There are hundreds of different spiders you can encounter in Virginia, including the venomous Southern black widow.
If you are wondering what the most common spiders you may encounter are, then continue reading to find out more.
44 popular spiders you may encounter in Virginia, from the most common to least common, includes:
Table of Contents
1. Yellow Garden Spider
Scientific name: Argiope aurantia
Common name: yellow garden spider, black and yellow garden spider, golden garden spider, writing spider, zigzag spider, zipper spider, black and yellow argiope, corn spider, Steeler spider, McKinley spider.

The yellow garden spider has yellow and black on the abdomen and an almost white cephalothorax, which is the head space that the legs attach to.
Females are larger than males and can grow to 1.10 inches (28mm) in body length, with males growing to around 0.35 inches (9mm) in body length.
They will bite if harassed, though they are not dangerous and their bite is considered no worse than a bee sting.
2. Orchard Orbweaver
Scientific name: Leucauge venusta
Common name: orchard orbweaver.
Orchard orbweavers have oval bodies and red to orange triangular markings on the underside of their abdomen. They are sometimes mistaken as a black widow.
Females are larger than males growing to around 7.5mm in body length, with males only growing to 4mm in body length.
They have long legs, which are green or black/green with black banding on the joints. Their cephalothorax is tan with silver to white-colored abdomen with a dark stripe.
There are lateral lines that run parallel to the full length of the body. There are yellow patches on the side of the abdomen.
They are mostly found in orchards, though they may be found in suburban areas, often in hedges and overhanging eaves
3. Tan Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Platycryptus undatus
Common name: tan jumping spider.
Tan jumping spiders are members of the Salticidae family and use their jumping ability to ambush their prey, rather than creating webs.
They can jump more than four times their body length and leap towards insets as they shoot out a single strand of silk, which reduces the risk of their prey escaping. They will then drag their prey to their web where they can store it for later.
The tan jumping spider is a hairy, yet friendly spider, which is often fast and can escape with a few leaps, which is why bites are very rare.
They can be handled safely but will bite if you are a bit rough with them.
4. Spotted Orbweaver
Scientific name: Neoscona crucifera
Common name: Hentz orbweaver, spotted orbweaver, barn spider.
Spotted orbweavers are able to create webs that can reach two feet in diameter.
These orb-shaped webs can be found in gardens, backyards, fields, and parks. They hide during the day and hunt at night, which is why they are seldom encountered.
They can vary from tan to orange/red and yellow/brown with markings on the abdomen. Some have a visible pattern, others have zigzag lines and others have no patterning. They have bristles all over their bodies, including the legs.
5. Bold Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Phidippus audax
Common name: daring jumping spider, bold jumping spider.
Bold jumping spiders also belong to the Salticidae family and are small spiders that can jump up to four times their body length. They use their jumping to ambush prey and escape predators.
They are not easy to catch, which makes bites from these spiders very rare. If bitten, you can expect a stinging sensation no worse than a bee sting.
These are black spiders with a white line across the upper part of the abdomen and two white dots closer to the rear. They have hairy patches on their legs and pedipalps.
They live just about anywhere from cars and homes to offices.
6. Dark Fishing Spider
Scientific name: Dolomedes tenebrosus
Common name: dark fishing spider.
The dark fishing spider is a large spider, which looks scarier than it actually is. They are often confused with wolf spiders and tarantulas.
They are brown and black with some white markings. Their abdomens have a dark W pattern on the surface with legs held out straight with brown and dark banding.
They are active hunters and do not rely on their webs to entrap their prey.
Females can grow to a full inch in body length, while males grow to around half an inch.
Even though this spider is called a fishing spider, it is not always found near water and is common in shrubs and rocks, along with wooded areas. They are also often found in the yard, hiding under logs and inside firewood piles.
7. American Nursery Web Spider
Scientific name: Pisaurina mira
Common name: American nursery web spiders.
The nursery web spider doesn’t spin a web to catch prey. It ambushes its prey using its web for other purposes.
It gets its name from the way the female cares for her egg sac. She carries her egg sac in her fangs, building a web, suspended inside a leaf, so it cannot be seen or reached. She then surrounds the egg sac in webbing, guarding it until the eggs hatch.
They are light brown to tan with a dark streak down the middle of their cephalothorax and abdomen. Males streak is lighter in color.
8. Arrowhead Orbweaver
Scientific name: Verrucosa arenata.
