Some spiders have red or orange legs. From small orb-weavers to large tarantulas, there are different species with a vast range of orange nuance legs.
Orange-brown legs and orange-to-red legs are some of the typical nuances of spider legs.
The various orange colors of the legs can also appear slightly translucent.
Many species show different orange nuances on the legs between males and females.
A combination of orange and black or orange and brown legs is also highly specific to numerous spider species.
Spiders with red or orange legs are found all across the world, from North America to sub-Saharan Africa, the following species live in high numbers on all continents.
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1. Red-legged Purseweb Spider
The Red-legged Purseweb Spider (Sphodros rufipes) is one of the spiders with red legs which are the easiest to notice.
This is a species that shows has a contrasting appearance as its body is dark and its legs are bright.
A black body and red-orange legs are characteristic of The Red-legged Purseweb Spiders.
This is a species mostly seen in the Southern states where its web-made tunnel is found along different objects such as trees, rocks, and logs.
Red-legged Purseweb Spiders are predators which attach their tunnel-like silk webs to stones and other vertical surfaces.
Spiders of this genus wait for insects to land on their tunnel-like web before dragging them inside.
For this to happen, Red-legged Purseweb Spiders only build their webs on hard surfaces in open areas, mainly in direct sunlight.
Color of legs– red-orange
2. Arrow-shaped Orbweaver
A species that has a pointy shape resembling the tip of an arrow, The Arrow-shaped Orbweaver (Micrathena sagittata) is a spider with orange-red legs.
Spiders of this genus show a contrasting appearance through the color of the abdomen, which is mostly yellow.
Its legs have a dark orange or orange-red nuance while the pointy tips of the abdomen are black.
Much of what is known about these spiders refers to the look of the female.
Males are a rare sight and they don’t even have an arrow-shaped body as they have a round abdomen.
The species breeds in early fall and females are responsible for laying eggs on the webs they build themselves.
The difference is the female only lays eggs on their webs as both male and female Arrow-shaped Orbweavers spin webs.
Color of legs – orange, red
3. Noble False Widow
A European native, The Noble False Widow (Steatoda nobilis) also has orange-red leg nuances.
Male and female Noble False Widows have orange-red legs and are known to have a similar dark brown body color as well.
Extra marks on the abdomen are among the small differences in the body of males.
Now expanded to North America and South America, Noble False Widows are considered an invasive species across many US states.
Its invasive native is determined by its rapid spread.
Noble False Widows rely on their orange legs for moving around. They also rely on their orange legs to catch and hold prey.
The hind legs of the species are mostly used to trap various types of prey. These legs hold the victim until the spider bites to inject paralyzing venom and can let go of the victim.
While not lethal to humans, the venom of these spiders can still paralyze various large insects and even birds.
Color of legs – red-orange
4. Broad-Faced Sac Spider
Growing to a size of up to 3.9 inches, Broad-Faced Sac Spiders (Trachelas tranquillus) are found across North America.
This is a species that shows dark orange nuances on its legs. Red undertones are specific to its front legs which are darker while its rear legs are brighter and closer to true orange.
Living in gardens and woodlands, these spiders are a sign of warm weather.
They seek out shelter indoors when temperatures drop in the fall and they may survive indoors throughout the year.
This spider is often found in remote areas and difficult-to-access areas. It can live under tree bark and in tight spaces behind walls.
It is also a species found around other types of spiders and insects as it eats them both alive and dead.
Color of legs – orange, dark orange
5. Red Widow
Red Widows (Latrodectus bishopi) have red-orange legs and cephalothoraxes.
A member of the Latrodectus family, this is a species with darker coloring across the legs while its abdomen has a black color with red markings, similar to The Black Widow.
Unlike the dangerous Black Widow, Red Widows have red dots with yellow contrasting markings. They don’t have a red hourglass marking on the abdomen.
These red dots have varying sizes and they can cover almost any part of the abdomen.
Unlike true Black Widows, Red Widows also show a limited Florida habitat. They only live in sand scrub across the state.
Color of legs – red-orange
6. Amazon Thorn Spider
A species of The Amazon, this type of spider (Micrathena schreibersi) comes in different colors and has an arrow-shaped body.
Amazon Thorn Spiders can be white or yellow on the abdomen. Both morphs show tiny black dots and short black thorns along the margins of the abdomen.
Red and black or yellow and black longer thorns are seen on the lower abdomen.
Many Amazon Thorns Spiders can have orange-red legs with orange and black thorns.
Others may show brown or black legs, especially those with a yellow abdomen.
In their young stages, Amazon Thorn Spiders are mostly brown.
Color of legs – orange, red-orange
7. Redleg Orbweaver
Pale orange or orang-brown colors are specific to The Redleg Orbweaver (Trichonephila inaurata).
This is a species with vivid red legs and a varying body color. It can appear green, yellow, and black.
Other Redleg Orbweavers have a black body with a white and black abdomen. This morph also shows additional yellow spots in 2 rows along the abdomen and is typically paired with orange-brown legs.
The secret to the high variability of The Redleg Orbweaver is the capacity of the species to adapt its appearance based on its environment.
As a spider that changes colors, Redleg Orbweavers stand out as a species that also has a colorful and contrasting appearance that draws in insects.
