you should expect some degree of noise from your white tree frog from time to time.
While frogs vary in how vocal they are, they will start to respond to noises around the home. When they become comfortable, you can expect to hear a croak from time to time.