Quick to stand out, birds with red heads are found all around the world. They live in The Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Red heads are seen on various species of finches, woodpeckers, ducks, and even parrots.
They are generally seen in males as they are believed to draw in females during the breeding period.
In rare cases, some species might also show red heads both males and females.
However, females are generally dull-colored compared to male counterparts in species where the male has a red head.
The following types of species are found all around the world and exhibit at least male red head coloring if not both male and female red head coloring.
Table of Contents
1. House Finch
Scientific name: Haemorhous mexicanus
Red heads are specific to most House Finch males. These birds often have red heads, red shoulders, and red upper chests as the color of the head extends down.
Other males only have red upper heads while a female House Finch has no red coloring at all.
Various shades of gray and brown are characteristic of the other parts of the male’s body and the female’s.
A streaked chest and a dark brown tail are specific to males while females have lighter gray and light brown coloring.
The size and weight of House Finches vary considerably. Some of the largest males and females of the species might grow to a maximum size of around 6 inches.
These birds can live in parks, woodlands, gardens, and even in cities. Sometimes believed to be native to areas of the US, House Finches are introduced species in the country.
Distribution area: Mexico (native), United States (introduced)
2. Summer Tanager
Scientific name: Piranga rubra
Red heads, bodies, and wings are characteristic of the male Summer Tanager.
This species has high discrepancies between the coloring of the male and the female as only the male is red.
Female Summer Tanagers have an orange, olive-orange, or olive-yellow color.
The female has a brighter chest and bellies with darker, mostly olive, heads and wings.
One way to differentiate the male Summer Tanager from other red male birds is by the color of their beaks. This male has a bright, almost white beak.
Another way to differentiate the male from other birds with red heads and bodies is by their red nuance.
Most male Summer Tanagers have a rosy-red color.
Some males also exhibit olive outer wing coloring.
Distribution area: North America, Central America (migratory), South America (migratory)
3. Red-headed Woodpecker
Scientific name: Melanerpes erythrocephalus
A red head is specific to male and female Red-headed Woodpeckers. This is one of the birds where both the male and the female share similar coloring, size, and overall appearance.
The juvenile Red-headed Woodpeckers are the only ones not to have a red head as their heads are mainly gray.
The belly and the chest of the species are white while the rest of the body such as the back and the wings are black.
Woodpeckers of this family may appear highly similar to other North American woodpeckers, such as The Red-bellied Woodpecker, a species that shows additional red spots on the belly.
An omnivorous feeder, The Red-headed Woodpecker eats insects, larvae, seeds, and fruit. Almost all of its favorite foods are plants and seeds.
Distribution area: Eastern US, Southern Canada
4. Northern Cardinal
Scientific name: Cardinalis cardinalis
A red head and an overall red appearance are specific to the male Northern Cardinal.
This is one of the most common types of birds with red heads in North America. Apart from its red head, male Northern Cardinals also show a red crest.
Females of the species have gray, yellow, and white bodies with only their crests being red. Both males and females have a crest.
This species can be differentiated from other red head birds by the vividness of their red color. Their red nuance is often described as vivid or vibrant.
Northern Cardinals are further known for showing high aggression levels, particularly in the case of males.
They use tactics such as singing to assert territoriality and to drive other males out of their range.
Distribution area: Eastern United States, Eastern Mexico, Baja California
5. Vermilion Flycatcher
Scientific name: Pyrocephalus rubinus
A red head or an orange-red head is specific to The Vermilion Flycatcher. Male Vermilion Flycatchers have a red head, a red chest, and a red belly.
Their wings have a contrasting brown or gray-brown appearance with white streaks.
Females only have red bellies and brown bodies. The heads of the females are also brown.
A brown-dominated female makes for easy confusion with most other similarly-sized brown females.
One way to differentiate the female from other species is by the egg-laying habits.
Female Vermilion Flycatchers frequently lay eggs in the nests of other species.
Both males and females eat insects. These are insects they catch while flying, as their name suggests.
Distribution area: Southern US, Mexico, Colombia, Peru
6. Western Tanager
Scientific name: Piranga ludoviciana
Considerable coloring differences are also specific between male and female Western Tanagers.
A multicolored male is specific to this species which has brown, chestnut, or gray females.
