Michigan is home to a wide range of wildflowers. These come in all colors and shapes and grow from just a few inches to a height of up to a few feet.
Moist soils, roadsides, and even gardens in Michigan are places where wildflowers can be found. Here are some of the typical wildflowers you can easily find in Michigan
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1. Common Milkweed
Common Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) is mostly referred to as Milkweed. This important wildflower to the ecosystem, this flowering plant is found around the state’s ditches and old fields.
The species is known for its bitter taste which comes from its toxins.
Some of these toxins may be removed when the plant is boiled, but it’s still not the ideal edible wildflower of the state.
Its bitter taste is what attracts other species such as butterfly caterpillars. They eat its leaves, also absorbing its toxic sap, becoming untasteful to predators.
2. Wild Carrot
Wild Carrot (Daucus carota) is a species that grows in temperate climates around the world.
Its umbrella-shaped clusters of white flowers sit at the top of its tall stems. A wild carrot is a species named after its roots.
The roots of the species mildly resemble the smell of cultivated carrots.
Wildflowers of this genus are adapted to all habitats of the state. They can grow in ditches and along roads.
These are also wildflowers that can grow on rocky terrains and on exposed terrains where they bloom up until August.
3. Large White Trillium
Large White Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) is a species distinguished by its large white flowers.
Its flowers only have 3 petals, but these are wider and longer than others on most other wildflowers in the state.
Some of these wildflowers may fall to bacteria while others are often eaten by deer.
White-tailed deer are among the most common species to feed on Large White Trillium. These types of deer like the wildflower so much that they even favor it over all other wildflowers and keep on eating them until all are gone from deciduous woodlands.
4. Common Jewelweed
A type of native plant in Michigan, Common Jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) is a species that grows tall, up to 5 feet.
Also known as The Orange Jewelweed, The Common Jewelweed has large orange flowers.
The leaves of these plants are often used in food while the nectar of the species is the ideal food for various bumblebees.
While not dangerous in Michigan, this species with its rapid spread is now becoming a weed in other US states East of Michigan.
5. Great Mullein
Michigan is among the first states where Great Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) was introduced. This is a species that has a special status in North America, introduced due to traditional medicine.
Plant extracts have been used to treat different health issues, including eczema and skin conditions.
Multiple small yellow flowers grow on the spike-like erect Great Mullein.
This is a species that also shows an invasive growing habit. The species is not as invasive as others in Michigan, but it still needs to be managed on crops.
There are at least 10 Great Mullein hybrids, some of them also found in Michigan.
6. Chicory
A Michigan flora staple, Chicory (Cichorium intybus) is among the edible wildflowers used in drinks and food.
Its highly nutritional profile makes Chicory a good source of vitamins and minerals. Its sap is rich in Vitamin K and Magnesium.
Chicory is also one of the wildflowers with a lost history as fodder. This species and its roots were considered as nutritional as other foods that weren’t readily available such as oats.
Unlike oats, Chicory roots aren’t as fibrous and they can be fed to horses.
This species grows to 5 feet and can be identified by its bright blue flowers.
7. Purple Loosestrife
Mostly found around The Great Lakes and in marshes, Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) is among the most common invasive species of the state.
With a history of hundreds of years in the state, this wildflower is known for invading large areas near or in water.
It reaches a tall height of around 7 feet and multiplies itself into large colonies.
Purple Loosestrife can even outcompete local wildflowers for nutrients.
You can identify this species by its red, red-purple, or purple flowers. Some of the typical long-tongue bees of the state feed on these flowers.
8. Spotted Knapweed
Spotted Knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) is one of the most invasive species in the state. Probably introduced in Europe, Spotted Knapweed is known for its pink flowers and high multiplication rates.
Shorelines are among its primary distribution areas.
These types of wildflowers are spread by wind and they can quickly overcrowd an area leading to monocultures.
No fixed or affordable method is known for quick Spotted Knapweed control. It may take multiple pesticide applications to remove the species from an established area.
As a result, it may even take more than a year to remove Spotted Knapweed from areas around the water it invades.
9. Common Yarrow
Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is found both in introduced and native variants across the state.
The species is specialized in high-elevation terrains where it can live at thousands of feet. Largely absent from its habitats and only living in disconnected areas, this species can be numerous here.
Thousands of Common Yarrows can cover prairies and grass fields across grasslands.
