A main attraction for bees and other pollinators, common yellow wildflowers are abundant in North America. They live in various habitats from desert scrub to California’s chaparral or from prairies to woodlands.
Multiple species of yellow wildflowers are introduced in North America. They complete the range of native wildflowers with yellow blooms.
Here are some of the most common species you can spot around North America and the world.
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1. Common Dandelion
Widespread distribution and uniform yellow flowers make The Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) one of the most common yellow wildflowers.
Its flower heads are shaped similarly to balls and are seen around different fields in the summer.
Common Dandelion has a widespread distribution across Europe and North America.
Its rapid spread is also attributed to a high seed production rate. More than 100 seeds can be made by a single flower head.
2. Great Mullein
Great Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is a species that blooms small yellow flowers. It represents one of the common invasive species across different fields, especially on disturbed land.
This species of plant is known for its invasive status. It invades disturbed lands as well as crops.
The invasive status of Great Mullein is seen by overcrowding growing habits that inhibit the growth of other plants.
Great Mullein has high multiplication rates with up to 700 seeds produced per flower capsule.
3. California Poppy
A yellow California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica) is a common sight, along with its orange and red variants.
The flowering period of the species varies from spring to summer, according to its region.
As a perennial plant, California Poppy is a species found in California and Mexico, with an invasive status outside of its endemic range.
The Mexican Gold Poppy, one of the subspecies of the plant with vivid yellow coloring is found in areas of The Sonoran Desert.
4. Black-eyed Susan
Large yellow flowers with brown central areas are specific to The Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta).
Found in 4 varieties, this North American plant is specifically known for its popularity across Maryland and Mississippi.
Growing to a height of up to 18 inches, Black-eyed Susan is an old species known to Native Americans.
It is also a cultivated species despite being toxic to small animals.
5. Lesser Celandine
Distinct yellow petals are arranged around a yellow central section on the Lesser Celandine flowers (Ficaria verna).
These flowers appear in early spring and can be visible through the summer.
Lesser Celandine is an introduced species in North America where it shows an invasive growth pattern.
Apart from invading its new territories, Lesser Celandine is wildflowers that are toxic to animals. These wildflowers are toxic to horses and cattle.
Its toxic profile has put the Lesser Celandine among the noxious weeds of many US regions.
6. Yellow Trout Lily
The flower of the Yellow Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum) is completely yellow. Comprised of 6 large petals, this flower grows to an average diameter between 20 and 30mm.
Small differences exist between the 2 Yellow Trout Lily subspecies of North America. Both have yellow flowers, on the other hand.
These wildflowers grow in colonies from Georgia to the Northern parts of Canada. These colonies may be hundreds of years old.
7. Bird’s-foot Trefoil
Most blooming Bird’s-foot Trefoils (Lotus corniculatus) have yellow flowers. These wildflowers may also come with orange flowers.
Bird’s-foot Trefoil is among the wildflowers introduced to North America that have turned out invasive.
These plants have been introduced to control soil erosion, especially in areas where this can have a major impact, such as along roads.
Bird’s-foot Trefoil spreads quickly and smothers local plants creating large colonies along roads.
8. Partridge Pea
Partridge Peas (Chamaecrista fasciculata) have bright yellow colors. These wildflowers may also be referred to as Sensitive Pea gave they lose their leaves when touched.
Partridge Pea is an important food source for deer, but especially for caterpillars of butterflies as well as for bees.
Clusters of small yellow flowers attract these species to one of the most common host plants for North American caterpillars.
9. Common Sunflower
Common Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus) are some of the largest yellow wildflowers in the world.
Tall with a single flower per plant, these wildflowers are introduced in North America where they grow on crops.
The seeds of the species can be eaten, cooked, or pressed into oil.
Sunflowers grow to a height of up to 10 feet. Even taller sunflowers have been recorded as exceptions.
10. Prickly Sowthistle
Part of the asters family, the Prickly Sowthistle (Sonchus asper) has yellow flowers that resemble the globular flowers of The Common Dandelion.
