Spiders come in various colors. These colors can sometimes be reproduced on their striped legs. A black and yellow spider might have black and yellow legs.
Some spiders with striped legs have a different color to the color of their legs. In general, striped legs in spiders help them improve camouflage and blend in with their surroundings easier.
Spiders with striped legs maintain the pattern of stripes regardless of their color.
While the colors of the patterns on the legs might be different, they are still present in most species that exhibit them
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Are Spiders with Striped Legs Venomous?
Some spiders with striped legs are venomous while others aren’t.
The good news is that even those with a venomous bite tend to run away when seeing people. Some spiders with stripes on their legs are also known for not being particularly aggressive.
It’s still best to handle these spiders with caution as they can bite at any moment. Most species aren’t venomous, aggressive, or even known to live inside the house.
A preference for grasslands, woodlands, arid terrains, and barns is specific to spiders with striped legs.
Here are the most common species of spiders you can see striped legs on.
Types of Spiders with Striped Legs
1. Yellow Garden Spider
The Yellow Garden spider (Argiope aurantia) is the most common species with striped legs. This spider has black, yellow, and white coloring.
Its cephalothorax is white while the abdomen is black, white, and yellow. Small colored marks on its black abdomen make it stand out.
Some of these colors are further visible on its legs. The legs of the Yellow Garden spider are always striped.
In most cases, the legs are either black and yellow or black and light brown.
This brown color is sometimes used by the female Yellow Garden spider with the silk it produces to wrap the egg sack in.
The pattern of the leg stripes is also different. Up to 5 black stripes are visible on its legs even though the Yellow Garden spider can come with only 1 black stripe and 1 yellow stripe on its legs as well.
2. Bold Jumping Spider
Bold Jumping spiders (Phidippus audax) are known for their thick strong legs. These spiders can come in different colors due to regional differences.
Bold Jumping spiders in Florida tend to have more color variation. In general, these spiders are black and they can have white or red marks on the abdomen.
All color variations of the species have striped legs.
Black and white stripes are common in the species. A pattern of black and white stripes is specific to these spiders.
The number of stripes these spiders have ranged from 1 (black and white) to 5 black and white stripes.
The legs of these spiders have short hairs which are also either black or white.
3. Spotted Orbweaver
Spotted Orbweavers (Neoscona crucifera) are mostly known for the large spider web. This web can be larger than 2 feet.
Mostly active at night, these spiders aren’t easily seen.
They can sometimes be found resting near their spider webs during the day.
Identification is based on their brown color which may sometimes be rusty red or even yellow.
All Spotted Orbeweavers have spotted legs.
They exhibit alternating light and dark brown stripes or spots. The lighter color on the legs is also found on the body of this species.
Females are larger than males. They grow up to 19mm. It’s also the female Spotter Orbweaver that shows more color variation than the male Spotter Orbweaver.
4. Golden Silk Spider
This colorful spider (Trichonephila clavipes) is known for its striped multi-colored legs.
It has yellow and red stripes on its legs. Apart from the third pair of legs, the spider also exhibits black hairs that need the joints on each pair of legs.
This is similar to its marked black abdomen.
Golden Silk spiders are orbweavers. They spin webs in the shapes of orbs and they are seen on these webs most times.
It’s the female that is more colored, larger, and easier to spot on the spider web. Smaller males are also found next to the web, but their color including the color of their striped legs can be different.
5. Dark Fishing Spider
The Dark Fishing spider (Dolomedes tenebrosus) is often seen as a dangerous species due to its size. Some people confuse it with a tarantula.
Its legs and body also make it similar to tarantulas. It has a dark brown, light brown, and gray color.
The same colors are seen on its legs which are mostly light brown with dark gray to black marks. Tens of marks are seen on each leg of the spider.
The coloring of the legs is similar to the coloring of the body which aids with blending in with the environment.
The species can be seen around sources of water in the mating season.
Females of the genus grow to almost 3 inches while males are considerably smaller growing to a maximum size of 1.5 inches.
6. Cross Orbweaver
The colors of the Cross Orbweaver species (Araneus diadematus) vary considerably. These spiders can be red, brown, gray, or yellow.
Known for having multiple white or bright marks along the body, these spiders always have striped legs.
Alternating dark and bright stripes are seen on the legs of these species. White and black as well as brown and gray stripes are common on Cross Orbweavers.
These legs are used to spin the special orb spider web and are identified by their long hairs that look like bristles.