Common Yarrow is also one of the first species to cover disturbed land in the state.
On occasion, Common Yarrow may also be found along paths and highways. It also grows next to lakes and streams.
10. Yellow Trout Lily
Michigan represents the Western limit of Yellow Trout Lily (Erythronium americanum) distribution across North America.
This is a species with large yellow flowers comprised of 5 yellow petals. Its flowers open during the day and close at night.
As an early bloomer, Yellow Trout Lily opens its flowers in the spring.
It’s regarded as one of the earliest-season wildflowers as it outcompetes other plants for sunlight.
Vigorous growth is specific to this species as a result. Its areas where it grows are now established for hundreds of years.
The Americanum subspecies is the type of Yellow Trout Lily countered in regions of Michigan.
11. Common Selfheal
A wildflower known for its folk medicine uses, Common Selfheal (Prunella vulgaris) is one of the typical species found around North America also seen in Michigan.
This wildflower has tiny purple flowers which can be powdered or boiled for food and drinks.
One of the most common uses of Common Selheal tea or brew is for sore throat and respiratory issues.
Found along roads in the state, this type of wildflower has multiple other fold medicine uses.
Outside Michigan and North America, it is even used in baths where it is believed to reduce muscle fatigue.
12. Marsh Marigold
Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris) is one of the typical yellow wildflowers of Michigan.
This species is known for its overall toxicity which is typically eliminated when boiled. Marsh Marigold is used as a side dish in different cuisines.
As its name implies, the wildflower grows around marshes. It has a widespread distribution in the Northern Areas of the state where it creates large colonies around ponds and lakes.
Reaching a height of up to 30 inches, Marsh Marigold is also seen in different other subspecies. Some of them come with different color blooms such as white and pink, outside of the typical yellow color of its flowers in most regions.
13. Dame’s Rocket
One of the most common ornamental plants that are also invasive is Dame’s Rocket (Hesperis matronalis).
Michigan gardens are often the habitat of the species but these wildflowers quickly spread on moist grounds.
They have multiple pink or purple flowers and may take over a habitat eliminating native flora.
Dame’s Rocket is also tall, growing to a height of at least 4 feet and displacing local and shorter wildflowers by stopping direct sunlight.
Spreading by seeds and by fruit, this species is typically grown in gardens as it doesn’t require too much care.
It is also planted around homes due to its fragrant flowers.
14. Wild Bergamot
Some of Michigan’s birds and hummingbirds feed on Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa). This flowering species has multiple pink or purple open flowers throughout its blooming period.
Its flowers are in bloom until early October.
The species is also grown around flower beds due to its tens and hundreds of flowers it can bloom over a space of just a few square feet.
Its leaves are aromatic and often compared to wild mint in fragrance.
The species shows high growth potential in moist soils where it can reach a maximum height of 5 feet. Moderate and low moisture soils limit its growth to 2-3 feet on the other hand.
15. Bloodroot
Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis) is one of the most interesting wildflowers in the state based on its name.
This species has red or orange sap which inspires its name alongside various myths.
Spreading by rhizomes, this species has blood-like sap which is seen when the plant’s stems are cut or when its rhizomes are cut.
Its flowers are white or white to pink. 8 bright petals are arranged around a central yellow section.
The Great Lakes mark the Western limits of Bloodroot, which expands its distribution to The Atlantic and along the coast.
16. Wild Geranium
Purple or violet flowers are specific to Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum), one of the colorful species in the state and gardens.
Michigan is one of the areas where its flowers reach a size of 1.5 inches and bloom in the summer.
The species is spread by fruit capsules and it comes in a few different cultivars.
In folk medicine and plant-based medicine, Wild Geranium has multiple uses. Many skin-level cuts or infections used to be treated with Wild Geranium extracts.
It’s believed Wild Geranium sap has an astringent action.
Growing in the wilderness, this wildflower may reach a maximum height between 1 and 2 feet.
17. Ground-Ivy
Quick flowering is specific to Ground-Ivy (Glechoma hederacea), a species that blooms up until July.
This species has been introduced in Europe and it represents a risk of invasiveness for parks, gardens, and lawns.
High moisture areas favor its quick spread.
Also known as The Creeping Charlie, this species is also known for invading woodlands.
The high moisture of the forest floor makes it a species with rapid spread around the state.