These wildflowers even have a similar milk sap seen in Common Dandelions.
Pastures, disturbed lands, and ditches are among the typical areas where these species grow.
Its yellow flowers are edible and may provide low nutritional value to wild animals.
Prickly Sowthistle is a species that can become invasive outside of its endemic range where it spreads quickly around roads.
11. Upright Prairie Coneflower
Yellow flowers are often seen on The Upright Prairies Coneflower (Ratibida columnifera).
Multiple types of flowers are specific to this species. Apart from yellow flowers, brown, and brown plus yellow flowers also bloom on this species.
These flowers are always found at the top of the plant, above its long green petals.
Upright Prairies Coneflowers are named after their prairie habitats. They can invade prairies and be highly abundant in their areas at high elevations, preferably in full sun.
12. Prickly Lettuce
Pale yellow flowers are specific to Prickly Lettuce (Lactuca serriola). This species blooms from mid-summer to September and it can be found across temperate climates around the world.
Growing in an erect pattern, Prickly Lettuce is a tall plant covered in long and wide green leaves.
Both its flowers and its leaves are edible. They have been eaten both raw and cooked throughout history.
Native to Europe and Africa, this species has been introduced without an invasive status in many other parts of the world.
13. Common St. John’s-Wort
One of the typical North American invasive weeds is The Common St. John’s-Wort (Hypericum perforatum).
This is a species that blooms multiple small yellow flowers with high toxicity. These plants are toxic both to livestock and to humans.
Growing as an invasive species, Common St. John’s-Wort is a species that causes different reactions in livestock. It can lead to restless animals as well as to various other reactions similar to allergic reactions.
This type of wildflower is found in soils with moderate humidity, potentially prairies, and nearby pastures.
14. Tall Goldenrod
Long yellow flowerheads are specific to Tall Goldenrods (Solidago altissima). This species is found throughout The US and Canada.
Named after its tall profile, this wildflower reaches a maximum height between 4 and 6 feet.
Often used in gardens as creeping wildflowers, Tall Goldenrod has a widespread presence and even a state flower status in some regions of The United States.
The tall Goldenrod is the state flower in Nebraska.
15. Black Medick
Black Medick (Medicago lupulina) is found across North America, but in reduced distribution compared to its South American and European presence.
This is a type of wildflower with multiple small yellow flowers which grow to 3mm in diameter.
Black Medick is among the species that grow in all types of soils, particularly on prairies.
Its role in the ecosystem is important to pollinators. Honey-making bees are known to visit its yellow flowers.
16. Wingstem
This type of wildflower is part of the Aster family. Wingstem (Verbesina alternifolia) is also known as The Yellow Ironweed due to its multiple small yellow flowers.
The plant has an important role in the ecosystem of moths, being the host of various species. Some of the caterpillars feeding on it include the Gold Moths and Gracillariid Moth Caterpillars.
The wildflower grows tall, with a maximum height of 8 feet. Each stem ends holds several yellow wildflowers.
Up to 10 yellow wildflowers grow in small clusters.
This species easily spreads through seed pods. These dry seed pods fall on the ground for multiplication.
They can also be carried by birds or by the wind for rapid expansion.
17. Straggler Daisy
One of the species with the smallest yellow flowers that can also be grown in gardens is Straggler Daisy (Calyptocarpus vialis).
This species has uniform yellow flowers and can grow in areas with sufficient moisture.
As a weed, this wildflower needs to be properly managed. It may be best grown in containers to avoid rapid spread and the smothering of other plants in the garden.
One of the benefits of planting it in the garden includes a very long bloom season from spring to late summer.
18. Common Toadflax
Yellow and orange colors are specific to the flowers of Common Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris).
This type of wildflower is cultivated for the flower industry but it also has an important role in the ecosystem.
It serves as a host species for caterpillars and as food for bees, moths, and butterflies.
Bumblebees are among the species frequently visiting these flowers. Reaching a height of up to 35 inches, Common Toadflax is an introduced species in North America.