Males of the species have a contrasting appearance with red head. There’s a contrasting yellow chest, belly, and neckline on the males as well.
Black and yellow wings are specific to The Western Tanager.
The colorful species is mostly present around woodlands. It lives in mixed woodlands as well as in higher elevation coniferous woodlands across North America in an area that almost reaches Alaska.
Springtime marks the best period to spot this species in the wilderness. Its breeding grounds include territories in the US, Canada, and Mexico.
This species can survive several years.
Distribution area: Western United States, Western Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama
7. Redhead
Scientific name: Aythya americana
This type of waterfowl is named after the red head of its males. There’s a dark red nuance specific to its head, often closer to brown than to bright red.
Often compared to red copper coloring, the red head of the species is believed to influence the capacity of the male to attract females.
This theory is supported by the fact the males that don’t breed have brown heads, similar to females.
Female Redheads only have a brown upper head area as the rest of the head is yellow.
The same yellow and brown color combination is seen on the young of the species.
Redheads are adapted to living on the water, where they spend much of their lives from a young age.
Waterfowl of this species are good divers. They aren’t good walkers as they are adapted to diving for food.
Spring and fall migrations are specific to most populations of the species. Overwintering habits take them South to warmer territories.
Distribution area: Canada, United States, Mexico
8. Scarlet Tanager
Scientific name: Piranga olivacea
An almost fully-red color is specific to the Scarlet Tanager. Males of this species have a red head, body, and belly.
Black coloring is specific to the wings and tail of the male Scarlet Tanager.
Females of the species have an olive color. Their wings have a dark olive contrasting color.
Also identified by their short and slightly curved beak, these types of birds mostly inhabit woodlands.
Mixed woodlands and oak woodlands are among their ideal habitats.
A diverse diet is specific to these birds that live in complex woodland ecosystems.
They can feed on insects and their larvae. They can also feed on worms, spiders, and the various types of beetles that live in oak woodlands.
In the absence of these dietary options, The Scarlet Tanager may also eat various small fruit.
Distribution area: Eastern Canada, Eastern US, Eastern Mexico, Columbia, Panama, Venezuela
9. Red-breasted Sapsucker
Scientific name: Sphyrapicus ruber
The Red-breasted Sapsucker is a type of woodpecker named after its red upper chest.
Still, this species also shows a red head and a gray belly. Its back and wings are mostly black and white.
Both males and females share a similar appearance, their young being the sole exception.
Red-breasted Sapsucker woodpeckers are known to care for their young together. Both males and females care for the nest which is always made from scratch in a cavity.
The red nuance of the head is vivid but it can also be darker, closer to rust-red.
A couple of Red-breasted Sapsucker woodpecker subspecies can be found in North America.
One is seen in the Northern range up to Alaska while the other is seen in the Southwest.
In general, the Red-breasted Sapsucker is rarely found outside of its native Western North American woodlands.
Distribution area: West of The Rocky Mountains
10. Red-crested Cardinal
Scientific name: Paroaria coronata
Named after the appearance of its males, this species shows a contrasting appearance.
The male has a red head and a tall red crest. Its chest and belly are white while the wings are gray with or without white markings.
The female has a similar pattern but in different colors. Female Red-crested Cardinals have a yellow head with a yellow crest.
They have a white-yellow chest and belly with dark gray to black wings.
South America represents the native continent of the species. Red-crested Cardinals have also been successfully introduced in other regions such as Maui.
This species can live at varying altitudes but it generally prefers shrubs and woodlands at lower elevations.
Distribution area: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Hawaii, Chile
11. Pine Grosbeak
Scientific name: Pinicola enucleator
Male Pine Grosbeaks are mostly red with vivid red heads. This species also has a red chest and a mostly red belly.
Only the lower part of the male’s belly is gray. Its back and wings show a combination of red and black or black and white colors.
Females share the same color pattern but they come in different colors.
They have a yellow or olive head and a gray body with black wings. Females look completely different from males in terms of color and they resemble the young of the species.
Pine Grosbeaks are fond of various forest fruits. They might even migrate long and very long distances for these fruits which may see them fly away from an area for one or more years.
Distribution area: Canada, USA, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia
12. Hepatic Tanager
Scientific name: Piranga flava
The Hepatic Tanager comes in different colors, depending on its gender.
