54 Common Wildflowers in Florida (Pictures & Identification)

Florida is one of the states with warm weather that supports various wildlife. Some of the common wildflowers of the state are only found in Florida.

Many species grow along its coastal areas with a high number of wildflowers identified along marshes and ponds.

Flowers that resist mild salinity are also found around the state.

The following species are just some of the typical native and introduced wildflowers in Florida.

1. White Beggarticks

This type of wildflower (Bidens alba) is specific to the Southeastern United States, including Florida.

It has a weed status across multiple habitats, despite being partially edible.

White Beggarticks

Rich in nectar and a food source for Florida bees.

Preferring tropical climates, the species is seen across Southern Florida and in the Northern parts of the state in lesser numbers.

Loose soil across the state even with reduced moisture is suitable for the species.

2. Largeflower Mexican Clover

Largeflower Mexican Clover

Florida is the only US state where this wildflower (Richardia grandiflora) is found in. The species is among the most common flowers with a rapid spread Northwards.

A short plant, this species may survive mowing attempts across various habitats.

White and purple to pink flowers are the most specific to the species.

An invasive species by nature, this wildflower spreads rapidly.

Its presence in parks and gardens is growing as well. It survives different types of commercial-grade pesticides.

Native to Mexico, the Largeflower Mexican Clover is believed to be one of the fastest-growing invasive species in the state.

3. Pickerelweed


Pickerelweed (Pontederia cordata) is among the species known for its presence along ponds and lakes.

Highly present in Florida’s Everglades, this species is seen in late August in full bloom.

Its elongated flowers have a purple nuance, similar to lavender.

Florida represents the ideal habitat for the species as it prefers moist soils with plenty of water level variation.

Present in wetlands, this species may sometimes suffer from too much water or water with high salinity.

Many ponds in gardens in the state are decorated with this species

4. Caesar Weed

Caesar Weed

Tiny hairs along the stems and leaves are specific to Caesar Weed (Urena lobata). This species has pink or pink-violet flowers, attracting all types of local insects.

Caesar Weed is an invasive annual in Florida. It invades crops, farms, gardens, and disturbed soils.

Rapid spread is one of the reasons the species is considered a weed.

Furthermore, Caesar Weed is one of the species which also grows rapidly. It may reach a height of more than 6 feet within year one.

Herbicides are other mechanical control measures are required to stop Caesar Weed from growing on crops.

The origin of the species is unknown, but it has a global tropical widespread distribution.

5. Cucumberleaf Sunflower

Cucumberleaf Sunflower

The coastal areas of Florida are the specific habitat for the Cucumberleaf Sunflower (Helianthus debilis).

A medium to high tolerance of salinity is specific to this species, as a result of its adaptability.

Highly similar to classic sunflowers, this species has yellow petals and it grows to a size of up to a few feet.

This species is seen across various gardens.

It prefers sandy soils where it needs little watering.

Cucumberleaf Sunflower also has a positive role in coastal areas where it spreads rapidly. It may prevent excessive soil erosion specific to coastal areas.

6. Spurge Nettle

Spurge Nettle

This type of wildflower (Cnidoscolus stimulosus) has narrow short leaves and small white flowers with 5 petals.

It lives across multiple habitats in Florida, such as woodlands, sandy areas, and coastal areas.

Oak woodlands are among the common habitats of the species which can also live in low-moisture soils such as sand dunes.

This wildflower may look great in gardens but it’s not a typical first choice among white flowers due to its stinging hairs which may cause urticaria.

Serious reactions to its stinging hairs have been recorded in the state.

7. Shrubby False Buttonweed

Shrubby False Buttonweed

Wet and dry soils across the state see a rapid spread of the Shrubby False Buttonweed (Spermacoce verticillata).

This is a species that has a weed status across Florida.

It spreads quickly across crops and all other types of disturbed soils such as those in gardens.

Shrubby False Buttonweed is a plant also rich in nectar.