19. Deerweed
Deerweed (Acmispon glaber) is also an important yellow wildflower to the ecosystem.
This is a species known for its numerous small yellow flowers and its high California presence from San Diego to San Francisco.
Reaching a height of up to 3 feet, Deerweed is among the typical species with a very fast growth rate.
Cultivated in gardens, Deerweed has the benefit of adapting to low-moisture soils.
It also attracts bright butterflies such as Orange Sulphurs into gardens.
20. Bermuda Buttercup
Bermuda Buttercup (Oxalis pes-caprae) is of African origin. This species is now established in North America, in the Western parts of the continent.
Its multiple yellow wildflowers have been the reason behind its introduction outside of its native range.
Bermuda Buttercup is a species that shows invasive growing habits.
It establishes itself across different types of habitats and it spreads by bulbs.
The plant also shows a negative impact on livestock due to its toxic profile.
21. Rubber Rabbitbrush
Rubber Rabbitbrush (Ericameria nauseosa) is a species native to Eastern parts of the US and of Canada. Most Eastern starts plus those in the South up to Texas are part of its range.
This species grows in low moisture terrains and it blooms clusters of tiny yellow flowers.
Growing at high altitudes, Rubber Rabbitbrush likes arid terrains. It cannot survive in moist controlled terrains in gardens.
This species can be both scarce and abundant within its range. It can grow seldom in small bushes or it can overcrowd an area covering pastures and desert landscapes.
Its wildflowers have often been used to make a type of tea.
22. Golden Ragwort
Golden Ragwort (Packera aurea) may or may not be a type of weed across its Eastern US habitats.
The plant is known for its multiple yellow flowers that resemble small sunflowers.
It can have a weed-like growing pattern, establishing itself along roads and on crops. Removing the plant is difficult given its high spread rate.
Natural biocontrol agents are sometimes used against The Golden Ragwort.
Species such as various moths are introduced in areas where this wildflower grows.
Present along woodlands, this species is known for having large ground-level leaves often eaten by the caterpillars of various moths.
23. Yellow Salsify
A Western distribution across North America is seen for The Yellow Salsify (Tragopogon dubius). This is a common plant on meadows where its all-yellow flowers can cover entire areas in high numbers.
Its flowers are in bloom from early spring to late summer.
The species has a different growing rate according to its region. At best, it can reach a height between 20 and 30 inches.
Also present in Canada, Yellow Salsify is also among the species that may appear darker yellow in its Northern areas.
Most parts of the plant can be eaten. Its leaves are cooked while its flowers can be eaten uncooked.
24. Yellow Sweetclover
Small yellow flowers grow on the tip of Yellow Sweetclover (Melilotus officinalis) stems.
This species feeds bees, butterflies, and moths. However, it is also highly toxic.
Mold formation on Yellow Sweetclover triggers the appearance of toxins which can lead to internal bleeding in cattle.
Even more, Yellow Sweetclover is a type of invasive plant. It grows deep and wide roots which are difficult to excavate on large areas.
In gardens, this type of wildflower can be hand pulled or killed with multiple uses of anti-weed chemicals.
Left unmanaged, the wildflower grows tall, stopping direct sunlight from reaching shorter plants. It can even reach a height of up to 6 inches.
25. Fennel
Found across the world, Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) is one of the oldest species with multiple uses in cooking and the making of various drinks.
This species has small yellow flowers with feather-like green leaves.
It grows across Europe and North America for thousands of years. Its history is long and it includes various uses from cooking to repelling insects.
Its aromatic seeds used to be a solution against various biting insects such as mosquitoes.
Known for its clusters of tiny yellow leaves, Fennel can be an annual or a biennial plant.
Fennel is one of the most cultivated species with a highly aromatic profile that resembles star anise.
26. Seep Monkeyflower
A small wildflower, Seep Monkeyflower (Erythranthe guttata) is found around banks in North America.
With a preference for high moisture, the species grows to a few inches with radiant yellow flowers.