Cross Orbweavers have different body sizes which also impacts the length of the legs. Females grow to 20mm and have longer legs compared to male spiders.
7. Banded Garden Spider
Banded Garden spiders (Argiope trifasciata) have striped legs in the same color as the abdomen. One of the most common colors of the spider combines yellow, red, and white bands on the abdomen.
Yellow and dark red stripes or bands are visible on the legs of the spider.
Some morphs of the species have black, silver, and yellow abdomens.
This morph is known for having striped legs that appear dark but which have black and dark gray bands.
The legs of the Banded Garden spider can be seen spread out when it hangs upside down connected to its spider web.
8. Common House Spider
These spiders (Parasteatoda tepidariorum) are frequent in homes. They come in all types of colors such as gray and black.
Most Common House spiders also have striped legs. Black and yellow or white and brown legs are common for these spiders.
Some Common House spiders have almost transparent legs with red to brown bands.
The species is seen in pairs on spider webs around the house. Males and females can live on the same spider web.
Females cannot share the same spider webs. Most female Common House spiders are territorial.
The species is known for eating all types of insects such as mosquitoes and ants.
9. Brown Widow
Brown Widows (Latrodectus geometricus) have neurotoxic venom and should not be handled.
Spiders of this genus have varying colors, mostly in shades of brown.
Light brown and dark brown Brown Widow morphs are common. However, the species also comes in a gray or even a black morph.
This impacts the color of its legs. Brown Widows have striped legs. Dark brown and faded yellow or white bands are seen on its long legs.
Tan Brown Widows have tan and brown striped legs.
10. Marbled Orbweaver
Marbled Orbweavers (Araneus marmoreus) are known for having a dual orange-yellow color. These spiders also come in a tan or a gray color.
The legs of the spiders aren’t colored similarly to the rest of the body.
White and dark red to brown stripes is common on the legs. Some Marbled Orbweavers also have partially-orange legs.
These spiders can be seen in woodlands.
They build spider webs next to trees, above the ground, or near ponds or streams in woodlands.
11. Triangulate Combfoot
The venomous spider (Steatoda triangulosa) is mostly found in homes. It has a brown color with orange or yellow undertones.
The yellow coloring with black stripes is also seen on the legs of the species.
Triangulate Combfoot spiders are seen as a beneficial species as they consume other spiders.
Furthermore, the Triangulate Combfoot spider can be beneficial around the house as they also eat ants and other biting bugs such as ticks.
While venomous, these spiders aren’t aggressive towards humans. They prefer to run away when seeing people.
While their venom is dangerous, there are no reports of actual deaths following a Triangulate Combfoot bite.
12. Western Spotted Orbweaver
The legs of the Western Spotter Orbweaver (Neoscona oaxacensis) have alternating off-white and black bands.
Coloring of legs the contrasts with the bright marked abdomen which has a central white line.
Western Spotter Orbweavers appear more faded in legs and body coloring in North America compared to the spiders in South America.
Western Spotter orbweavers can take on the color of their surroundings, which is green from green leaves. This is the reason why some Western Spotter orbweavers can have slightly green legs with smoky brown bands.
These spiders also exhibit short black bristle hairs.
Spiders of this genus are known for having different sizes depending on their gender.
Females grow to a maximum size between 9 and 18mm while males grow to a maximum size of 8mm.
13. Silver Garden Orbweaver
Silver Garden Orbweavers (Argiope argentata) have a black color and striped legs.
The legs are black and yellow and may also be partially red-brown.
You can see the legs of the spider on its spider web where they sit on top of each other in the form of a cross.
The Silver Garden Orbweaver sits on the zig-zag portion of the spider web which makes it easy to spot.
Silver Garden Orbweavers are known to eat various types of insects.
They can select different forms of biting when injecting venom into their prey. Short bites are used on insects already wrapped in their spider web while long bites are used initially to paralyze the prey.
14. White-banded Fishing Spider
Known for living in aquatic environments, the White-banded Fishing spider (Dolomedes albineus) has a gray body with faded white marks and bands.
It has the same gray color and white bands on its legs.
This species is a large spider but this doesn’t stop it from walking on water. The spider has hairs that repel water which allows it to stay afloat.
Spiders of this genus can be diurnal or nocturnal. It can often be seen on tree trunks or rocks next to water during the day.
The female White-banded Fishing spider can sometimes be seen carrying egg sacks in its jaws.