Color of legs – orange, orange-brown
8. Jovial Jumping Spider
Dark orange and black contrast the legs of The Jovial Jumping Spider (Apricia jovialis).
Mostly common in the pet trade industry, this spider is an Australian native and a species that lives in bushes.
It has an elongated front pair of legs which are all-black, looking like pincers. The following 3 pairs of legs are dual-colored.
Orange dominates the appearance of the legs but black sections are also visible on them.
The body of the species is mostly black with a central orange spot on the lower dorsal abdomen.
Color of legs – bright orange
9. Spotted Ground Swift Spider
The Spotted Ground Swift Spider (Nyssus coloripes) is a species with partially-orange legs. This spider has black and gray coloring and partially orange front legs.
Its first pair of legs has the most orange coloring while the other rear legs are mostly black and gray.
This species has a striped black and gray body which may help it camouflage itself when jumping after prey.
Spiders of this family are Australian natives. They aren’t found in North America outside those in captivity.
Color of legs – bright orange
10. Asagena phalerata
A type of spider with orange legs, this species is native to Europe and Asia.
It inhabits vast territories from The United Kingdom in the West to Japan in its Eastern range.
Spiders of this genus have dark orange legs with a few dark brown sections. These sections match the dark brown cephalothorax.
The abdomen is atypical and smaller than the thorax with a black color contrasted by interrupted white stripes.
Some morphs of this species also exist, mainly darker, dominated by dark brown.
Color of legs – orange, orange-brown
11. Costa Rican Redleg Tarantula
Endemic to Costa Rica, this species of tarantula (Megaphobema mesomelas) is also known for its orange legs and orange sections across its body.
Much of its orange sections are dark orange or orange-brown, complete with black sections for a darker but contrasting appearance.
Its legs are mostly dark orange but this tarantula also has black sections along its legs.
Small yellow bands are seen between the alternating orange and black sections across its legs.
Its head is brown while the thorax and the abdomen are black.
Color of legs – orange-brown
12. Common Scorpion Spider
Orange legs and a black body make up the dominating colors of The Common Scorpion Spider (Platyoides walteri).
Resembling scorpions by their coloring and the positioning of their front legs, this is a species with orange and brown legs.
Its cephalothorax and abdomen are mostly black.
Spiders of this genus have adapted to crawling under some of the tightest spaces to evade the high heat of the sub-Sahara.
This is why these spiders have a flattened body.
Color of legs – bright orange
13. Ambicodamus crinitus
Growing up to 1 inch, this type of spider is endemic to Australia. It also lives on nearby islands where it’s often spotted indoors.
A mostly orange appearance is characteristic of these spiders.
Dark orange legs and bodies are specific to the species which also shows a black abdomen.
Some morphs come in orange-red or orange-brown legs.
The orange part of the legs tends to be the one closest to its body while the rest of the legs are black.
Color of legs – red
14. Walckenaeria auranticeps
A mostly orange appearance is specific to the legs and upper body of the species.
Its head and thorax have an orange-brown color, similar to its legs.
Small black areas are seen along its legs. The abdomen is also mostly black.
Found in Eastern and Western North America, the spider also comes in pure orange-brown coloring in the case of males.
The female of the species also comes in a morph with dark orange-brown patterns on its black abdomen.
This morph is further characterized by light orange legs.
Color of legs – orange-brown, light orange
15. Red-legged Golden Orb-web Spider
Native to East Africa and areas of The Indian Ocean, The Red-legged Golden Orb-web Spider (Nephila sumptuosa) has orange-red legs.
The nuance of its orange legs varies from mostly orange to mostly red.
Black parts are also seen along its legs.
This species builds orb-shaped spider webs and may rely on its dual color to camouflage itself from insects.
Female Red-legged Golden Orb-weaver Spiders are responsible for building the spider web.
This is a strong spider web often trapping large bugs or small birds.
Color of legs – orange-red
16. Ribbon Jumping Spider
Named after the bright stripes on its abdomen, Ribbon Jumping Spiders (Metacyrba taeniola) have orange-brown legs.
Some morphs of this species have bright brown translucent legs.
Growing to a size of up to 0.24 inches, The Ribbon Jumping Spider has a black cephalothorax and a black abdomen.
This is also a species that has bright stripes on the abdomen in the case of males.
Females of the species are brighter and have an orange-tan body with amber-orange legs and bright orange bulbous abdomens.
Color of legs – dark orange, orange-brown, bright orange
17. Dwarf Florida Jumping Spider
Native to Southern and Southeastern US states, The Dwarf Florida Jumping Spider (Metacyrba floridana) has orange-brown legs.
Its legs have a semi-translucent and glossy appearance as opposed to its dark hairy body.
A dark brown color with a few hairs is specific to its abdomen. This dark brown color is contrasted by 2 white stripes.
Its thorax is mostly black with narrow white lateral stripes. Its head and first pair of legs are also black.
Little is known about the morphs of this species as there’s little color variability for the Dwarf Florida Jumping Spider.
The highest populations of the species are seen around Florida and Georgia.
High numbers of Dwarf Florida Jumping Spiders are also reported across Texas.
Color of legs – bright orange