Common name: triangle orb weaver, arrowhead spider, arrowhead orbweaver.
The arrowhead orbweaver creates an orb-shaped web, which can be two feet in diameter.
While most orbweavers have a bulb-shaped abdomen, the arrowhead orbweaver is different, it’s abdomen looks like the tip of an arrow. It is pointed and triangular in shape.
They have a white or yellow triangle on the top of the abdomen, which can help with identification and some small markings in red. The body is a red/brown color.
Their webs are usually found in shady areas, where the spiders sit head up in the web.
9. Marbled Orbweaver
Scientific name: Araneus marmoreus.
Common name: marbled orbweaver, pumpkin spider.
Marbled orbweavers have a marbled pattern on their abdomens with an orange head and upper legs with black and white banding on the lower leg. Some have orange and yellow abdomens while others are black and orange, black and white, or black and yellow.
Their webs can be found on tall grass, reeds, and shrubs.
Females are double the size of the male and will stay hidden in the web. If they sense danger they drop to the ground. They are common in gardens and shrubs. While they do grow large, they are not aggressive and will drop and hide if you pass and they feel threatened.
10. Spined Micrathena
Scientific name: Micrathena gracilis.
Common name: spined micrathena, castleback orbweaver.
The spined micrathena female has pointed ridges on her abdomen, which makes her less appealing to predators.
They have brown, white, and black colors which helps them camouflage in the dense forest areas, where they look like light specs on the ground. Their colors do vary with some being black and white and others being brown.
The male doesn’t have any sharp ridges and is black or white in color with a narrower waist than the female. Females sit in the center of their web waiting for prey to get entangled.
They rebuild their webs every day.
11. Common House Spider
Scientific name: Parasteatoda tepidariorum
Common name: common house spider, American house spider.
The common house spider creates what we know as a Halloween web, a tangled mess that you find in the corner of windows or the attic.
Females often like in close proximity to each other, which can give an attic or an abandoned building a spooky atmosphere.
These are comb footed spiders with long and skinny legs with comb-like hairs.
They wait for insects to get entangled I their webs. They can remain still for an extended period, ensuring that they are not seen by prey or humans. They are not dangerous to humans.
12. Magnolia Green Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Lyssomanes viridis
Common name: magnolia green jumping spider.
The magnolia green jumping spider is a small spider that is not furry and has long and slender legs, unlike the other jumping spiders.
Even with their long legs, they can jump more than four times their body length and is an excellent ambush predator, feeding on ants, mites, and other small jumping spiders.
They are green in color with two black dots on the abdomen and eyes on the front of the face and on to the top of the head with short hairs surrounding the eyes.
They are mostly found in magnolia trees, oak, maple, and pine trees.
13. Furrow Orbweaver
Scientific name: Larinioides cornutus
Common name: furrow spider, furrow orb spider, foliate spider.
The furrow orbweaver female grows to around 14mm in body length with males being smaller at around 9mm.
They have large bulb-shaped abdomens in gray, black, or red with the carapace on their abdomen having a lighter arrow that points towards the cephalothorax.
Their legs have an arrow pattern similar to the one on the abdomen. They have a row of six eyes with two eyes just above the central row.
They are common in moist areas close to water, where they create their webs between shrubs and low grass, hiding during the day.
14. Golden Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Paraphidippus aurantius.
Common name: emerald jumping spider, golden jumping spider.
The golden jumping spider is also known as the emerald jumping sider, with males being black with a white stripe on both sides of their head and a white border around the abdomen. Females are brown with orange details.
Both have a metallic green on the cephalothorax and abdomen, which is visible if you shine a light on them.
They have hairs running down the center of the abdomen with small white dots and lines on either side of the hairs.
They are excellent jumpers with great eyesight and can be rather inquisitive when you observe them.
They often come indoors searching for their next meal but are not aggressive and will only bite if handled roughly, which is no worse than a bee sting.
15. Arrow-shaped Orbweaver
Scientific name: Micrathena sagittata.
Common name: arrow-shaped micrathena.
The arrow-shaped orbweaver doesn’t have a round abdomen, but a longer triangular-shaped abdomen, that looks like the head of an arrow.
The female has sharp spines on her back, which makes her unappealing to predators while helping her hide in her web effectively. There are two points that extend from the bottom of the abdomen, angling away from each other, which are thick with red bases and black tips.