Various bees and wasps feed on its nectar. Beneficial wasps that eat invasive bugs such as the introduced Larra bicolor (Florida biological control wasps that feed on crickets) feed on its nectar.

8. Trailing Daisy

Trailing Daisy

Trailing Daisies (Sphagneticola trilobata) can grow to a height between 10 and 20 inches. They have an invasive profile in Florida, with quick spread by roots and stems and not by seeds.

This is a plant that has a golden-yellow flower and which may spread in gardens or elsewhere.

Even a Trailing Daisy you discard in the garden may multiply as a weed.

Trailing Daisies quickly cover the ground they spread on. They reduce available moisture and light to local plants.

Disturbed land such as crops are areas where this species is particularly problematic.

Trailing Daisies may also cover large areas around Florida swamps.

9. Turkey Tangle Frogfruit

Turkey Tangle Frogfruit

Small yellow, white, and pink flowers make the Turkey Tangle Frogfruit (Phyla nodiflora) one of the common species in Florida also seen in gardens as a decorative plant.

Type of weed, Turkey Tangle Frogfruit is also a weed, so it carries a quick spread risk.

Florida lawns are among the most invaded spaces by the species, together with different types of disturbed soils.

Growing as ground cover, Turkey Tangle Frogfruit can overgrow gardens if left unmanaged. Hand pulling is sufficient for controlling its weed-specific spread.

10. Buttonbush


Buttonbush (Cephalanthus occidentalis) is one of the largest types of wildflowers in Florida. It grows to an average size between 3 and 9 feet.

Its large size sometimes recommends it for natural hedges.

Sometimes known as The Common Buttonbush, this plant prefers moist soils and plenty of watering. In Florida, it grows along swamps and next to water sources.

A common sight across riparian areas of the state, this species is further known for its globular flowers which also serve as food for birds and other species.

This large species may also be planted for erosion control in disturbed areas.

11. Southern Magnolia

Southern Magnolia

Water oak and live oak areas in the upper state are among the habitats where Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) grows in Florida.

This is a species that can be found in coastal dunes but it doesn’t live in areas that may be flooded.

Southern Magnolia can grow as a shrub, or as a tree, depending on its location.

Its large white flowers further recommend it as a species along ponds.

As a tree in coastal plains, Southern Magnolias can grow to tens of feet. They can even survive as trees for more than a century.

12. Fourpetal St. Johnswort

Fourpetal St. Johnswort

This type of flower (Hypericum tetrapetalum) with small petals also has a small flower of yellow color.

Its flowers measure around 1 inch in diameter.

Only growing to a height of up to a few inches, Fourpetal St. Jonhnswort is a plant that is generally under 10 inches in height.

Only some of the tallest plants of the species grow 20 to 30 inches.

This species is characteristic but not exclusive to Northern Florida as it also grows in Georgia and Alabama.

A growing Central American presence is also specific to this plant.

13. Madagascar Periwinkle

Madagascar Periwinkle

As its name implies, this species (Catharanthus roseus) is native to Madagascar but it has been introduced in Florida both for decoration and its medicinal uses.

It comes with flowers of various colors. Madagascar Periwinkle flowers can be white or dark pink.

Some of its less common flower colors include bright pink and orange.

Growing as a shrub, the plant also features quick expansion.

While used in traditional medicine, Madagascar Periwinkle should not be consumed raw by humans or animals.

Its toxins may lead to stomach upset or diarrhea.

14. Partridge Pea

Partridge Pea

Rich in pollen, Partridge Pea (Chamaecrista fasciculata) is one of the most visited species of yellow flowers in Florida.

This plant shows the capacity to quickly cover an area and it is seen as food for various species.

Small and large birds feed on its flower. Ants, moths, butterflies, and other insects also feed on Partridge Peas.

Florida bees are also known to frequently visit the species.

Butterflies specifically seek out these common plants to lay eggs on which later turn into caterpillars that feed on their leaves.