Its edible profile was behind some of the initial reasons for its introduction. Today, Ground-Ivy is a rare ingredient in salads.
18. Multiflora Rose
One of the Asian-origin wildflowers also presents in Michigan which may be invasive in most habitats is the Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora).
These species are grown in gardens due to their large white flowers. It spreads quickly with its deep roots and it may be difficult to remove once established.
Multiflora Rose is a very tall wildflower that can climb structures, plants, and even trees.
When reaching maturity, these plants can be taller than 9 feet. Multiflora Roses may reach a height of up to 16 feet.
Eliminating this species from the house and the garden may be required as it can climb its nearby trees and structures. It needs to be excavated for complete removal.
19. Swamp Milkweed
Swamp Milkweed (Asclepias incarnata) is one of the Northern species found across the state with toxic sap.
This type of milkweed is only palatable for a few species such as Monarch Butterflies.
Most other wild animals stay away from Swamp Milkweed due to its toxic latex-like sap.
The toxicity of the milkweed is what keeps it from having any real wild animals or pests feeding on it and what allows it to multiply rapidly.
Apart from being found around lakes, Swamp Milkweed also establishes itself in ditches, along roads, and in swamps or other types of moist habitats around woodlands.
20. Black-eyed Susan
Named after its dark central flower section, this species (Rudbeckia hirta) stands out with contrasting yellow petals.
Multiple varieties of this species exist in North America.
This type of wildflower is known to have been used in folk medicine by native America.
It is also a food source for local wildlife such as butterflies.
Black-eyed Susan may not be an ideal species to plant in gardens due to its toxicity. It can be toxic to small pets.
21. Spotted Joe-Pye Weed
One of the late-season bloomers of Michigan is the Spotted Joe-Pye Weed (Eutrochium maculatum).
This wildflower is not among the preferred foods for local wildlife with only occasional animals eating the plant.
Multiple pink or violet florets are specific to this species. Their blooming period is marked by the end of the summer and the beginning of the fall.
The spotted Joe-Pye Weed is among the tallest wildflowers in the state.
The average height of the species sits at around 2-4 feet but some of the tallest recorded Spotted Joe-Pye Weeds measure up to 6 feet.
22. Northern Starflower
Northern Starflower (Lysimachia borealis) is one of the species with the longest rhizomes creeping in water.
Still found in high numbers in Michigan, Northern Startflower is now listed as endangered in neighboring Illinois.
This species is named after its star-shaped tiny white flowers.
9 white petals open in a globe shape during the day and close at night. The white flowers of the species are considerably smaller than its long and wide leaves at the base of the plant.
The blooming period of its tiny white flowers lasts until June.
23. Common St. John’s-Wort
An introduced species in North America, Common St. John’s-Wort (Hypericum perforatum) bas bright yellow blooms.
Its role is both beneficial when used in folk medicine and detrimental to livestock due to its toxicity.
Gastrointestinal reactions are some of the first signs an animal has eaten any part of Common St. John’s-Wort.
For humans, prolonged exposure to the plant’s sap may lead to skin-level reactions and itching.
Northern Territories, pastures, and other sandy areas around the state are among the typical habitats of the wildflower.
It is one of the common invasive weeds of the state mainly crowding out local wildflowers and fodder.
24. Bladder Campion
Bladder Campion (Silene vulgaris) is one of the pink wildflowers of the state. Common in Michigan, the species has bright pink and white flower heads.
Both the leaves and their flowers are edible. They are used in different foods from salads to stews.
Bladder Campion is a species that can be found in pastures. It also leaves on grassy fields around woodlands, ideally in full sun.
Prairies are also an ideal spot to find Bladder Campions in Michigan. The wildflower may be found around water in Europe.
25. New England Aster
New England Asters (Symphyotrichum novae-angliae) are among the colorful wildflowers of the state which are often seen in different colors.
A purple variant of these asters tends to dominate most areas of its distribution. There’s a pink-purple, a pink, and even a white variant of these flowers as they have been hybridized for cultivation.
These types of asters can grow tall. They may reach a height of over 6 feet and they are seen as adaptable as they can grow in part shade.
Like multiple other asters of Michigan, New England Asters are also a host plant for local wildlife.
This species is a hos to Peral Crescent Caterpillars as well as a pollen source for local bees.