15. Red-femured Spotted Orbweaver
Red-femured Spotted Orbweavers (Neoscona domiciliorum) get their name from the red or black section of their legs.
The first section is spotted. It comes in black and white bands.
These spiders have a black and white abdomen with red or dark brown coloring.
An irregular central white line on their abdomen makes the species easier to identify.
Black stripes are also distinguished on the lateral sides of the abdomen as well as on the legs.
Spiders of this genus have an average size compared to most other North American species.
Large females grow to 16mm while smaller males grow to 8mm.
Living in forested areas, these spiders are rarely seen as nocturnal arachnids. They might be seen on the edges of woodlands in areas where they are present in high numbers, such as in Florida.
16. Peppered Jumping Spider
Peppered Jumping spiders (Pelegrina galathea) have a multicolored body. Males look different from females but both genders have black and brown striped legs.
Females have a light brown body with tan and brown marks on the body. These tan and dark brown to black marks are also seen on the legs.
Males have a black body with brown and tan marks.
Their legs have tan and black marks similar to the colors of the abdomen.
These spiders don’t spin spider webs as they pounce on prey by jumping techniques.
Most Peppered Jumping spiders are seen in grassy fields where they prefer to live in direct sunlight and hunt during the day.
Peppered Jumping spiders are the easiest to spot in June. Their season continues into late fall with rare sights starting in October.
17. Striped Fishing Spider
Striped Fishing spiders (Dolomedes scriptus) get their name from their looks and habitat. They live on or next to water and have a striped body with striped legs.
A dull gray color is combined with shades of brown across the body of this species. The abdomen has gray lateral bands.
The legs of these spiders are dark brown with gray stripes.
Some individuals have a light-tone body with tan, white, and gray coloring. The legs can measure more than 2 inches when the spider is fully grown.
Females have longer legs and large bodies compared to males.
Both males and females have W-shaped black marks on the body which is a distinct sign of the species.
18. Grey Cross Spider
Some of the most common spiders with striped legs in urban areas are Grey Cross spiders (Larinioides sclopetarius).
The species is often seen under bridges with lights which attracts insects these spiders are out to capture.
They have a dark body with yellow or light brown marks on a black background.
Spiders of the genus are known for also having short black hairs on the black segments of the legs and yellow hairs on the yellow segments of the legs.
Further stripe differences are seen between the front and the rear legs. It’s the rear legs that tend to have more visible stripes on Grey Cross spiders.
While the spiders aren’t particularly dangerous, they can still be aggressive. Females exhibit territorial characteristics and aggressiveness towards other females.
19. Jorō Spider
This spider species (Trichonephila clavata) has long thin legs with black and yellow stripes.
Yellow is also present on its body in the form of alternating bands together with silver bands.
Spiders of the genus also have distinct red marks on the sides of the abdomen.
The marks on the legs of these spiders are easy to spot due to their length. Females of the species are large, growing up to a size of 25mm.
Spiders of the genus can be seen in sunny areas where they build large spider webs. These webs can measure up to a few feet.
Spiders of this genus might be beneficial in agriculture. They are known to eat stink bugs which can attack various crops.
20. Canopy Jumping Spider
Canopy Jumping spiders (Phidippus otiosus) get their name from their arboreal habitat.
Mostly seen on trees, these spiders have different colors between males in females, both with striped legs.
The female spider has a black body with orange-red hairs and striped black and orange-red legs.
Males have a black body with white hairs and black and white stripes on the legs.
The male spider also has red hairs and marks on the lower abdomen.
The Canopy Jumping Spider is only present in Southeastern states. Its highest presence is in Florida.
As a jumping spider, the Canopy Jumping spider doesn’t build spider webs.
It jumps on insects it finds on vegetation, mainly in areas with plenty of evergreen trees and shrubs.
21. Hawaiian Garden Spider
Hawaiian Garden spiders (Argiope appensa) are an introduced species common in the Hawaiian islands but not mainland US.
As the Common Garden Spider, the Hawaiian Garden spider also has yellow and black colors.
Its legs are black and yellow with striking bands.
The abdomen is either yellow or green.
Spiders of this genus have striped legs and striking colors to keep predators such as snakes away.
Hawaiian Garden spiders are common around the house and in grassland or any other area with dense vegetation.
The spiders can also build spider webs in homes.
Spiders of the genus are seen late in the season in Hawaii’s warm weather. They remain active until November.