15. Peruvian Primrose-Willow

Peruvian Primrose-Willow

As an invasive species, The Peruvian Primose-Willow (Ludwigia peruviana) is one of the multiple species in the state that live next to water.

It extends into water from the shore, where it can block canals and communication paths for boats.

The presence of this plant in an area also poses risks to native species.

It outcompetes other types of native plants of Florida that live close to water.

Native to South America, The Peruvian Primose-Willow was first introduced to North America for decorative purposes.

Its yellow flowers have also been the primary reason for purposeful introduction around the world.,

16. Leavenworth’s Tickseed

Leavenworth’s Tickseed

Part of the common group of asters in Florida, Leavenworth’s Tickseed (Coreopsis leavenworthii) is one of the species present in high numbers in the state.

It prefers full sun and it can often be spotted along roads and highways of the state.

Its yellow flowers make it an attraction for local insects.

The height of the species is dictated by elements such as light and soil moisture. Modern soil moisture may help this species reach its maximum 3-feet height.

This species spreads its seeds with the wind.

17. Whitetop Sedge

Whitetop Sedge

This species of sedge (Rhynchospora colorata) grows to a height of up to 10 inches.

White flowers with 5 petals are species for the species

Whitetop Sedges grow long upward green leaves. Its leaves are attached to the bottom of the stem.

A native species in Florida, it can be grown in gardens as a native alternative to other similar plants such as those in the narcissus family.

18. Lyreleaf Sage

Lyreleaf Sage

Most locals know Lyreleaf Sages (Salvia lyrata) by their lawn invasive behavior.

These types of flowers are a typical sight in the state, under different colors. Blue and lavender flowers are specific to the Lyreleaf Sage.

This is a species that rarely reaches a height of 10 inches and which grows multiple flowers on a single stem.

Unlike many other plants in Florida, the Lyreleaf Sage can live both in direct sunlight and in partial shade.

19. American Black Elderberry

American Black Elderberry

Wet and dry soils across the state are the home to the American Black Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis).

This plant has multiple uses in jams and drinks. Its flowers are edible and are often used in making drinks.

Its fruits are also edible, but only when ripe. Unripe fruit and the stems or leaves of the American Black Elderberry are poisonous.

This is a plant that grows tall. It may reach 15-20 feet within a few years.

Its flowers are white while its fruits have an almost black appearance when ripe.

20. Orange Milkwort

Orange Milkwort

Orange Milkwort (Polygala lutea) is one of the multiple native orange species of Florida.

It can be found in all areas of the state and it may be difficult to remove as it has deep strong leaves.

The plant itself is short, rarely reaching a maximum of 8 inches in height.

Bright orange flowers are specific to the species. These wildflowers also have thick succulent leaves.

The flowering season of the species is long in Florida, lasting up until November in the Southern parts of the state.

21. Lilac Tasselflower

Lilac Tasselflower

This type of wildflower (Emilia sonchifolia) has commonly spread on Florida crops as an invasive species.

It grows multiple small flowers of a lavender color which may darken with age.

The species is mostly invasive on crops or disturbed land. It may grow in areas around water without an invasive profile.

Local cotton production often suffers due to its invasive expansion. Chemicals are often used in large-scale management techniques.

22. Largeflower Pink-Sorrel

Largeflower Pink-Sorrel

A bulbous plant, Largeflower Pink-Sorrel (Oxalis debilis) is common in Florida and in many other parts of the world.

Its flowers have a bright pink nuance, with green color at the base of its petals.

This is a species used in cultivars as its flowers are large.

All of the parts of the Largeflower Pink-Sorrel are edible.

Growing this plant at home should only be based on its cultivar subspecies as it can easily develop a fungus and dry out.

23. Indian Blanket

Indian Blanket

Indian Blankets (Gaillardia pulchella) is one of the short-lived species of the state with orange and yellow flowers.

Often growing in sandy areas along seashores, Indian Blanket is also highly tolerant of saltwater.