Males do not have spines and their abdomens have rounded edges. Males tend to be black and white, while females are mostly red on their body, head, and legs with a center arrow-shaped abdomen that is yellow with red spots, their spines are tipped in black.
They are mostly found in forested areas.
16. Arabesque Orbweaver
Scientific name: Neoscona arabesca
Common name: Arabesque Orbweaver.
Anyone who has done ballet will know that arabesque is a graceful pose in ballet. It is also a design for Moorish buildings and floors, which comprise intricate drawings, the best way to describe this spider.
They are varied n color with some being brown to almost orange, others are gray or black.
Females have a rounder abdomen than the male, they all have dashes that scroll along the center of their abdomen. There are thick black commas on the sides of the central decoration, which decrease in size closer to the rear. These markers are great for identifying this spider.
The female creates large circular webs, which can be seen between bushes or tree branches. During the day the female rebuilds her web, hanging upside down in the center at night to catch prey that gets entangled.
They are not aggressive.
17. Rabid Wolf Spider
Scientific name: Rabidosa rabida
Common name: rabid wolf spider.
The rabid wolf spider is a fast-moving spider that looks crazed with its erratic movements, which is how it earned the name rabid.
These spiders do not carry the rabies virus and are completely harmless to humans.
They are aggressive and they will challenge you if they are cornered or threatened, though they rarely bite, preferring to run away from threats. If they do bite, it is painful and should be checked by the doctor, as their bites can cause skin irritation.
The Rapid wolf spider is brown in color with two dark brown stripes or lines down the side of the head. Their abdomen has a single central line with two thin brown lines on either side of the body. Their body is tan in color. Their eyes reflect in the light.
They are very active hunters and will lie in wait for prey to pass by. They do not rely on their webs to entangle their prey, which means that they often wander indoors.
18. Six-spotted Fishing Spider
Scientific name: Dolomedes triton
Common name: six-spotted fishing spider, dock spider.
The six spotted fishing spider is a member of the nursery web spider family and is found in wetland habitats, where they are seen running on the surface of the water. They are also known as dock spiders, where they vanish through the crack in the dock.
They are large spiders with distinct markings and excellent vision. The body is brown to gray with white to pale cream stripe that runs down the side of the cephalothorax. Their abdomen has light-colored spots with light lines down the side of the abdomen.
If you can see them from below, they have six dark spots on the base of their cephalothorax.
Females are larger than males and can grow to 20mm in body length, with males growing to 13mm in body length. The female can be 60mm in leg span.
They are semi-aquatic and prefer living in ponds slow-moving streams and lakes. They are often seen on rocks and vegetation near the water.
19. American Green Crab Spider
Scientific name: Misumessus oblongus
Common name: American Green Crab Spider.
The American green crab spider can walk forwards, backward, and sideways. They have strong front legs, which helps them catch prey larger than themselves.
They prey on pollinating insects, such as beetles, butterflies, and bees that are collecting pollen or drinking nectar on the same flower the spider is hiding on.
They are bright green and very small, which enables them to hide in the petal of a flower. Their abdomen is slender, in the shape of a kite or diamond with red bands on the side of the abdomen, which is not always present.
They are wandering hunters, often climbing plants to search for insects in flowers. They live in fields, on grass, and in shrubs.
Their webs are not used to catch prey and often the male will cover the female in webbing for mating, as she is double his size.
Further Reading:
20. Eastern Parson Spider
Scientific name: Herpyllus ecclesiasticus
Common name: Eastern parson spider.
Eastern parson spiders have a white stripe on their abdomen, which resembles the ruffled necktie that was used by clergymen in the eighteenth century. They are hairy and medium in size, they are exceptionally fast.
They are active hunters that do not rely on their web to catch their prey. They hunt at night, hiding during the day under rocks, boards, and other debris.
They prefer the woodlands but are known to wander indoors.
Their bite is not lethal, but there are reports that some people experience an allergic reaction to the bite. They usually only bite if caught between clothing or bedding and your skin.
21. Long-bodied Cellar Spider
Scientific name: Pholcus phalangioides
Common name: daddy long-legs spider, long-bodied cellar spider, skull spider.
Long-bodied cellar spiders are tubular in shape with a rounded bottom and tapered waist. They are often referred to as Daddy Long Legs.
They tend to bounce in their own web, to create a blurring effect, making it harder for prey to see them. They hang upside down in their web waiting for insects to get caught.