Males have a red head, a red body, and a red belly. The red nuance of the male Hepatic Tanager is generally described as bright, sometimes pink.
Females have a darker appearance. They are either yellow or golden and have no red head.
Hepatic Tanagers are found around some of the Southern US territories and further South.
This species has a very diverse diet which depends on its region and the seasons.
Some of The Hepatic Tanagers in Central America are even known to drink plant nectar in the summer.
In other parts of the world, this species can eat fruits, seeds, and insects.
Distribution area: California, New Mexico, Arizona, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay
13. ʻIʻiwi
Scientific name: Drepanis coccinea
‘I’iwi is one of the red birds with a very distinct red nuance. This species is described as having a scarlet-red color.
The head, back, and belly of the bird have a scarlet red color while its wings are black.
A pale salmon color is specific to its curved beak.
‘I’iwi is one of the main bird species in Hawaii and its feathers have been used in different traditional rituals.
The species is present on the main island as well as in Maui. The birds move up and down mountains in a short migration habit.
Distribution area: Hawaii
14. Northern Red Bishop
Scientific name: Euplectes franciscanus
Northern Red Bishops are colorful and contrasting birds with red heads.
It’s only the males of the species that exhibit red head and red body sections, mainly in the mating period.
This bird comes in black and red or in orange and black color combinations.
While it has a red head, it’s only the back side of the head that’s read as its front side and its beak is black.
The species has a red upper chest and a black belly while its wings are mostly red or orange.
Northern Red Bishops have an African origin. They have been introduced to Central and Northern America, particularly in regions of California.
Grasses and insects make up the bulk of The Northern Red Bishop’s diet.
Distribution area: Liberia, Mauritania, California, Texas
15. Flame-colored Tanager
Scientific name: Piranga bidentata
Flame-colored Tanagers are also known for their read heads, at least in the case of males.
The male bird has a red head, back, belly, and black wings. Females of the species are olive or yellow-olive.
They have a bright olive head and belly with dark olive or gray wings.
Flame-colored Tanagers are Mexican natives with rare to very rare sights on the Southern US border.
It lives in flocks on trees in woodlands and it has a diet that includes spiders and insects.
While they have different colors, both males and females can reach a maximum size of just over 7 inches.
Males and females are seen in the breeding season when a fine nest is made and lined with grasses.
Distribution area: Mexico, Guatemala, Panama
16. Red Avadavat
Scientific name: Amandava amandava
Red Avadavat is one of the species of birds that may have a red head in the breeding season.
It’s only the males of the species which take on a red head coloring when they are ready to mate.
Outside of this season, males have a gray-olive head and back color.
During the mating season, males have a red head, a red back, and a red belly.
They show black wings with white spots with additional white contrasting spots on their red bellies.
Outside of the mating season, males are olive, with yellow bellies. They have red and black tails.
Female Red Avadavats have yellow and gray bodies. Both males and females have red or bright red beaks.
Distribution area: India, Pakistan, Nepal
17. White-winged Crossbill
Scientific name: Loxia leucoptera
White-winged Crossbills are known for their colorful appearance with differences between males and females.
The male White-winged Crossbill has a red head and a red body. Its wings are mostly black and only partially white, unlike its name suggests.
Males of this species also have black sections around their eyes.
Female White-winged Crossbills have a yellow head and a gray belly. They have a dark beak and lack any red plumage.
The species is one of the Northernmost birds in North America, Asia, and Europe.
It inhabits high-elevation woodlands such as coniferous woodlands in Alaska.
The range of the species is mostly tied to cool climates and coniferous woodlands around the world.
Distribution area: Alaska, Canada, Russia, China, Finland
18. Yellow-billed Cardinal
Scientific name: Paroaria capitata
Moist shrublands and woodlands of South America are the native range of The Yellow-billed Cardinal.
A preference for moist climates is specific to this bird. It lives next to lakes and rivers as well as in marshes.
This is a species with a bright yellow or yellow-orange beak in the case of males and females.
Male Yellow-billed Cardinals have a bright red head and a white neck band as well as a white belly.
The back and wings of males are mostly black.
Female Yellow-billed Cardinals have a yellow and dark yellow head with a white belly and black wings.
The species has been introduced in various other regions outside of its native range, including on the main Island of Hawaii.