The yellow flower of the species is known for its opposing golden-yellow leaves which form a circular area with a yellow central section.
Known for its edible leaves and flowers, Seep Monkeyflower can be eaten raw or cooked.
Some of the typical uses of this wildflower include salads.
This type of use is only specific to its areas of high abundance, such as along The Pacific Coast.
27. Butterweed
Butterweed (Packera glabella) is a type of native North American weed. It grows in Central US states where it is known for its high toxicity to humans.
Small yellow flowers grow in small groups on this species.
Butterweed further stands out with its preference for high-moisture habitats.
While it doesn’t always grow next to the water, this wildflower prefers clay soils and marshes for quick spread.
The species may also be found at higher elevations along some of the prairies with moderate to high soil humidity.
28. Slender Yellow Woodsorrel
Slender Yellow Woodsorrel (Oxalis dillenii) is among the atypical species of the woodsorrel family. It has an erect growing pattern and small yellow or yellow-golden colors.
Tiny flowers that grow to a maximum diameter of 0.8 inches are specific to this species.
A type of weed, Slender Yellow Woodsorrel may reach a maximum height between 10 and 15 inches.
The species can grow in both moist and well-drained soils, particularly close to woodlands.
29. California Brittlebush
California Brittlebush (Encelia californica) is among the typical species found along the West Coast of California, between Santa Maria and San Diego.
The species grows similarly to a bush, with a width and height of up to several feet.
A maximum height of up to 5 feet is specific to California Brittlebush.
Multiple large yellow flowers are seen on this bush.
Known for their high fragrance, these flowers attract many species either exclusive to California or also found in California.
Fatal Metalmark and White-lined Sphinx are seen on the wildflower from spring to summer.
30. Colt’s-Foot
Similar to Common Dandelion, Colt’s-Foot (Tussilago farfara) is among the species with large round yellow flowers.
A short species, Colt’s-Foot grows to a height between 3 and 11 inches.
This plant has multiple uses for the ecosystem, including humans. It can be used to make herbal tea with health benefits.
Colt’s-Foot is also a host species for some of the largest caterpillars of North America.
The plant should not be consumed uncooked as it has been linked to a possible toxic profile according to the latest research.
The adverse effects of the plant have even led to a banned status across multiple countries.
31. Cutleaf Coneflower
Cutleaf Coneflower (Rudbeckia laciniata) is among the species known for its bright yellow flowers. Its flowerheads have yellow coloring with orange and brown central areas.
This species has an erect growing pattern, moving up to several feet as it grows.
Some of the tallest Cutleaf Coneflowers even reach a height of up to 10 feet.
Multiple hybrids of this species exist for cultivation, mainly for cut flowers.
The species is not ideal on farms and in backyards with animals as it has a toxic profile. Its toxicity is particularly dangerous to pigs, cattle, and horses.
The Great Plains mark one of its most common North American distribution areas.
32. Golden Yarrow
Golden Yarrow (Eriophyllum confertiflorum) is present in North America. This common wildflower grows in full sun in open areas.
Some of the open areas along The West Coast mark areas of high density for this wildflower.
Known for its small yellow flowers, Golden Yarrow comes in at least 3 varieties across California.
All of these show a preference for a small area in the state.
Blooming in clusters of small yellow flowers, Golden Yarrow can also be found in Baja California.
The growth habits of the species vary but the wildflower rarely grows to 20 inches.
33. Marsh Marigold
5 large yellow petals are arranged around a yellow central section on the Marsh Marigold flower (Caltha palustris).
This wildflower may also come in other variants such as in white or pink colors.
As its name implies, the wildflower is a common sight across some marshes. It can quickly become invasive in marshes where it outcompetes local vegetation and wildflower.
A poisonous species to humans, this wildflower can cause convulsions if eaten in large amounts.
Nonetheless, it also has a good role in the ecosystem as a food source for bees.
Its yellow wildflowers are rich in pollen and nectar.
34. Downy Yellow Violet
Moist-to-dry woodlands are the natural habitat of Downy Yellow Violets (Viola pubescens) in North America.