Their mouth parts are exceptionally small and they are not known to bite people. Even though they are considered venomous, they are not poisonous and their fangs are too small to insect venom into a human.
22. White-jawed Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Hentzia mitrata.
Common name: white-jawed jumping spider.
The white jawed jumping spider is a small spider that grows to around 3mm in length. They have a crown of red hairs on their heads and are copper in color.
They are wandering hunters and tend to ambush their prey using their fast jumping ability, which also helps them escape predators. They will rather jump away than be aggressive, though they are known to bite if harassed or handled roughly.
23. Sylvan Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Colonus sylvanus
Common name: Sylvan Jumping Spider.
The Sylvan jumping spider belongs to the Salticidae family and is found in Virginia, where they ambush their prey using their rapid-fire jumping. These spiders can jump more than four times their body length and are more likely to jump away than be aggressive towards a human. If you should be bitten, it is no worse than a bee sting.
These spiders shoot out a single strand of silk to catch and entrap their prey, reducing the risk of escape. They then drag their prey back to their web to eat in privacy and security.
24. Southern Black Widow
Scientific name: Latrodectus mactans
Common name: southern black widow, simply black widow, shoe-button spider.
The Southern black widow is also known as the shoe button spider and is one of the most venomous species of spider.
Females are known for their black glossy coloring with a red hourglass marking on the underside of their abdomen. While they are venomous, they are rarely fatal to healthy humans.
Females grow to around 13mm in body length with males being 6mm. Their legs are long when compared to the body. The female is shiny black with the red hourglass marking.
Males can be gray to black with white stripes or with yellow or orange spots. Males are often a purple color or resemble the juveniles. Note, the male is not considered venomous.
Further Reading:
25. Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver
Scientific name: Neoscona domiciliorum.
Other names: Spotted orbweaver.
The red-femured spotted orbweaver are often found in buildings, but their bites don’t cause serious harm to a healthy human.
Adults have yellow or white markings on the back of their abdomen, with a black stripe on either side with a white band near the front, which makes a cruciform shape. The legs have red on the first segment and then the rest are banded in gray and black. Their underside has four white stops on a dark base color with red at the tip.
The female can grow to 16mm in body length with short gray hairs that sparsely cover her body. Males grow to around 8mm in body length and have a smaller abdomen.
They prefer woodland habitats, especially where there are hardwood trees they are nocturnal and often make their way onto and into buildings, especially under the eaves, where they can go unnoticed.
26. Ribbon Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Metacyrba taeniola
Common name: Ribbon Jumping Spider.
Ribbon jumping spiders belong to the Salticidae family with males growing to 6mm in body length, with females being a bit bigger, growing to 7.2mm. They have a broad carapace and can jump up to four times their body length.
They use their jumping to ambush prey, rather than rely on a web. They shoot out a single strand of silk to ensure their prey cannot escape, they drag them back to their webs, which they use for molting, retreating, and eating.
These jumping spiders prefer to jump away than be aggressive, though they will bite if provoked, which is no worse than a bee sting.
27. Basilica Orbweaver
Scientific name: Mecynogea lemniscata.
Common name: basilica orbweaver.
The Basilica orbweaver has a long abdomen that is made up of greens, yellows, and oranges, making it very hard to miss. The abdomen is a bulged rectangle shape with green on the sides with small white dogs.
The back is edged in white and filled with browns, blacks, and yellows with orange lines. The neck area looks like a cat’s eye with black lining that runs down the center with an orange iris and dark brown edging.
They have green legs with brown feet that are covered in spiky hairs.
They create large dome-shaped webs, where the spider hangs upside-down waiting for prey to get entangled. The web looks similar to the top of cathedrals with mesh-like webbing inside the dome with dangling sticky threads hanging down.
28. White-banded Crab Spider
Scientific name: Misumenoides formosipes
Common name: white banded crab spider.
White banded crab spiders have a white line running through their eyes. They sit and wait in flowers, waiting for pollinators to land. They have exceptionally strong front legs, which they use to seize prey.
Females, which are larger than the males, have a variable color that can change between yellow and white, based on their environment.
Males never change their color and have dark front legs with a golden abdomen. Males will guard a female until she reaches maturity.
Females can grow to 0.44 inches (11.3mm) in body length, males grow to 0.13 inches (3.2mm) in body length.
29. White-banded Fishing Spider
Scientific name: Dolomedes albineus
Common name: white-banded fishing spider.