Distribution area: Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, Hawaii
19. Cassin’s Finch
Scientific name: Haemorhous cassinii
The male Cassin’s Finch has a distinctive red head and red shoulders. Females have brown and gray heads, as the rest of their bodies and wings.
Light brown and dark brown colors dominate the appearance of the female and most of the body and wings of males.
Cassin’s Finch is a small bird that may or may not migrate, depending on its range.
The birds in The United States can migrate while those in Central and Lower Mexico territories choose not to migrate.
Weather and food availability are among the main reasons for Cassin’s Finch migration.
This is a species that eats seeds and grasses and may live along woodlands and grasslands.
Distribution area: United States, Baja California, Mexico
20. Purple Finch
Scientific name: Haemorhous purpureus
A red head is specific to the male Purple Finch. This species has a dark red head, a pink back, or pink and white bellies.
Females of the species have a brown head and a brown and white body.
A common presence in North America, The Purple Finch might be declining in numbers across some of its native regions as it gets outcompeted by The House Finch.
This species may be sedentary or migratory. Its populations in Canada are more likely to move to The US for overwintering.
Considerable Northeastern North America Purple Finch populations don’t migrate at all.
Growing up to a size of just a few inches, Purple Finches are easiest to spot at high elevations and in coniferous woodlands.
Distribution area: Western and Southern Canada, Northeaster and Eastern United States
21. Pileated Woodpecker
Scientific name: Dryocopus pileatus
As one of the largest types of woodpeckers in the world, The Pileated Woodpecker has a contrasting appearance.
This bird has a red head and a black and white body plus black wings.
Growing up to 19 inches, this large woodpecker is found on The Atlantic Coast and The Pacific Coast in The United States as well as throughout Canada’s large and small woodlands.
Found even in small parks and woodlands, Pileated Woodpeckers may also settle on old trees in gardens.
It can be seen up on trees, looking for insects and bugs. This type of woodpecker is among the few natural predators of carpenter ants.
The species remains active throughout the year and it doesn’t migrate.
Distribution area: Canada, Eastern US, Western US
22. Acorn Woodpecker
Scientific name: Melanerpes formicivorus
Both male and female Acord Woodpeckers have red heads.
The upper part of the head is mostly red while its front part is white. The sides of the head and the area around the eyes is black.
Acorn Woodpeckers are among the typical species of California that depend on acorns for food.
This woodpecker shows atypical feeding and nesting habits, waiting for acorns to be in season.
Its dependence on acorns is high and this is why it may even store them in cavities.
This is one of the reasons why the Acord Woodpecker’s nests are often invaded by other species looking for food.
Acorn Woodpecker nests can show small breeding groups where a single female lives with multiple males.
Distribution area: California, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama
23. Ladder-backed Woodpecker
Scientific name: Dryobates scalaris
A red head is specific to The Ladder-backed Woodpecker. This is a species that has black-and-white lateral patterns and stripes on the head, much like on the rest of its body.
Active throughout the year, this type of woodpecker lives in some of the warmest parts of North America.
Ladder-backed Woodpeckers are among the few birds spotted on cacti.
It can be spotted on trees, boring for insects. The Ladder-backed Woodpecker may also eat fruits or catch insects in flight.
The female looks for cavities in trees to lay eggs. Clusters of up to 7 eggs are laid by the female soon after breeding.
Distribution area: Texas, Arizona, Mexico
24. Red-bellied Woodpecker
Scientific name: Melanerpes carolinus
Named after the red patch on its lower belly, the Red-bellied Woodpecker also has a red head.
The top of its head is red while its sides are white or light gray and similar in color to its chest and belly.
Black and gray bands are spotted across its wings.
The female also has a red head but the location of the main red patch is different on its head.
Female Red-bellied Woodpeckers have a red back of the head while the top and the front of the head are gray.
There’s also a red patch on the belly of the female, similar to the color patterns seen on male bellies.
Some woodpeckers of the species may also show a small red or orange-red patch on their face, just behind the beak.
Distribution area: Eastern US
25. Red-faced Warbler
Scientific name: Cardellina rubrifrons
Found in shrublands of Central America, The Red-faced Warbler is among the multiple species with red heads.
This bird has a partially red head. Its face, sides, and the front top part of the head are red while the back part of the head is black.