22. Banded Fishing Spider
The Banded Fishing spider (Dolomedes vittatus) has a dark body with dark gray or black marks. These marks are also visible on its legs which share the same color as the body.
Banded Fishing spiders live next to the water and eat small fish.
Larger than other species, the spiders only have the sides of the abdomen of a brighter color. A white band running along the edge of the abdomen makes the spider visible when sitting on the water.
The ability to attract air bubbles that attach to its legs when spread out allows the species to float on water and look for food from the surface of the water.
23. Orange Ant-mimic Sac Spider
Orange Ant-mimic Sac spiders (Castianeira amoena) are known for mimicking and impersonating ants.
These spiders have elongated brown-red bodies with yellow or white marks. These colors are also seen on the rear legs.
Spiders of the genus have light brown front legs they sometimes wave to appear similar to antennae.
Spiders of the genus are also known for their vivid marks that make them appear as if having 3 long body segments similar to ants.
Further white hairs are seen on the ventral side of these spiders.
The main reason these spiders mimic ants is to get closer to them to eat them. Various types of ants are copied in appearance and behavior for this purpose, including fire ants.
24. Common Spitting Spider
This spider (Scytodes thoracica) gets its name from spitting silk over insects. This is a rare hunting tactic used by slow spiders.
Despite its long legs, the Common Spitting spider isn’t a fast species.
It moves slowly behind insects, traps them with its front legs, and spits silk around them.
The spotted legs of the species are brown and black as is the rest of its body.
Given it grows to 0.24, the spider has very long legs about the size of its body.
Only active at night during its slow movements, this species of spider needs to sneak to a very close distance to its prey.
Its brown body with black marks and spots helps it remain undetected, especially when hunting at night.
25. Woodland Giant Wolf Spider
Spiders of this species (Tigrosa aspersa) are brown or black, depending on their gender.
Females have black body marks. The legs are also black with brown spots or bands.
This makes the spider almost completely black with barely distinguishable marks.
Male spiders have a brown color with black marks. The legs are light brown with black stripes and dots.
Both males and females have hairy bodies, similar to most other Tigrosa family species.
These spiders don’t build spider webs, they pounce on pray directly.
26. Long-palped Ant-mimic Sac Spider
These spiders (Castianeira longipalpa) have long legs and a total length of up to 13mm.
Their legs have dark brown and tan bands except for the first 2 pairs of legs which are mostly light broth matching the color of the species.
Spiders of the genus have a dark brown body with white or tan bands across their abdomen.
It mimics Red ants with the sole purpose of getting close to them.
These spiders use their long legs to get as close as possible to ants before eating them.
They do not build spider webs even if they can produce the silk needed to build these spider webs.
Long-palped Ant-mimic Sac spiders use their silk to create an egg sack or a silk-like material to wrap their eggs and to create a small silk-like shelter for the eggs.
Small and not aggressive, these spiders don’t typically bite. They might attempt to bite but they cannot pierce the skin.
27. Coppered White-cheeked Jumping Spider
Coppered White-cheeked Jumping spiders (Pelegrina aeneola) have a dominantly-white color.
These spiders have black and brown marks on the abdomen and a black mark on the head.
Their legs are brown with white stripes and long thick white hairs as on the rest of the body
The female has characteristic white coloring while the male is darker and almost completely black.
Male Coppered White-cheeked Jumping spiders have contrasting stripes on the legs, on the other hand. White and black stripes on its legs make the male stand out more.
Both males and females have thick strong legs. They use their legs to jump a few times the size of their body.
Coppered White-cheeked Jumping spiders are small compared to other US species. The female grows to 5.5mm while males are even smaller.
Some of the largest males of the species measure around 5mm.
28. Black-palped Jumping Spider
Black-palped Jumping spiders (Pseudeuophrys erratica) have striped legs and a striped body.
They have a black background color with gold marks and stripes.
Its black legs also have yellow-golden bands.
There are a few differences in how the stripe’s legs look from males to females.
The female Black-palped Jumping spider has striped black legs while the male only has striped rear legs with just a few marks on its front dark legs.
Male spiders also have considerably fewer marks across their bodies being almost completely black.
Visible golden marks are only found in a large number on the lower cephalothorax and on the lower abdomen.
29. Variegated Ground Spider
These colorful spiders (Sergiolus capulatus) are known for having striped legs. They resemble Velvet ants and wingless wasps.
Spiders of this genus use camouflage to get closer to velvet ants. They can be partially similar to these ants.