The female white-banded fishing spider is slightly larger than the male. Females grow to around 0.90 inches (23mm) in body length, while males grow to 0.70 inches (18mm) in body length.
Their colors can vary with some being green with dark markings and some being brown. There is a white band below the eyes and around the jaws.
They are hunting spiders, using their webs as a retreat.
They are large, but not aggressive. If provoked, they will bite, which can be painful, causing redness and pain in the location of the bite.
30. Triangulate Combfoot
Scientific name: Steatoda triangulosa
Common name: triangulate cobweb spider, triangulate bud spider.
The triangulate comb foot spider has a distinct triangle shape on its abdomen. It is a common house spider that hides in dark corners inside the home and in outbuildings. They rely on vibrations inside their web to find the prey that gets entangled.
This spider eats a varied diet, including the brown recluse and other spiders.
They are not aggressive towards humans and their venom is not considered life-threatening. They spend most of their day rebuilding their webs.
31. Tigrosa annexa
The Tigrosa annexa was formally named in 2012, formerly belonging to the Hogna genus.
It has stripes on the body and legs, growing to around 2cm in leg span.
The Tigrosa annexa is a wolf spider, a mobile hunter that does not build webs to ensnare prey. They have excellent eyesight with two large central eyes, that reflect if you shine a light at them.
The female carries her eggs and then her young with her, which can be terrifying to see a spider covered in tiny spiders.
32. Bronze Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Eris militaris
Common name: bronze jumper or bronze lake jumper.
Bronze jumping spiders belong to the Salticidae family with males having a dark cephalothorax with white banding on the sides. Their abdomens are lighter than the cephalothorax, also with two white bands on the sides.
Females look slightly different and have a darker abdomen and lighter cephalothorax. The female does not have the white banding. There is a short white band near the cephalothorax and white bots.
Females can grow to 8mm in body length, with males being slightly smaller at around 6.7mm in body length.
They are common in homes and fields, though they often go unnoticed due to their small size and brown to bronze color.
They will bite if they feel threatened, which is immediate pain, the same as a bee sting. They are not considered medically important.
33. Spinybacked Orbweaver
Scientific name: Gasteracantha cancriformis.
Common name: Spinybacked orbweaver.
The female spiny-backed orbweaver can grow to 0.35 inches (9mm) in length and 0.51 inches (13mm) wide.
They have six spines on their abdomen. The carapace, underside, and legs are black. They have white spots on their belly. There are color variations that occur with some being white or yellow, both with black spots.
If white on the upper side of the abdomen, they will have red or black spines, while those that are yellow have black spines.
Males are smaller and longer than they are wide, growing to 3mm in body length. They have gray abdomens with white spots and four to five spines.
They tend to live and coexist with other colonial orbweavers. They are also known to form large colonies of a few thousand spiders.
34. Banded Garden Spider
Scientific name: Argiope trifasciata
Common name: banded garden spider, banded orb weaving spider.
The banded garden spider builds an orb-shaped web, which is located between plants in garden beds. The spider then sits upside down, waiting for prey to get entangled.
They vary in color from red/brown with white banding to black with yellow and white banding. As they get older they become darker. The legs are banded in the same coloration as the head and abdomen.
They have bulb-shaped abdomens with a furry neck space, which is covered in silver hairs.
The male, which is half the size of the female, is found at the edge of a female’s web, just before mating. Webs are always located close to the ground in a garden, where they create their webs in tall grass or between shrubs.
35. Bowl-and-doily Spider
Scientific name: Frontinella pyramitela.
Common name: bowl-and-doily spider.
Bowl and doily spider are members of the sheet weaver family, growing to around 0.16 inches (4mm) in body length.
They weave complex sheets, which include an inverted dome, or a bowl, above a horizontal sheet, the doily. The spider then hangs upside down under the bowl, where it bites through the webbing at small flies and insects that fall into the non-sticky web. They usually create their webs in shrubs and fields with plenty of weeds.
In some cases, the males and females will cohabitate.
The bowl and doily spider is red/brown with yellowish legs. Their abdomen has white dots on the sides, along with short hairs.
They are commonly found in tropical and humid areas, along with temperate woods and alpine forests. They are most active from May to June and then in September.
36. Flea Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Naphrys pulex.
Common name: Flea Jumping Spider.
The flea jumping spider is widely distributed throughout Virginia, where they love tall grass and wooded areas. They are common in rocky outcrops, hardwood forests, tree bark, and on the walls of buildings.