It can be adapted to beds with other low-growing flowers. Well-drained soils are required for the species.

This decorative species is also known to be a top choice in decorating flower bouquets.

Late spring and early summer mark an ideal cutting period for the species. Its flowers still look great after a few days.

24. Black Mangrove

Black Mangrove

This type of tree (Avicennia germinans) is a common sight along Florida’s Coats. It’s not exclusive to Florida as it also grows in California.

It has a widespread habitat along the coast and even Northwards into Georgia.

This is also a species that multiplies with water germination. Its seeds fall into the water and germinate to eventually form new trees along the shores.

This species may reach a height of 30-40 feet. Locals identify it by its location and by the black color of the tree trunk which also inspires its name.

25. Carolina Ruellia

Carolina Ruellia

Carolina Ruellia (Ruellia caroliniensis) is a single-stem plant with large bright violet or pink flowers.

This species grows to at least 6 inches and can multiply itself.

Native to the Southeast, the species grows well in gardens. Sandy and properly drained soils are ideal for the species.

Carolina Ruellia is also a type of flower that doesn’t require frequent watering.

These flowers may also be used as a plant to attract butterflies and insects.

26. Oakleaf Fleabane

Oakleaf Fleabane

Oakleaf Fleabane (Erigeron quercifolius) is a common Florida plant that attracts bees and insects.

It grows to a maximum height of 2 feet. Large white and yellow flowers are specific to the species in the spring and summer.

Sandy terrains, riparian areas, and roadsides are among the most common habitats for the Oakleaf Fleabane.

Meadows are often covered by Oakleaf Fleabane.

These plants may also turn into ground cover in gardens as they self-seed and because they have no known pests.

27. Common Lantana

Common Lantana

The Common Lantana (Lantana camara) is one of the most common Southeastern plants that’s also a host plant.

Lantana or Common Lantana is a host species for butterflies, moths, and hummingbirds.

A small plant in its first years, Common Lantana grows tall and it’s used as a hedge.

In Florida, this species is found along crops, farms, grasslands, lakes, and rivers.

Lantana grows tall in direct sunlight. Found along forest edges, this is a species that cannot live in shaded areas or under tall trees.

The species is also toxic and not suitable for livestock. It has an invasive status in Northern and Southern Florida as it can overgrow shrubs and shorter trees.

Livestock cannot feed on lantana due to its toxicity.

28. Shiny Blueberry

Shiny Blueberry

This pink and white flower (Vaccinium myrsinites) is short and wide. It measures 1 foot in height and width.

The plant likes to live in sandy soils in full sun. It may be grown in gardens or various other indoor areas next to windows, in a container.

Its bright pink color also recommends it as a bordering species, but only in short borders as it never grows as tall as other native plants.

Rarely available in stores, the plant is found all across the state, except in extreme Southern and Western parts.

29. Climbing Hempvine

Climbing Hempvine

Climbing Hempvine (Mikania scandens) is one of the most common climbing plants with panicles in the state.

This is a global species known for its uses in cooking or traditional medicine.

Most importantly, this species is a common sight in Florida’s Everglades.

Multiple uses have been tied to the species. This plant can live in wetlands but it may also show invasive behavior.

It can climb other plants leading to their death.

Climbing Hempvine has further uses in protecting crops. Growing as a crop cover, the aster family plant may also be found across agricultural land in the state.

30. Wild Cowpea

Wild Cowpea

This species (Vigna luteola) is found throughout Florida.

It can be spotted in all Florida counties and its range expands West to Texas.

The species has bright yellow flowers. These flowers grow in clusters and they may be suitable for gardening.

Wild Cowpea represents a host species for local caterpillars.

This is a plant that can spread out to a few feet in any direction.

It can be planted in direct sunlight where it may even handle a salty environment.

31. Tropical Milkweed

Tropical Milkweed

This type of milkweed (Asclepias curassavica) is non-native to Florida and parts of Mexico.

