Pacman Frog Bloated

Waking up one morning to find your Pacman frog looking bloated is scary for any amphibian pet owner.

Pacman frogs are favored amphibian pets because of their size. While they tend to be as long as they are wide, there are reasons why your Pacman frog may be looking bloated.

Knowing what to look for and what the cause could be can help you secure fast treatment and put preventative measures in place to ensure the best care for your Pacman frog.

What Does a Bloated Pacman Frog Look Like?

Pacman frogs are large and lazy frogs. Chances are your frog spends most of its time hidden under the substrate waiting patiently for a meal to come past.

Your frog’s body should be as wide as it is long. These frogs can grow between 4 to 7 inches in length and width.

How a bloated Pacman frog looks like

Why Is My Pacman Frog Bloated?

There are many reasons why your Pacman frog is looking bloated. Some are more serious than others.


Pacman frogs are hearty eaters and it’s not uncommon, especially due to their laziness that they can become overweight.

Obesity is a serious problem in these frogs as they will consume just about anything that is in their enclosure and big enough to eat, including other Pacman frogs.

If your frog is a hearty eater and you have been overfeeding, then the food is converted into fat rather than muscle or bone. You will notice your frog is wider than it is long.


Substrate is a serious problem with Pacman frogs and the chances of them accidentally eating their substrate when catching prey is high. Small gravel can be passed, but larger pieces can cause a blockage in the intestinal tract.

Your frog will bloat and you should feel a hard lump in the belly. These frogs can often pass the blockage in a few weeks, but if they continue to show signs of impaction, seek veterinary treatment.


Dropsy is a term used by amphibian owners to refer to a number of symptoms. Pacman frogs with dropsy are lethargic, will regurgitate their food, and have severe bloating in the legs and abdomen.

Your amphibian pet may continue eating with as much passion even though they have this disease. This is usually due to a bacterial infection or as a result of a poor diet.

Red Leg Syndrome

Red leg syndrome is a common infection seen in frogs. It is often identified due to the reddening under the legs and abdomen combined with lethargy, weight loss, and bloating, to name a few.

Red leg syndrome is caused by bacterial pathogens, often found in newly purchased amphibians that were housed in poor quality conditions.

How To Help A Bloated Pacman Frog?


Choose your substrate with care to reduce the risk of impaction should your frog eat some substrate when catching prey. Eco earth and sphagnum moss are the best choices, which are safe and effective.


If your frog’s bloating is due to being obese, then you will want to follow a strict feeding schedule for adults up to five inches.

They should have gut loaded crickets or super worms with nightcrawlers or a pinky mouse, which should be fed every seven to ten days.

Related – Pacman frog food list and feeding guide.

1 thought on “Pacman Frog Bloated”

  1. my Pacman frog has been rejecting food for 2 weeks now, yesterday I put him in a worm bath and he was very skinny, after that I gave him a cricket and he was back in the bath, I left him alone for a couple hours, the plate with water were he was is not deep and he could get out anytime, when I return I find him a lot bigger that when I left, for perspectiveWhen I was looking at him he was skinny and basically did not have any kind of fat on the side, then I return and see that he has doubled in size, gaining space on both sides equally, I left him alone thinking he might need to poop or pee but when I woke up this morning he was widen looking the exact same.

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