They are easy to identify being gray with black mottling on their cephalothorax, legs, and abdomen. They have orange colors on the side of their cephalothorax, which is an easy way to identify them.
They grow to around 10mm in body length and are strong and very intelligent hunters.
They have excellent vision and outstanding jumping abilities, enabling them to ambush their prey with ease. They often take on prey more than double their size where they feed on small grasshoppers, cockroaches, crickets, and flies.
37. Garden Ghost Spider
Scientific name: Hibana gracilis.
Common name: garden ghost spider.
Garden ghost spiders can grow to half an inch in body length with jaws that move side to side.
They have eight eyes, which are grouped close together, and an elongated abdomen which is brown and yellow, green/yellow or being. Some have dark markings, though the markings are not always present.
They are often mistaken as yellow sac spiders.
They are active hunters, hunting at night, where they prey on smaller spiders and insects. They hide I their webs during the day, which can be found under stones, in folded leaves, or in crevices of buildings.
They can give a painful bite, which is no bigger than a pinprick, which can cause swelling and pain for a couple of days. This can be eased with a cold compress.
38. Canopy Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Phidippus otiosus.
Common name: Canopy Jumping Spider.
The canopy jumping spider belongs to the Salticidae family but tends to mostly live in trees.
Females can grow to 16mm in body length with males being considerably smaller. Their fangs can vary in color from green to purple.
These spiders can jump more than four times their body length, which they use for hunting and to escape predators. They are not dangerous to humans, but they will bite if they feel threatened, which is no worse than a bee sting.
39. Black-tailed Red Sheetweaver
Scientific name: Florinda coccinea.
Common name: blacktailed red sheetweaver, red grass spider.
Black-tailed red sheetweavers are also known as red grass spiders, which was first described in 1896. They are known to live in lawns, fields, and grasslands.
They are red with black and can grow to 4mm in body length their eight eyes are set in two rows with two on the top and six below.
They spin horizontal sheets with threads above, the threads catch flying prey, which causes them to fall into the non-sticky sheet below, where they are then consumed by the spider.
40. Broad-Faced Sac Spider
Scientific name: Trachelas tranquillus.
Common name: broad-faced sac spider.
Broad-faced sac spiders are outdoor spiders that can make their way into homes during the fall when temperatures start to drop.
They are solid in color and can have a red to dark brown cephalothorax, which is shiny. Their abdomen is also a solid color of gray or tan with a dull sheen. The front legs are darker than the back and can range from red to brown or tan.
Females can grow to 10mm in body length and 16mm in leg span.
Their bite feels like a bee or wasp sting, though some people are sensitive to the venom, which can cause a severe reaction. In most cases, their bites are not of medical significance.
41. White Micrathena
Scientific name: Micrathena mitrata.
Common name: White Micrathena.
The white micrathena has a white abdomen with bulges o the sides, ending in two sharp points at the rear. There are two black patches on the abdomen with white specks and dark dashes on both sides.
The cephalothorax is dark brown or black with legs that are lighter in color than the body, but darken at the feet these are small spiders that hunt insects on plants.
42. Peppered Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Pelegrina galathea
Common name: peppered jumper.
Peppered jumping spiders are small gray jumping spiders with dark and light spots, which has given it the peppered name.
They have a stout body, short legs, and eight eyes with excellent vision and jumping abilities. They can grow to 5.4mm in body length for females and 4.4mm for males.
The male is a bronze brown with white pattern on the cephalothorax and abdomen. There are two white marks behind the eyes, which form a V on the face, giving the male a constant frown.
They are found in fields and prairies and sometimes in crops and old fields.
43. Tigrosa georgicola
This wolf spider is often encountered on the forest floor. They grow to 0.86 inches, with the female being larger than the male.
They are dark brown with a lighter stripe down the center of the carapace with lighter marks on the abdomen. They have large eyes, which sit on the carapace.
They are known for giving a painful bite when provoked, though it is not considered medically significant and any pain and swelling can be managed with a cold compress.
44. Brilliant Jumping Spider
Scientific name: Phidippus clarus.
Common name: Brilliant Jumping Spider.
The brilliant jumping spider is usually found in old fields, where it waits upside down near the top of plants to detect prey. They then jump down and capture the prey, before they can escape.
They have a rectangular carapace and red to brown coloration, though some are brown with dark markings or light yellow with dark markings.