26. Virginia Spring Beauty
Virginia Spring Beauty (Claytonia virginica) is named after its May flowering season. This wildflower is absent from most regions of the state and abundant around woodlands.
Mixed woodlands with falling leaf trees are among their ideal habitats and places where they can live in their thousands.
Michigan marks the Northwestern limit of the widespread North America Virginia Spring Beauty distribution.
Wildflowers of this species grow to a height of around 16 inches while its flowers rarely reach a size of 1 inch.
Pink or white colors are mostly specific to the flowers of Virginia Spring Beauty.
27. Pink Lady’s Slipper
Various shades of pink are specific to the flower of Pink Lady’s Slipper (Cypripedium acaule).
This species is abundant around The Great Lakes, where to a size between 1 and 2 feet.
2 long petals are seen on the wildflower. They are only connected to the lower part of the plant, exposing its colorful dark pink flowers at the top.
This is one of the species that is found at high elevation, above the pine belt. The species prefers slopes in full sun or partial shade.
Abundant in Michigan, the species is now listed as endangered in other Northern and Northeastern US regions.
28. Hoary Alyssum
Hoary Alyssum (Berteroa incana) is a type of weed impacting many habitats across different terrains, mainly crops.
It has already spread around forage crops such as that alfalfa as agricultural machinery carries its seeds.
The wildflower can be identified by its small white petal flowers.
Both its small flowers and the rest of the plants are toxic to some species and food to others. For example, horses can fall sick when eating Hoary Alyssum.
On the other hand, bumblebees feed on the plant’s nectar from its flowers.
Adapted to low-value soils, this species can also spread away from crops.
29. Purple Crownvetch
Purple Crownvetch (Securigera varia) is one of the introduced species in the state with an invasive growth pattern.
This type of pink wildflower invades forage crops and it shows a toxic profile for horses, similar to Hoary Alyssum.
Purple Crownvetch can live in different habitats where it establishes colonies and deep roots. It may even invade lawns, being difficult to eradicate with mowing alone.
Growing to a size between 1 and 2 feet, this species is also the host plant of some of the rarest types of moths in Michigan.
30. Red Columbine
May to June marks the season of Red Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), a wildflower named after the caterpillars that feed on its leaves.
Columbine Duskywing Caterpillars exclusively feed on this wildflower.
Adapted to the temperate climates of North America, Red Columbine is also present in Michigan as its Western limit to its distribution.
The plant stands out with its dark red flowers and a height variability between 10 and 35 inches.
Adapted to slopes, this wildflower can also grow in gardens even in shaded cornered places.
31. Bird’s-foot Trefoil
Small yellow flowers are characteristic of Bird’s-foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus). This perennial is among the plants with varying heights, according to its distribution.
Its widespread status is what gives its different names, such as Eggs and Bacon.
The plant may reach a maximum height of 20 inches.
Most sightings are along roads but this species may also be cultivated. An invasive species, it can quickly multiply itself along moist soils.
Bird’s-foot Trefoil may also be cultivated as a forage plant due to its nutritional value.
Managing the species is required as it can outcompete local fauna when it spreads out of control.
32. Orange Hawkweed
Orange Hawkweed (Pilosella aurantiaca) is a type of invasive wildflower. It features orange blooms with square-shaped petals.
As its name implies, Orange Hawkweed is a species that invades its territories.
It even spreads chemicals that inhibit the growth of other plants.
A rapid growth rate means Orange Hawkweed grows to a few square feet each year.
It can be found on disturbed land and abandoned lands which tend to overcrowd.
33. Blue Vervain
Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata) thrives in Michigan and further North into Canada’s provinces.
This species grows to a height of several feet and it blooms in later summer. Its small blue or purple flowers are only seen from July onwards.
Its late blooming season also makes it an important host for several wildlife species.
Moths and butterflies feed on its flowers. The Common Buckeye is among the Michigan butterflies to feed on it later in the season.
Found along water sources, Blue Vervain can also be spotted in open fields and abandoned fields.
34. White Clover
White Clover (Trifolium repens) is an introduced species and one of the ideal forage crops in the state and around the world.
It helps fix soil nitrogen and provides good forage that avoids livestock bloating.
The species is widely used across different habitats, including in lawn mixtures.
One of the benefits of White Clover is its ability to keep on spreading and growing even in the face of weeds. It outgrows different introduced weeds.