Like different other types of milkweeds, it’s often planted in gardens and around homes to attract butterflies.

Small differences are noted for this plant when it comes to wild growing or purchases from nurseries.

Many types of commercially-available Tropical Milkweeds in Florida are actually grown with pesticides.

These harm Monarchs.

This non-native plan is also known to encourage migrating Monarch butterflies to settle in Florida instead of moving further South into Central America.

This colorful plant has orange, yellow, and red flowers which are particularly attractive to Monarch butterflies.

32. Narrowleaf Silkgrass

Narrowleaf Silkgrass

The Narrowleaf Silkgrass (Pityopsis graminifolia) may be found in more than 60 Florida counties.

This is a type of aster that is known for its small yellow flowers. The species resembles grass based on its size, and shape before being in season.

Full sun is needed for the species to grow.

Often visited by bees and wasps, the flowers of the species may recommend growing the plant at home.

Scrub and pine flatwoods are its natural habitats which means the wildflower isn’t necessarily needing frequent watering.

It may grow to a size of over 1 foot when blooming.

33. Southern Swamp Crinum

Southern Swamp Crinum

This species (Crinum americanum) is native to the wet soils of Florida. It can be found all around the state, including Northern Florida.

The aquatic species if found in swamps and marshes where water is still shallow.

Ideally, it grows in an area with a water depth of up to a few inches. Its white flowers may recommend it for ponds or even growing in containers with frequent watering.

This species is known to grow from bulbs. Its flowers are large and white, and the number 6 has thin petals.

34. Bluejacket


Bluejackets (Tradescantia ohiensis) are a type of dayflower native to Florida and other Eastern parts of North America.

This species is known as a flower that only blooms for a day. Its flowers open up in the morning or in the afternoon on warm days in the sun.

It may also be grown in gardens and cutting it is believed to encourage another bloom, typically later in the summer or even in the fall.

The species may reach a height of over 10 inches if uncut.

This plant multiplies itself rapidly when grown in gardens.

Clusters of plants are seen together and you may need to split them after a few months to allow the plants to spread.

35. Oriental False Hawksbeard

Oriental False Hawksbeard

This wildflower (Youngia japonica) is an Asian native. It has spread to Florida where it prefers habitats around disturbed lands.

It grows as an invasive species, covering up large areas of land and typically killing other short plants in its path.

Its leaves grow close to the ground and may help the plant survive mowing.

Small yellow flowers are specific to the Oriental False Hawksbeard.

This species tends to multiply rapidly on disturbed land but it also lives in flat woodlands as well as in wetlands.

36. Florida Pricklypear

Florida Pricklypear. Image by Jay Horn via inaturalist

You can find Florida Pricklypear (Opuntia austrina) in the Southern areas of the state.

This type of cactus is identified by a short profile as it grows to a couple of feet.

It can also be differentiated from other cacti by its scarce wide spines.

As The Oriental False Hawksbeard, Florida Pricklypear also has yellow flowers, but which are considerably larger.

Growing in clumps, this is a type of cacti with wide pads that may be grown in gardens with well-drained soils.

37. Butterfly Pea

Butterfly Pea

This is one of the many types of flowers (Centrosema virginianum) that can bloom almost any time of the year in Florida.

It might only bloom throughout the year in the Southern parts of the peninsula and during the spring and summer months in Central and Northern Florida.

Butterfly Peas have some of the largest flowers which may be pink, violet, or blue.

The plant can be grown as a trailing species in containers. You can also plant it next to fences for its climbing capacity.

The Butterfly Pea is named after its host status to a few types of local skipper butterflies.

38. Red Tasselflower

Red Tasselflower

Central and Southern Florida mark the areas where the Red Tasselflower (Emilia fosbergii) is most common.

This species grows in small areas across the Northern parts of the state as well.

A type of weed, Red Tassleflowers are most problematic in Florida nurseries.