This species of violets is known for its small yellow flowers comprised of 4-5 yellow petals.
They are adapted to some of the drier areas in woodlands and they can grow and spread quickly across the forest floor.
This species is in bloom 2 times during the spring and summer months.
Yellow blooming flowers in these seasons are different. The first series of flowers requires pollination while the second series appearing later in the season is self-pollinating.
35. Greater Celandine
Greater Celandine (Chelidonium majus) is one of the most aggressive invasive species in North America with yellow flowers.
It features small yellow flowers with 4 petals and a rapid spread together with a highly toxic profile.
This is a species that can be dangerous to humans when eaten in large amounts.
Its spread throughout North America is aggressive and has even triggered its forbidden status in multiple regions.
Some positive use is also attributed to this species. Its extracts are used in anti-viral medication.
36. Western Wallflower
Western Wallflower (Erysimum capitatum) is a common species in Western North America where it grows at high elevations.
It can be found in woodlands, prairies, and even along coniferous regions.
Its flowers can be yellow or orange and they tend to grow in small groups at the top of its stems.
Found at elevations of up to 11.000 feet, Western Wallflower is an attractive species to pollinators.
Bees and flies pollinate the species but ants are also frequently found on its flowers.
Multiple varieties of this species exist along The Rocky Mountains. Once highly common in California, the species is now endangered throughout the state.
37. Creeping Buttercup
The Creeping Buttercup (Ranunculus repens) has bright yellow flowers with 5 petals and bright central yellow sections.
Found on crops, Creeping Buttercup is invasive in most of its areas. This species can spread quickly on disturbed land as well.
Marshes, flooded areas, and crops with sufficient irrigation are among the areas the species can be highly invasive in.
This species should not be fed to animals due to its poisonous status. Most animals won’t even eat it due to its unpleasant taste.
Removing the species manually might not be as successful as hoped for due to its very deep roots. Mechanical removal is recommended where possible.
38. Creeping Woodsorrel
Large yellow flowers with 5 petals are characteristics of Creeping Woodsorrel (Oxalis corniculata).
This is one of the invasive species of North America which frequently appears on lawns.
Creeping Woodsorrel is among the specific types of plants found on crops.
This species is also known for its high nutritional value and may often be used in drinks.
Various types of Creeping Woodsorrel are found in North America.
39. Pale Jewelweed
A yellow flower is specific to Pale Jewelweed (Impatiens pallida), a tall wildflower.
This species grows to a height of at least 6 feet and it blooms one or multiple yellow flowers.
Rich in pollen and nectar, Pale Jewelweed is among the typical species visited by pollinators.
The green parts of the species are edible or they can be added to refreshing drinks.
Streams and flooded areas are among its common habitats along The East Coast. This species is found in the Eastern parts of the US up to Canada.
40. Common Wrinkle-leaved Goldenrod
A type of perennial, Common Wrinkle-leaved Goldenrod (Solidago rugosa) is also found in Eastern US states. Unlike Pale Jewelweed, it also has a considerable presence in the Central United States.
This is a species known for its multiple tiny yellow flowers. Hundreds of small yellow flowers can grow on a single plant.
6 varieties and a cultivar are noted for this species. Found across pastures, it can also grow in parks and gardens.
Diminishing natural habitats are among the main reasons for its lowering numbers in some US states.
41. Canada Goldenrod
Canada Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis) is one of the important yellow wildflowers of North America. It grows quickly in disturbed areas, often being among the first plants to grow on dry land affected by the fire.
Pollen and nectar are specific to its tens and hundreds of yellow flowers.
Different types of pollinators visit its flowers. Bees and flies are among the typical species found on their flowers in the summer.
The species shows normal growth patterns in North America and a highly invasive pattern outside North America.
Canada Goldenrod is specifically known to displace local wildflowers in Asia.
42. False Sunflower
False Sunflower (Heliopsis helianthoides) is often found along roads as well as in gardens in its multiple cultivars.