White Clover does best in pastures across the state.
35. Lesser Periwinkle
An invasive species specific to Northern states, Lesser Periwinkle (Vinca minor) is found in different variants.
A blue flower variant is common for Lesser Periwinkle in the state. Multiple other variants also exist, they come in blue, violet, and off-white colors.
Growing as ground cover, Lesser Periwinkle cannot be eliminated from woodlands and grasslands it may spread in.
Pesticides may be used to eliminate them from parks and gardens.
Lesser Periwinkle cultivars are more suitable as decorative plants.
36. Butterfly Milkweed
Orange and red colors are specific to The Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa) blooms. Its presence across the state is scarce but it provides a food source for moths and butterflies.
Dogbane Tiger Moths are among the multiple species feeding on their flowers and leaves.
Butterfly Milkweed grows in dry soils. It can also live along streams and on moist grounds.
There are 3 Butterfly Milkweed subspecies in The United States, but only one of them is found in Michigan.
This state-wide subspecies is more adapted to moderate moisture soils as opposed to The Butterfly Milkweed preferring dry soils in Southern states.
37. Common Soapwort
The Common Soapwort (Saponaria officinalis) is a species with pink flowers named after its soap-like fragrance.
Its flowers have a short lifespan, only in bloom for a few days, particularly at night. It’s at night that these flowers release their fragrance as well.
The plant itself is toxic but cooking it eliminates its toxins. Common Soapwort extracts are used in foods and drinks.
Wildlife doesn’t particularly like this plan. Eating Common Soapwort may even trigger vomiting in wildlife.
Saponarin, a common compound in the plant is responsible for these reactions.
38. Common Dandelion
Fields, abandoned fields, and prairies are among the typical distribution areas of The Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale).
Common Dandelion has an invasive species in North America and within Michigan, as it tends to multiply rapidly and cover different areas in direct sunlight.
This species is adaptable and can be among the first wildflowers to colonize disturbed land.
A common wildflower for bees, Common Dandelion is also among the multiple edible Michigan species.
Vitamins C, K, and E are found in high amounts in this wildflower with nutritional value.
39. Creeping Thistle
Creeping Thistle (Cirsium arvense) is one of the most aggressive invasive species in the state.
Its aggressive growing pattern is recognized around the world. This species has distinct pink flowers.
Different from other wildflowers, Creeping Thistle has a unique fragrance for each flower.
This makes it a highly attractive species for local insects, moths, and butterflies.
Some of the typical species that visit its flowers include Painted Ladies and Meadow Brown butterflies.
Attracting bees as pollinators, Creeping Thistle also feeds small birds.
Other benefits of the species include having edible roots.
40. Bull Thistle
Pink or purple nuances are specific to Bull Thistle flowers (Cirsium vulgare).
This species often comes in dark nuances but its popularity comes from its high nectar yield many pollinators are interested in.
The species grows in multiple areas of the state and it may become invasive in certain habitats such as in meadows.
Monocultures are a type of rapid-spread characteristic of invasive species such as Bull Thistle.
This means this species rapidly multiply eventually taking out all other plants in its area.
41. Oxeye Daisy
A common weed, Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) shows an aggressive spread across the state.
Coming from Europe, this shows species may reach a maximum height of just over 1 foot. It features white petals arranged around a bright yellow central section.
A common sight on disturbed land and pastures, Oxeye Daisies can quickly spread by seeds.
A single plant can produce more than 20.000 seeds.
These seeds quickly disperse and they can take over different types of habitats around woodlands.
The long lifespan of the seeds is also one of the reasons for the invasive status of the species. They can survive decades before reaching moisture and sprouting.
42. White Campion
Known for its white flowers, White Campion (Silene latifolia) is a species that grows in moist habitats.
This wildflower may reach a height of 1-2 feet and it is known for a long blooming period, throughout the summer and into the fall.
Its flowers provide pollen for local insects and bees.
One of the reasons its flowers attract local wildflower is their highly fragrant profile.
Roadsides and ditches are among the common places to spot this white wildflower.
43. Red Deadnettle
Red Deadnettle (Lamium purpureum) is one of the nettle plants found in the state. It has some resemblance to true nettle, without its pink or purple flowers.
Red Deadnettles don’t sting, on the other hand.
Full sun, shaded areas, and soils with moisture provide an ideal habitat for this wildflower.