Quickly spreading in gardens and nurseries, this weed has blue, pink, or purple florets.

This species spreads by wind and management techniques are required against need. Hand-picking the weed is recommended in small gardens and small nurseries.

39. Beach Morning Glory

Beach Morning Glory

One of the most salt-tolerant wildflowers (Ipomoea pes-caprae) in Florida is known to disperse its seeds by ocean water.

This is also the case of the colorful Beach Morning Glory, a species contrasting many of the beaches along the state.

This plant has pink to purple flowers with white areas and wide upward-facing leaves.

Its seeds survive saltwater and eventually settle along beaches and on the coast. They are known as small sand stabilizers as they grow just at the limit of sandy water habitats.

It can spread in large numbers and its popularity is based on its traditional medicinal uses.

40. Florida Bluehearts

Florida Bluehearts

This species (Buchnera floridana) is found all across Florida with a lesser number on the Western borders of the state.

Woodlands and particularly pine woodlands are some of its favorite habitats in North America.

This short plant has small violet flowers which may be adapted to gardens.

The wind carries the seeds and spreads these plants in their natural habitat. Low elevation across the state means many areas rich in Florida Bluehearts might not see the flower in the future due to flooding.

41. Camphorweed


Camphorweed (Heterotheca subaxillaris) is a type of aster that serve as a pollen source for local insects.

This species grows in Florida, Southern US states, as well as in Central America.

Small florets are specific to the species which may number more than 100 flowers at times.

Its yellow flowers are known to attract bees and butterflies.

The species grows in clay and sandy soils around the state.

42. Creeping Beggarweed

Creeping Beggarweed

Native to Central America, The Creepign Beggarweed (Desmodium incanum) is a type of weed.

It has a weed status both in Florida and in its native range. Yellow and red flowers are specific to this species.

Disturbed land and agricultural land are where this weed is spotted the most.

Removing the species by hand is difficult due to its multiple short sticky hairs.

The species is further known for temporary crop cover. It may improve soil quality in the years there are no crop plantations by balancing nitrogen levels.

43. Yellow Milkwort

Yellow Milkwort

One of the common yellow flowers in the Peninsula is the Yellow Milkwort (Polygala rugelii) grass-like species.

This wildflower has thin erect stems that resemble grass. It also blooms small golden-yellow flowers.

The species lives in savannahs and close to pines, along marshes and woodlands.

As an annual plant, the species flowers each year. Very dry seasons may make Yellow Milkwort flower every second year.

A common sight around Miami, the species may reach a maximum height of 3 feet.

44. Mexican Primrose-Willow

Mexican Primrose-Willow

Bright yellow colors are specific to this wildflower (Ludwigia octovalvis). An invasive species in Florida, it can be found along rivers, ponds, canals, marshes, and ditches.

The species grows deep roots that also spread out sideways considerably.

This forms a root mat which makes elimination difficult and costly.

All soils close to water across the state are susceptible to its invasive nature.

It spreads by roots but also by seeds carried by wind and water.

45. Common Water Hyacinth

Common Water Hyacinth

An invasive status is also specific to The Common Water Hyacinth (Pontederia crassipes). This is a species known for living in the water.

It grows upward-facing pink to purple flowers and it spreads its roots deep in water.

This plant can grow in lakes and ponds. Most of its spread is tied to human activity.

Boats spread their seeds along reservoirs and canals where their invasive nature may eventually clog water routes.

46. Climbing Dayflower

Climbing Dayflower

This species (Commelina diffusa) is of Asian origin. It has an introduced status in Florida with widespread Eastern and Western presence.

The species spread quickly in disturbed soils.

Its pollen is collected by Florida bees but Climbing Dayflower also has multiple other uses.

Its leaves are used in diuretic drinks. The bright blue florets of the species also recommend it around the house or in containers.

47. Marsh Fleabane

Marsh Fleabane

Florida’s coastal hammocks are among the ideal habitats for the Marsh Fleabane (Pluchea odorata).

This species has unique pink to-rose flowers which are in bloom during the summer months.

Its flowers attract various butterflies while its aromatic leaves can be eaten by their caterpillars.

This species growing in numbers across saltwater marshes even without human intervention.

It may be grown in the garden as it’s one of the taller wildflowers in the state, growing several feet within a couple of years.

48. Coastalplain Chaffhead

Coastalplain Chaffhead

Sandhills and pine woodlands are a habitat for the Coastalplain Chaffhead (Carphephorus corymbosus).

These types of plants have dark pink flowers which are known to attract butterflies, much like many other asters.

A common sight around Bay County, Coastalplain Chaffhead is also a species that spreads rapidly and which needs management in gardens.

Its flowers should be cut if you don’t want its seeds spread around the garden.

49. Southern Dewberry

Southern Dewberry

This short plant (Rubus trivialis) is known for its capacity to grow along the ground as a trailing plant. It can also grow up to a height of up to several feet.

Southern Dewberry is a species that likes to live in wet habitats along the state. It may also survive in clay soils.

Coastlines are among the best areas to spot The Southern Dewberry.

It can also be spotted as a crop cover but wild animals are often spotted feeding on it.

50. Purple Passionflower

Purple Passionflower

Purple Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) is one of the most common fruit-bearing species in Southern Florida.

The species is one of the most important hosts and food sources for the local ecosystem.

Its purple flowers are visited by bees and other insects.

Often cultivated for its fruit, Purple Passionflower grows fruit the size of an egg.

This species is often associated with butterflies such as Gulf Fritillary, a species also known as The Passion Butterfly.

This species is found all across the state and it may be planted in gardens.

As a vine, this species can be grown on a support fence so that it doesn’t spread out in all directions.

51. Whitemouth Dayflower

Whitemouth Dayflower

This perennial herb (Commelina erecta) is only found in Southern Florida.

It can grow tall, reaching a maximum height of 18 inches when in bloom. Blue flowers are specific to the species which also have a white distinct petal.

The plant grows upright in most situations and it tolerates dry land.

It can be seen in bloom throughout the year in its Southern Florida range and in the warmer months in Northern Florida.

52. Netted Pawpaw

Netted Pawpaw

Netted Pawpaws (Asimina reticulata) are another fruit-bearing wildflower in Southern Florida.

Its fruits are often eaten by animals. Various species of butterflies feed on the species as well.

Netted Pawpaw fruit can also be eaten by humans.

Birds and small animals eat this fruit the most, followed by various moths and butterflies.

Human consumption is mostly safe but some allergic reactions have been reported.

Blooming white to yellow flowers with 5 petals, this species can be found in dry areas of the state and it may reach a height of up to 5 feet.

53. Coastal Plain Honeycombhead

Coastal Plain Honeycombhead

A common species throughout Florida, the Coastal Plain Honeycombhead (Balduina angustifolia) is also known as Yellow Buttons.

Part of the asters family, Coastal Plain Honeycombhead plants are named after the shape of their dried flowers.

Separate honeycomb-like chambers are visible on its dry flowers.

The species grows around 3 feet and it may prefer dry sandy soils to moist soils in gardens.

Sandhills, pine woodlands, and dunes are among the natural areas where the species occurs.

54. Sunshine Mimosa

Sunshine Mimosa

This species of mimosa (Mimosa strigillosa) grows in all areas of Florida except the Western and Southern parts.

Sunshine Mimosa is native to most areas of the state as well as to the states around The Gulf of Mexico.

It grows in Central Florida as well as in coastal regions where it stands out with its pink flowers.

This species is typically known for its ability to cover up ground quickly.

Several Sunshine Mimosa plants can cover hundreds of square feet within a year.

This species has moderate to deep roots and it may be considered for soil erosion purposes.

A long flowering season is specific to the species which is useful for fixating nitrogen levels in the soil.