Growing to a size of up to 10mm, these spiders have a red-brown cephalothorax, red-black striped legs, and black and white banded abdomens.
Found on the ground, the spiders might be difficult to spot at first.
They move through and under leaves, places where they can easily find ants to feed on.
Varigated Ground spiders get their names from their banded abdomens.
They are known for being quite versatile, on the other hand. Apart from consuming ants, they also eat all types of other insects. They also need water to survive.
30. Pantropical Huntsman Spider
The Pantropical Huntsman spider (Heteropoda venatoria) is one of the largest brown spiders that have striped legs.
These spiders have a rare brown-gray color which makes them easy to spot. They also have small black spots both on the body and on the legs.
The legs of these spiders are very long. The male has longer legs compared to the female.
Pantropical Huntsman spiders have a beneficial role in some parts of the world.
A subtropical species, the spider is known for eating cockroaches and other types of house spiders.
This makes it a beneficial species to find indoors. Most individuals of the species like to live indoors.
On rare occasions, these spiders know how to find food and have a habitat for it outdoors.
Florida is one of the few states where the Pantropical Huntsman spider can also live outside of the house.
31. Nordmann’s Orbweaver
Common in North America, Nordmann’s Orbweaver (Araneus nordmanni) is one of the main orbweavers with striped legs.
Its common nature is seen both in the case of males and females.
This spider comes with red legs with black stripes and a light gray and black body. It also comes with gray-brown legs with a dark brown to green body.
All colors of the spider species come with multiple marble-like markings on the abdomen.
These marks can be best seen when the spider is hanging upside down. This is a common sight when present on its spider web since Nordmann’s Orbweavers hang upside down in the center of the web.
32. Shoreline Wolf Spider
The Shoreline Wolf spider (Arctosa littoralis) is a species that lives on sandy terrains on the coast. This spider takes on the appearance of its sandy environment.
The Shoreline Wolf spider is among the species that have a dull gray color with black marks which are specific both to the body and to its legs.
Spiders of the genus have pale gray coloring mixed with dark grey and black marks.
This pattern is also visible on the legs. A more pronounced pattern of dark grey coloring is seen on its cephalothorax while the abdomen and the legs are of a lighter gray color.
These spiders don’t build spider webs. They feed on insects and other spiders that share the same sandy habitat.
33. Barn Funnel Weaver
The Barn Funnel Weaver (Tegenaria domestica) is a species of spider with a red-brown body with pale yellow markings. These pale yellow markings are alternated with gray patches on the legs.
The legs of the Barn Funnel Weaver also exhibit short hairs on the femur.
Spiders of this genus are known for their presence in barns around the US, which also inspires their names.
These spiders live in cracks and openings around barns, next to entryways, or around windows. They feast on various types of insects attracted to barns on farms.
The Barn Funnel Weaver is among the species that might be hard to spot as these fast spiders make a quick escape when seeing people.
Otherwise, they remain hidden on a smaller nearby web.
These spiders live very long lives. They can survive up to 7 years outdoors when there’s sufficient food.
Mating is based on food availability and the maturing of the female spider.
A female Barn Funnel Weaver lays up to 9 egg sacs in this long lifetime.
34. Florida Garden Spider
The Florida Garden spider (Argiope Florida) is a species associated with the Yellow Garden spider but restricted in habitat to the Southeastern United States, particularly to Florida.
These spiders have striped legs and colorful bodies.
Their legs have black, red, and white stripes and red femurs. The spiders have similar colors with the markings on their abdomen.
Florida Garden spiders have a white cephalothorax.
These spiders have striped legs that resemble those of the Yellow Garden spiders.
There are extra stripes and colors on the legs of the Florida Garden spider compared to the Yellow Garden spider.
Furthermore, the colors of the abdomen are mixed in the Florida Garden spider compared to the 2 colors (black and yellow) dominating the large abdomen of the Yellow Garden spider.
35. Desert Grass Spider
Found in Southern territories from Texas to California, the Desert Grass spider (Agelenopsis aperta) likes arid environments.
This species is identified by its 2 black lines on its cephalothorax as most other funnel weaving spiders.
They have a brown and black color which may sometimes be tan and black.
Brown and black colors on the body are also seen on its striped legs. Brown and black stripes or tan and black stripes are common on the Desert Grass spider.
Growing to a size of up to 18mm, the Desert Grass spider is one of the largest and fastest spiders with striped legs that lives in the Southern United States.