Red Deadnettle can also establish itself along lawns and in gardens.
Its early blooming season makes it a visited species by local insects in the spring. Bees may visit its blooms as early as April.
44. Round-lobed Hepatica
Highly similar to Red Deadnettle in distribution and soil preferences.
Moist areas around woodlands, gardens, as well as shaded areas, are still places where this species (Hepatica americana) can grow.
Purple or pink flowers are specific to the plant. 6 petals are arranged around a yellow or green central section.
As with Red Deadnettle, Round-lobed Hepatica is a species that blooms early, mostly in March to April.
45. Bitter Wintercress
One of the subspecies of Bitter Wintercress (Barbarea vulgaris) is also found in Michigan.
This is a species that blooms small yellow flowers and may reach a maximum height of 3 feet.
Ideal habitats include ditches and wastelands where the species are visited by pollinators.
Bees, wasps, and butterflies feed on its flowers. The caterpillar of The Cabbage Butterfly even uses the plant as a host.
Some parts of the wildflower are also edible, particularly when cooked.
46. Meadow Anemone
5 bright white petals are specific to The Meadow Anemone (Anemonastrum canadense).
The white petals of the species are arranged around a green central section. This is where its pistils open up for pollination.
A common sight along The Great Lakes, Meadows Anemone is a species that likes high moisture soils.
47. Common Blue Violet
Common Blue Violet (Viola sororia) is a wildflower that comes in 5 subspecies. Violet and blue colors are specific to its flowers.
Moist soils and woodlands are among their preferred habitats. Common Blue Violet can live in deciduous woodlands.
In rare cases, Common Blue Violet may also become a weed. Lawns are often exposed to aggressive spreading patterns given this species likes high moisture.
Rapid multiplication is often the result of its capacity to propagate its seeds up in the air.
48. Broad-leaved Sweet Pea
Large pink petals are specific to The Broad-leaved Sweet Pea (Lathyrus latifolius).
This type of wildflower reaches a maximum height of around 6 feet and it serves as a food source for bees and butterflies.
High in nectar, the species is visited by honey-making bees. It is also visited by butterflies and their caterpillars.
Ditches and roadsides are among the typical high-moisture soils where this pink wildflower grows.
49. Common Evening-Primrose
Also known as Hog Weed, Common Evening-Primose (Oenothera biennis) is a wildflower species with a potentially-invasive status.
It blooms small yellow flowers that measure at least 1 inch.
Growing in an erect pattern, The Common Evening-Primose reaches a height of up to several feet.
It has edible flowers and leaves, also becoming one of the newly cultivated species.
A typical Common Evening-Primose lives about 2 years. Its nectar serves as food for local wildlife.
50. Daisy Fleabane
A type of wildflower that only lives for 1 year, Daisy Fleabane (Erigeron strigosus) is among the species with white and yellow flowers.
Its petals are thin and long, known as florets. A single flower may number tens of florets around the yellow central section.
The species grow in different habitats, including in clay. Dry soils are also areas where Daisy Fleabane can be spotted.
Wildlife feeds on the nectar and pollen of these flowers.
One of the benefits of Daisy Fleabane on disturbed land is that it manages to establish itself at the detriment of weeds.
51. American White Waterlily
American White Waterlily (Nymphaea odorata) is one of the species found along Michigan and further North into Canada.
This aquatic species is one of the aromatic flowers that grow in the state’s waters.
Its flowers and rhizomes might also be eaten, despite their fragrant profile.
The flowers of The American White Waterlily can be seen along the edges of lakes when they open in full sun.
52. Herb Robert
Pink flowers are characteristic of Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum). These are some of the longest-blooming flowers of all wildflowers across the state.
While small, these flowers are seen from spring to fall.
The contrasting nature of the flowers is seen against the green leaves of the plant while the upper stems are also often dark pink or red.
The species becomes invasive in most of its habitats, developing quicker and multiplying faster than local fauna.
53. Common Toadflax
Common Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris) is a type of weed with additional benefits for human health.
This species is known for its long yellow flowers only bees with long tongues can pollinate. Its flowers are mostly closed.
Growing as an invasive species, Common Toadflax is also cultivated for possible health benefits.
The wildflower reaches a maximum height of 35 inches and it grows in an erect pattern. It can be cultivated in gardens for cut flowers.