Red plumage continues down the neck and on the upper chest while the belly of the bird is gray.
Its wings are darker and may exhibit white stripes.
A migratory status is specific to the Red-faced Warblers in Northern Mexico while those in the South don’t migrate.
Some of the best places to see this species include mixed woodlands where the females build nests on the ground.
Distribution area: Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia
26. Red Crossbill
Scientific name: Loxia curvirostra
Male Red Crossbills have yellow and red heads and similarly-colored bodies and wings.
Females of the species are yellow or yellow-brown with dark wings. A high color variation based on the geography of this species is noted for Red Crossbills.
Found in North America and Europe, this is a species with crossed mandibles or beaks with upper and lower mandibles pointing in different directions.
This is an evolutionary trait The Red Crossbill uses to take the seeds out of cones.
Red Crossbills can be found signing across US woodlands.
They are also present in almost all European countries as well as in vast areas of Asia, being one of the most widespread species of the Northern Hemisphere.
Distribution area: United States, Canada, Alaska, Europe, Russia, Mongolia, China, and Japan
27. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Scientific name: Sphyrapicus varius
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers are found in various North American woodlands.
They live and feed on aspen, maple, and birch where they might choose out dying trees. They can feed on insects under the tree bark or on tree sap.
Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers also feed on insects and fruits.
This species is characterized by a red head and contrasting black and white striped body and wings.
Its belly is yellow and gray.
This is one of the woodpeckers which may impact the health of trees. The exposure of tree sap is known to attract different tree-eating species.
Some of the largest damages to trees are seen in the rare cases of group feeding the species is associated with.
Distribution area: Canada, United States, Mexico, Guatemala, West Indies
28. Red-naped Sapsucker
Scientific name: Sphyrapicus nuchalis
The Red-naped Sapsucker is a woodpecker with a red head and a red throat.
Black and white alternating patterns are further distinguishable on its wings and body.
Woodpeckers of this species are known to affect the health of many North American trees. Some of these trees include willow and aspen.
Red-naped Sapsuckers drill holes in trees to reach their sap. They start at the base of the tree, slowly moving up in time.
This is also known to attract many other bugs and insects that feed on tree sap.
As a result, The Red-naped Sapsucker also feeds on these insects attracted to tree sap.
Woodpeckers of this species can be spotted during their breeding season when they may breed with other woodpecker species.
Distribution area: Western and Southwestern United States
29. Lineated Woodpecker
Scientific name: Dryocopus lineatus
One of the largest red crests is seen on the Lineated Woodpecker, a species with a red, black, and yellow head.
This type of woodpecker has a black body with a white stripe that starts at the head and continues down to its tail.
The chest and belly of the species are also black and yellow.
Insects, fruits, and caterpillars are among the typical dietary choices of this black and red woodpecker.
Coniferous and mixed woodlands are the areas where the species can be spotted in.
Lineated Woodpeckers live in a vast territory South of The United States down to Argentina.
Distribution area: Mexico, Panama, Brazil, Columbia, Peru, Argentina, Ecuador, Belize, Suriname
30. Black Woodpecker
Scientific name: Dryocopus martius
The Black Woodpecker is almost completely black, except for its head.
Woodpeckers of this family have vivid red patches on the top of their heads, a black face, and a black body.
The beak of the species is white.
As some of the largest types of woodpeckers in the world. Black Woodpeckers sometimes grow to a size larger than 30 inches.
A couple of subspecies are recognized for The Black Woodpecker. They represent their populations across Europe and Asia.
Extensive industrialization and deforestation across Europe led to considerably diminished Black Woodpecker populations.
Distribution area: France, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia, China
31. Red-capped Cardinal
Scientific name: Paroaria gularis
A bright red head and a contrasting black face mask are specific to The Red-capped Cardinal.
This is a species that has a white belly and black wings.
Dual-color beaks are also specific to The Red-capped Cardinals. Its upper mandible is black while the lower one is yellow.
This species is native to South America. It feeds on rice and fruits in low-elevation woodlands across multiple countries.
Red-capped Cardinals aren’t present in North America. They only live in the central and Northern parts of North America.
Distribution area: Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia
32. Gang-gang Cockatoo
Scientific name: Callocephalon fimbriatum
A common sight in Southeastern Australia, Gang-gang Cockatoo are bicolored birds with or without a red head.