This is a species that resembles Common Sunflower. However, its fertile flowers are mostly golden-yellow.
A species that is tall but not as tall as Common Sunflower, False Sunflower may sometimes reach a height of over 50 inches.
This species is present in all areas of North America, except the further Northern parts and The Western parts of the continent.
Southern US states also mark their Southern distribution border.
Part of a wide family of asters, the False Sunflower is an attractive flower for bees and wasps.
43. Common Cat’s-Ear
Common Cat’s-Ear wildflowers (Hypochaeris radicata) number tens of small yellow flowers.
This species can become highly invasive in gardens, lawns, parks, farms, crops, and meadows.
Its low-ground leaves often escape mowing. Manually pulling these wildflowers allows quick elimination.
However, pulling them out doesn’t mean these wildflowers don’t quickly resurface.
They are spread out by seeds and wind. A single wildflower can spread as many as 5.000 seeds.
Some factors favor the presence of the species in gardens but none of them are as important as high soil moisture and frequent watering.
Herbicide is used against Common Cat’s-Ear spread out over large areas, particularly on crops and farms.
44. Shortpod Mustard
A typical wildflower in North America and Europe, Shortpod Mustard (Hirschfeldia incana) is a type of wild mustard with hundreds of tiny yellow flowers.
This species is adapted to high-elevation habitats such as prairies.
Smaller than other wild mustards, Shortpod Mustard is native to Southern Europe. Its spread is quick around high-elevation terrains in North America.
An invasive species, Shortpod Mustard can multiply itself to the point that it outgrows local vegetation on prairies and abandoned land.
45. Bluestem Goldenrod
A typical species in the height range of over 1 foot, Bluestem Goldenrod (Solidago caesia) is seen along different terrains and in North American gardens.
This species is known for its multiple tiny yellow flowers and a maximum height of 3 feet.
In gardens and containers, the species can be adapted to moist soils.
While its flowers aren’t fragrant, they are used to decorate small spaces. Their tiny flowers are in bloom through the summer while the plant mainly remains green until late fall.
46. Common Fiddleneck
A dark yellow nuance is specific to the flowers of Common Fiddleneck (Amsinckia menziesii).
This is a species that may also be spotted in orange color on occasion.
Its presence is specific to regions of Oceania, including Australia and New Zealand.
Known for its hairy stems and leaves, Common Fiddleneck is also found around North America, specifically West of The Rocky Mountains.
Adaptable to various climates along The West Coast, Common Fiddleneck is also one of the yellow wildflowers of Alaska.
The species is also adapted to the warmer climates of Western Mexico.
Both varieties of Common Fiddleneck are found along Western North America.
47. Tansy
Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is one of the multiple yellow wildflowers of Europe, Asia, and North America with a long history and high popularity.
This species can grow to a height of more than 50 inches and it is identifiable by its button-shaped yellow flowers at the top of the plant which grows in clusters.
A golden-yellow color is mostly specific to its flowers which grow in full sun.
Multiple uses are attributed to the species which remains fragrant even when dry.
This species has been used in foods. Its flowers have been added to traditional drinks and dishes.
Still, these flowers may be toxic when eaten frequently in high amounts.
While toxic to a wide number of pollinators, some insects resist their toxins and even feed on Tansy.
The metallic green and yellow Tansy Beetle only feeds on Tansy.
48. Bitterweed
Southern and Southeastern states such as Louisiana are home to Bitterweed (Helenium amarum).
As its name suggests, this is a type of weed with a highly toxic profile. Identified by its multiple small yellow flowers, this species is seen on prairies, next to the water, but also along roads.
Its high presence along roads is mostly attributed to its seed spread through mowing.
The wildflower may grow to 2 feet but it rarely reaches this height along public roads which are properly maintained as it’s mowed with tall grass.
On pastures, this weed can grow without any restrictions as they don’t get mowed. Wildlife shows little interest in the weed due to its bad taste which means it can quickly overgrow these areas.
49. Yellow Iris
Some of the largest yellow flowers on North American wildflowers are seen in Yellow Iris (Iris pseudacorus).
This type of plant has yellow flowers that reach a diameter of almost 4 inches.
The plant itself is also tall, reaching a height of up to 40 inches.
Yellow Iris is an important source of nectar for bees and insects. In Europe, this species is ranked highly for nectar production with a widespread distribution from the Northern to the Southern parts of the continent.
Thriving in temperate climates, Yellow Iris requires above-average soil moisture levels.
A type of invasive wildflower in water, Yellow Iris is among the species which can outgrow an area, crowding out all other native aquatic plants.
Its invasive status has been confirmed in almost half of the states of The US, including Washington.
50. Camphorweed
A type of weed of the Southeastern US territories, Camphorweed (Heterotheca subaxillaris) has invaded most of Florida.
Its tens to hundreds of yellow flowers are seen throughout the spring and into the summer along the Southeast.
In Florida, Camphorweed can bloom again in the fall or even keep on blooming throughout the year in the Southern regions of the state.
This species is generally short, but some of the tallest Camphorweeds in Florida can reach a height of 3 feet.
It can be found on dunes, beaches, and other overly-dry soils of the state.
Full sun exposure is preferred by the weed.
51. Oriental False Hawksbeard
Part of the asters family of wildflowers, the Oriental False Hawksbeard (Youngia japonica) is an invasive type of yellow wildflower.
Its yellow flowers are small. Most of them never reach a diameter of 0.5 inches.
Depending on their region, these flowers are in bloom in the spring, in the spring and summer months, or even throughout the year.
Oriental False Hawksbeard is an invasive species that quickly spreads by seed.
Cutting its flowers before they dry is one of the management methods to consider when cultivating it in the garden.
Most modern herbicides can also kill the plant in the areas it tends to overgrow.
A common sight in woodlands that have trees with falling leaves, this species spreads quickly outside of the garden and managed areas.
52. Lance-leaved Coreopsis
Lance-leaves Coreopsis (Coreopsis lanceolata) is a perennial plant with all-yellow flowers. Its flowers grow to a diameter of up to 2 inches.
The wildflower may reach a height of up to 2 feet and it is known for having most of its leaves closer to the base of the plant rather than to the tip of its stems.
Its deeply cut leaves can reach a length of up to 3 inches but they don’t obstruct the flowers as they are rarely seen closer to the flower.
The leaves of the species are typically opposed to each other, around the stems.
53. Upright Yellow Woodsorrel
Upright Yellow Woodsorrel (Oxalis stricta) is found in various regions of North America. It is known under different names as a result.
Also referred to as Sheep Weed, Upright Yellow Woodsorrel is among the species that grows as a garden weed.
Its features a few small yellow flowers with 5 petals arranged around a green central section.
Moist soils in gardens are among their ideal habitats for an aggressive spread. The weeds can easily be spotted in the garden as they bloom throughout the summer into the fall.
The wildflower may have other uses. It can be turned into a refreshing summertime drink.
54. Common Cinquefoil
A large North American range is specific to The Common Cinquefoil (Potentilla simplex). This species lives in an area between Canada and Southern US.
A typical wildflower along woodlands, Common Cinquefoil also has small yellow flowers with 5 petals and a yellow central section.
This species multiplies by the sea in the spring and it also blooms early in the season, up until June.
Its stems and flowers are edible and they can be added to different foods. Pollen of its yellow flowers attracts wildlife such as carpenter bees and other types of bees.
55. Grey-headed Coneflower
A gray central area and yellow petals are specific to the flower Grey-headed Coneflower (Ratibida pinnata). This is a North American native wildflower.
This species is one of the taller perennials with yellow flowers on the continent.
It reaches a height of up to 5 feet and it never grows less than 3 feet.
The wildflower may grow on different terrains, including on prairies. It prefers full sun and it can grow in high densities offering a different appearance as its petal drop.
56. Engelmann Daisy
Growing similarly to a rosette, the flowers of Engelmann Daisies (Engelmannia peristenia) have bright yellow petals.
This wildflower is only found on prairies and high-elevation terrains. It has been adapted to gardens where it is seen as a border plant.
The maximum height of the species sits at the 12-inch mark. This type of wildflower can reach this height even in less-than-ideal soils.
Engelmann Daisies start to multiply in the fall. Multiplying by seeds, this species is also a common food for wildlife.
This might make it an endangered species on some prairies and meadows.
57. Cup Plant
Large yellow flowers are specific to Cup Plants (Silphium perfoliatum). Up to 30 yellow rays comprise the yellow Cup Plant flower.
2 varieties of Cup Plants exist in North America and temperate climates around the world.
These plants can be invasive outside North America and difficult to remove given their widespread roots.
Cup Plants are among the species that can have industrial use.
These wildflowers are grown without pesticides are they don’t have many pests. They can also be used to stabilize soils or as animal fodder.
58. Telegraphweed
A common sight in California, Telegraphweed (Heterotheca grandiflora) is a species with yellow flowers resembling The Common Sunflower.
This species has inner and outer seeds. The seeds on the outer flower are more likely to spread quickly.
Seen From Mexico to San Diego and further to Sacramento, Telgraphweed is one of the yellow wildflowers that bloom throughout the year.
This species attracts pollinators and various caterpillar species.
With an erect growing pattern, Telgraphweed may reach a height between 2 and 3 feet.
59. Largeflower Bellwort
This species (Uvularia grandiflora) is named after its large flowers. Its long petals are heavy and point outwards, eventually dropping before drying out.
Its yellow flowers are bell-shaped and add to the height of the species which may grow to a maximum of 30-35 inches.
Its seeds are distributed by ants and its flowers are visited by bumblebees and other bees.
Marshes, woodlands, and other moist soils provide an ideal habitat for the species.
60. Northern Seaside Goldenrod
Long flowerheads are specific to The Northern Seaside Goldenrod (Solidago sempervirens).
This is one of the tallest species of yellow wildflowers in North America, with an expected height of up to 6 feet.
Northern Seaside Goldenrod is also a salt-marsh species attracting various types of butterflies.
This type of goldenrod is different from those in Southern North America. It spreads and becomes a hybrid of other goldenrods.
61. Shrubby Cinquefoil
Shrubby Cinquefoil (Dasiphora fruticosa) blooms multiply yellow flowers and grow similarly to a shrub.
It grows to a maximum height of 6 feet, Shrubby Cinquefoil is among the wildflowers which can be adapted to gardens.
The species likes full sun but it can also grow in crowded shaded areas.
Known for its tiny green leaves, Shrubby Cinquefoil has a rare appearance and it also benefits from having no considerable pest.
62. Velvetleaf
Velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti) stands out as a tall wildflower with small flowers. It reaches a height of up to 8 feet and has yellow flowers of up to a maximum of 1 inch.
Velvetleaf is one of the tallest invasive species in North America. This is a species with an introduced status but it tends to invade many crops such as soy crops.
This wildflower doesn’t show an invasive status elsewhere. It is even cultivated in parts of Asia where its leaves are eaten.
63. California Buttercup
California Buttercup (Ranunculus californicus) grows in the state’s chaparral. Its flowers are entirely yellow, comprised of overlapping petals.
The plant may reach a height of up to 2 feet and it blooms small flowers with a diameter of up to 1 inch.
Known as an ornamental plant without the risk of aggressive spreading, the wildflower can also be grown in gardens.
64. Fringed Loosestrife
Native to the Northern parts of North America, Fringed Loosestrife (Lysimachia ciliata) has large yellow flowers comprised of 5 petals.
The species has distinct nutritional value to bees. It produces plant oil and this attracts bees that aren’t necessarily interested in plant nectar.
Oligolectic ground-nesting bees feed on it. Macropis nuda is one of the oligolectic bees that only eats the oil of Fringed Loosestrife and which depends on the wildflower for survival.