Males have a red head and a red crest while females have a gray head and a gray crest.
The bodies of the male are gray and white. They might also exhibit red plumage on the belly together with the females.
Only found in remote areas of Australia, Gang-gang Cockatoo feed on various fruits and peppercorns.
They migrate short distances from scarcely-vegetated areas to dense vegetation areas for breeding.
Distribution area: Southwestern Australia
33. Eastern Rosella
Scientific name: Platycercus eximius
Breeding in the spring, The Eastern Rosella is among the multiple species where males and females have a red head.
This species is native to Eastern Australia and remote parts of New Zealand.
It has a multicolored body and a red head backed by a red neck. Other red parts of its body include the lower part of its belly.
This species has a red chest and a yellow upper belly. Its back is yellow, black, and green.
The wings of the species show black, yellow, green, and even blue colors on the sides.
Multiple Eastern Rosella subspecies can be found in different coloring around Oceania.
Distribution area: Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania
34. Australian King-Parrot
Scientific name: Alisterus scapularis
A vivid red color is characteristic of The Australian King-Parrot. This is a species with a red head, a red chest, and a red belly.
Its wings have a dark green color and are slightly darker than the green wings of the female.
The female parrot has a light green head and dark green wings. A red lower belly is specific to the female.
Juveniles of the species resemble females but have brighter colors. They have brighter green heads and brighter red lower bellies. The juvenile Australian King-Parrot also shows bright green wings.
These types of birds can be raised in captivity where they may not be as docile as others when it comes to handling.
Distribution area: Eastern Australia
35. Red-cowled Cardinal
Scientific name: Paroaria dominicana
The Red-cowled Cardinal is among the multiple South American species with a red head.
Birds of this species have a bright red head and a gray and white beak.
A white belly is characteristic of the males of the species together with black and white wings.
Females have slightly different appearances. They have a yellow head and an off-white or bright yellow belly as opposed to a white belly as seen in males.
Juveniles have orange, white, or tan head and resemble females the most.
Distribution area: Eastern Brazil
36. Common Rosefinch
Scientific name: Carpodacus erythrinus
A dark red head is seen on the male Common Rosefinch. Its shoulders are also red with a gradient towards pink on its upper chest.
The belly of the male is pink and white while its wings are dark.
Females are brown, yellow-brown, or golden-brown and lack red head coloring.
Growing to a size of at least 5 inches, this rose-red bird species is native to Australia. It inhabits a vast area of the continent but Common Rosefinch populations in Southern Asia migrate for breeding.
Distribution area: Russia, Mongolia, China, India
37. Masked Cardinal
Scientific name: Paroaria nigrogenis
A dark red head is specific to the Masked Cardinal. This species also shows a black mask or dark markings around its eyes which inspire its name.
The Masked Cardinal has a white chest, a white belly, and black wings.
Its beak is mostly dual-colored. The upper mandible is always black while the lower mandible is brighter but variable in coloring.
Distribution area: Venezuela, Colombia, Trinidad, and Tobago
38. Southern Red Bishop
Scientific name: Euplectes orix
Similarly to The Masked Cardinal, The Southern Red Bishop also has a red head with a black face mask.
This species also shows a red upper chest and a black belly while the rest of its body is mostly red.
Females of the species are dull-colored. They have a tan or gray appearance with a dark brown head.
This species feeds on seeds and it has rapidly spread South of The Sahara Desert.
Birds of this species can easily be spotted next to the water, especially as they congregate in riparian areas for breeding.
Distribution area: Uganda, Congo, Angola, South Africa
39. Vermilion Flycatcher
Scientific name: Pyrocephalus rubinus
A red head with a red crest is specific to the male Vermilion Flycatcher. This species is dominated by red colors with secondary brown coloring on its wings.
The female of the species doesn’t have a crest or a red head and is dominated by brown coloring. Its head is brown while its upper chest is white or gray.
The lower belly of the female is red or orange. Its wings are dark brown.
Endemic to North, Central, and South America, this species has particular habits that help identification apart from the head of red males.
It shows parasitic behaviors within its species as it lays eggs in existing nests.
These types of birds eat bugs and insects such as grasshoppers.
Distribution area: Arizona, Texas, Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia