50 Wildflowers in Montana (Pictures and Identification)

Montana is one of the states with meadows and prairie wildflowers. Some of the species adapted to cool climates and high elevations are specific to Montana.

Some of the wildflowers found here can be grown in gardens while others have a rich history going back to the times they were used in traditional health practices.

Both native and introduced species are found around the state. Here are some of the typical wildflowers of the state with their most common traits.

1. Common Yarrow

Common Yarrow

With a long season spreading from March to October, The Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) is a typical wildflower across various habitats in the state.

This species does well on disturbed land as well.

This species has multiple white flowers with a size of up to 8mm.

Its white flowers grow in groups, typically numbering 8 or fewer flowers.

Common Yarrow has a toxic effect on pets and wild animals in Montana. Vomiting and diarrhea are among the typical symptoms when animals eat them.

A higher toxicity risk is associated with cattle as cows transmit the toxins of the plant through milk.

2. Fireweed


Fireweed (Chamaenerion angustifolium) is a wildflower with an erect inflorescence. Purple-violet coloring is specific to its inflorescence which blooms on the bottom first.

This species has quick-establishing roots and it enjoys popularity across disturbed lands, mainly in those affected by fire.

Its deep roots spread quickly and help stabilize the soil. Even more, its roots can be the first to establish on fire-disturbed land.

Its capacity to grow even on some of the most difficult terrains is what may make the flower an unexpected sight on the state’s granite terrains.

3. Glacier Lily

Glacier Lily

Common spotted around the state and Missoula, Glacier Lily (Erythronium grandiflorum) is a species that grows and re-grows from bulbs.

Its globular yellow flowers often make this species resemble yellow tulips.

The mountainous regions across the state are its ideal habitats.

While it doesn’t grow at the highest elevation, Glacier Lily Grows in subalpine areas.

Clearings in woodlands, open sunny spaces next to woodlands, and sunny slopes are among its preferred habitats.

Glacier Lilies grow to an average size of 9-11 inches.

This plant is edible. Animals such as bears feed on their yellow flowers.

4. Common Beargrass

Common Beargrass

A type of perennial herb, Common Beargrass (Xerophyllum tenax) is a species tied to subalpine regions.

The leaves of the species grow on the base of the plant with white tiny flowers forming a globular shape on top.

This species isn’t food for bears as other animals such as deer prefer to feed on it.

A native species in Montana, Common Beargrass has now expanded its reach outside of state borders.

Common Beargrass is now expanded throughout the entire West Coast.

The high elevation and the presence of sufficient rainfall in the spring favor the spread of The Common Beargrass.

5. Sticky Geranium

Sticky Geranium

A type of wild geranium, Sticky Geranium (Geranium viscosissimum) is native to Montana and the extended Northeast.

This is a species that grows into a short wildflower with blooming dark pink flowers.

Its season extends to October and depends on elevation.

Subalpine habitats are specific to Sticky Geranium, a species that grows at an altitude of up to 8.000 feet.

While the species may also be seen at a lower elevation, Sticky Geranium is most likely to be seen in gardens outside its subalpine areas.

Its fragrant colorful flowers attract moths and butterflies.

6. Arrowleaf Balsamroot

Arrowleaf Balsamroot

The Arrowleaf Balsamroot (Balsamorhiza sagittata) is native to Montana and to numerous other Western habitats, particularly at high elevations.

A preference for cold habitats is specific to this plant. A sunflower family member, this species has yellow florets, a combination of multiple small yellow flowers.

Like true sunflower, this species has pointy petals.

Arrowleaf Balsamroot, also known as Oregon Sunflower is a species an edible wildflower. Some reports say this wildflower was eaten by local natives for its nutritional value as its high in oil.

Arrowleaf Balsamroot was and still is boiled into a tea which boosts energy levels.

7. Great Blanketflower

Great Blanketflower

The colorful Great Blanketflower (Gaillardia aristata) is another common species in subalpine areas found in Montana.

The species is also native to the entire West Coast up to British Colombia.

Orange and yellow colors are specific to their bright colors, which attract wildlife such as bees and butterflies.

This is a species that grows in full sun, preferably in prairies.

Great Blanketflowers rarely reach their maximum height of just over 20 inches as they need plenty of moisture.

They can be grown at home in enriched soil containers and remain in bloom from spring to early summer.

8. Saskatoon


Saskatoon (Amelanchier alnifolia) is a species native to Canada and Montana that bear fruit.

The fruits of this species taste similarly to berries and are rich in nutrients such as riboflavin.

These fruits are ripe at the beginning of the summer as opposed to earlier in the season West of Montana.

Known for its multiple blooming white flowers, Saskatoon also has edible leaves which wild animals like.

Deer are among the species that feed on the wildflower.

Saskatoon is a species that grows considerably. It can reach a height of up to 30 feet within years.

Its leaves and fruits can be used to make different drinks, including flavored craft beer.

9. Fairy-Slipper


An atypical appearance is specific to the Fiary-Slipper (Calypso bulbosa). This wildflower is part of the orchid family, bearing resemblance to other orchids in its flowers.

Only one flower per stem is specific to this species. Its flowers are pink-violet and may come with white margins.

Fairy-Slipper flowers attract pollinators but are a rare sight as they are only found in high-elevation woodlands.

Pine woodlands are among their ideal habitats. This species never grows in an exposed area as it requires shelter.

A single leaf grows on this type of wildflower.

10. Common Harebell

Common Harebell

Common Harebell (Campanula rotundifolia) is a species found across the state and outside Montana in many temperate climates.

It grows to a height between 7 and 14 inches and it blooms bell-shaped flowers. Its flowers are blue, purple, or pink.

Its leaves only grow at the base of the plant and may indicate a loss of vigor when not fully erect.

Common Harebells grow in full sun and they can survive in partial shade.

Like many other wildflowers of the state, Common Harebell cannot grow indoors in warm temperatures.

11. Giant Red Indian Paintbrush

Giant Red Indian Paintbrush

Part of the Figwort family, the Giant Red Indian Paintbrush (Castilleja miniata) is native to the state and other states down to Texas.

Its dark red flowers make the species stand out but growing it in the garden is almost impossible.

Giant Red Indian Paintbrush is a type of parasite species attaching itself to other plants.

Connected roots to the roots of other plants mean they can even kill their host plant species.

This species grows to a height of several inches with blooming spear-shaped red leaves.

Some of the tallest Giant Reed Indian Paintbrush wildflowers found in Montana may grow to a size of 2-3 feet.

12. Prairie Smoke

Prairie Smoke

Prairie Smoke (Geum triflorum) once used to be very common across the state but now has a diminishing presence.

Its limited habitat makes Montana one of the states where the plant is still common. Rocky soils and silt soils are among their only habitat.

Prairie Smoke is a short species growing in clusters and reaching a height of several inches.

Its red flowers are visible almost until the end of the summer but may fade away in mid-summer when the temperature is the highest.

The green leaves of Prairie Smoke remain green until late fall but also go into a semi-limp state on very warm summer days.

A common sight on prairies, this species is in full bloom in early spring.

13. Great Mullein

Great Mullein

The Great Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) is a biennial plant that takes its full shape in the second year.

Green and yellow, this is a species that appears all around the state, particularly in areas with existing vegetation.

It can be found at lower elevations and it can also be found along roads and in open areas with tall grasses.

The species is not among the first to bloom in Montana as its flowers are mostly seen from June onwards.

Identified by their long yellow stems, these wildflowers are mostly spotted on grassland or next to grasslands.

14. Spotted Knapweed

Spotted Knapweed

This type of perennial (Centaurea stoebe) is only seen in full bloom at its maximum height in the second year as it spends its first year in a rosette stage.

Its spotted flowers inspire its name and can be seen in the second year when the pink petals are in bloom.

An introduced species, Spotted Knapweed can overtake small crops in the state requiring management techniques.

Outside of crops, Spotted Knapweed can establish itself across different types of well-drained soils.

Sandy soils are among its favorites and a higher presence is signaled for the species in Northern Montana.

15. Yellow Columbine

Yellow Columbine

Yellow Columbine (Aquilegia flavescens) is a type of toxic flower native to Montana and along The Rockies.

These types of wildflowers are some of the oldest in North America, often being consumed by natives who ate them before they became toxic as mature wildflowers.

Yellow Columbine measures up to 5 golden yellow petals which give the species a unique appearance among the pine woodlands and prairies it lives on.

The species is found at high elevations as it likes cold air. It thrives up to an elevation of up to 11.000 feet.

Size-wise, the species can look very different from one location to another as it can grow to 20 inches it can also be almost twice as short in some locations.

16. Yellow Salsify

Yellow Salsify

Yellow Salsify (Tragopogon dubius) is a type of yellow flower with a commonly established nature in the state and across the Northeast.

Adapted to the area without an invasive impact, this is a species that may reach a height of 15 inches but it generally measures a bit less on average.

Low moisture and even dry soils are preferred by this wildflower.

A common sight along public roaches, this type of wildflower reacts with the sun. It opens its yellow petals in the afternoon to close them later in the evening.

While common in The Northern states, the species is scattered around Montana as it is in all other neighboring states.

17. Baker’s Mariposa Lily

Baker’s Mariposa Lily

Large white flowers are specific to The Baker’s Mariposa Lily (Calochortus apiculatus). 3 white to cream flowers and a yellow central section are specific to this flower.

A common sight across mountains in Montana, this species can grow in cleanings.

It can grow next to oak but is a more common presence in pine woodlands,

Baker’s Mariposa Lily is a short flower that grows to a height of up to 5 inches, on average. Its leaves might remain green throughout the year.

18. Pearly Everlasting

Pearly Everlasting

Small white flowers growing together are specific to The Pearly Everlasting (Anaphalis margaritacea).

This is a species used in dry flower arrangements once its small white flowers are dry.

In its first year, The Pearly Everlasting is a species that only shows small green leaves covered in tiny white hairs.

It then grows into a tall flower. Some of the tallest Pearly Everlastings can reach a height of 3 feet.

The long leaves of the grown Pearly Everlasting are also hosts to some of the common Montana caterpillars.

They serve as food and shelter for the caterpillar of the American Painted Lady Butterfly even outside of their summertime blooming season.

19. Shrubby Cinquefoil

Shrubby Cinquefoil

One of the flowering shrubs in the state is The Shrubby Cinquefoil (Dasiphora fruticosa). This species grows to a height of up to 40 inches.

Multiple flowers are seen on this shrub, but not on all of its stems.

Yellow color is specific to its flowers, followed by a rare white variant.

Regardless of the color, its flowers are round and have a flattened shape with flat petals.

Compound leaves are also specific to this species. These leaves can remain green throughout the year in some regions of the state.

Part of the rose family, this species bears little resemblance to rose cultivars apart from the round shape of its flowers.

20. Showy Milkweed

Showy Milkweed

Showy Milkweed (Asclepias speciosa) is a species that grows along The Rocky Mountains and in Montana. While the species is not as common in the state as in California, it can still be found at various elevations.

Star-shaped flowers are characteristic of this type of milkweed. The species grows upright and its small colorful flowers are fragrant, attracting various types of wildlife.

Reaching a height of up to 6 feet, Showy Milkweed is a host for the caterpillars of different moths and butterflies.

Isabella Tiger Moth Caterpillars are among the common species on this wildflower.

Outside of Montana, Showy Milkweed can grow into a hybrid when mixed with The Common Milkweed, attracting even more caterpillar species.

21. Prairie Pasqueflower

Prairie Pasqueflower

An early blooming season is specific to The Prairie Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla nuttalliana). This is one of the species present on prairies and in woodlands across the state.

The short plant only measures a few inches, with its flower often being larger than its stem.

White flowers counting between 5 and 6 petals and a yellow central section are specific to The Prairies Pasqueflower.

Native to Montana, this type of high-elevation wildflower is also native to many other US states as well as to Mexico.

22. Low Larkspur

Low Larkspur

Low Larkspur (Delphinium bicolor) is one of the several blues to purple wildflowers in Montana.

This is a species with flower heads counting up to 15 individual small flowers of a base blue color.

Small green or green-to-blue leaves are seen lower on the stems.

Seen at high elevations on mountains, Low Larkspur has also expanded to the base of hills and mountains in full sun.

This is a species that grows small blue-purple flowers that open with the sun. These flowers grow up to a diameter of 1 inch.

In total, Low Larkspur can grow to a maximum height of 16 inches.

23. Common Cowparsnip

Common Cowparsnip

One of the noxious weeds of Montana is The Common Cowparsnip (Heracleum maximum). This is a species that invades dry and loamy soils across the state and in many other US states down to Mexico.

A toxic species, Common Cowparsnip may reach a height of up to 8 feet, with an average size of around 6 feet.

Its small white flowers are toxic to livestock while the quick spread of the species can lead to monocultures.

Common Cowparsnip can arise almost anywhere around Montana along prairies as long as there is sufficient direct sunlight.

24. Common Snowberry

Common Snowberry

Common Snowberry (Symphoricarpos albus) is one of the established wildflowers of Montana which may be used to control soil erosion.

This species grows up to a height of 6 feet and can spread out sideways considerably as well.

It makes small white and red fruits which are sometimes eaten by birds but which are poisonous to humans, as well as other parts of the plant.

Natives used to cook and eat the wildflower while some wildlife also feeds on it. Birds, bears, and deer are among the animals feeding on The Common Snowberry.

25. Lewis’ Monkeyflower

Lewis’ Monkeyflower

Lewis’ Monkeyflower (Erythranthe lewisii) is a typical species that reaches a height of up to 30 inches.

Colorful pink flowers are characteristic of the wildflower but the coloring isn’t uniform. Brown sections are further distinguishable on the petals.

Various shades of pink are also specific to Lewis’ Monkeyflower.

A pink-red variant of Lewis Monkeyflower is seen around Mountain mountains. These flowers like cool weather and bloom through the summer when they attract different types of pollen-feeding insects.

26. Dark-throated Shooting Star

Dark-throated Shooting Star

This type of wildflower (Primula pauciflora) is known for its star-shaped florets. Purple flowers with a yellow central section are seen in the summer when this species blooms.

Prairies and meadows with at least average moisture are ideal habitats for this species.

Montana marks the Northern limit of the species which grows along The West Coast.

With sufficient moisture and full sun, this species grows to a size of over 1 foot while its leaves which are attached to the base of the stem reach a length of up to 10 inches.

The species is one of the hosts of blue butterfly caterpillars such as those of The Arrowhead Arctic Blue.

27. Red Osier Dogwood

Red Osier Dogwood

Moose and sheep are among the first to discover new Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea) as they feed on it.

Apart from being a food source, Red Osier Dogwood is also an indicator of soil moisture levels as this is one of the wildflowers that grow around water or on mountains that get plenty of rain.

A species adapted to living in wetlands, Red Osier Dogwood has small white flowers that measure up to 15mm.

This species is adapted to the state’s cool weather and it represents one of the species with few pests such as The Dogwood Sawlfly.

28. Purple Clematis

Purple Clematis

Named after its purple flowers, Purple Clematis (Clematis occidentalis) grows 4-petal purple flowers.

Found across woodlands, Purple Clematis blooms in May. It can be found around mixed and deciduous woodlands where it grows as a vine.

Purple Clematis can become a problem when growing on other plants and trees.

This species can also be found in scarce locations around water, particularly on rocky terrains next to lakes and rivers.

29. Hound’s-Tongue


Hound’s-Tongue (Cynoglossum officinale) can also have an invasive profile in the state, similar to Purple Clematis.

Purple, blue, and red flowers are specific to Hound’s-Tongue.

Grasslands and riparian areas are common habitats for the species in the state.

An old species in North America, this wildflower is named after a simple remedy for dog bite reactions.

Apart from invading its native areas, Hound’s-Tongue is a toxic species to cattle on grasslands.

The toxins from the plant can be transmitted by cows through milk.

30. Silvery Lupine

Silvery Lupine

Silvery Lupines (Lupinus argenteus) also come with flowers of different colors, similar to Hound’s Tongue.

White, pink, and blue are all colors this lupine can be spotted in. A spike of up to 10 inches is where the florets of the species grow in a cone shape.

This species is known to live in small colonies across various types of habitats but not on disturbed land.

Dry terrains across the state still host this plant. However, Silvery Lupines might not reach their maximum 3 feet potential height when growing on dry terrains.

31. Woods’ Rose

Woods’ Rose

Rose-colored flowers of Wood’s Rose (Rosa woodsii) open in full sun and even in light shade.

This is a tall species that grows up to a height of 6 feet and lives multiple years.

Some of the longest-living Wood’s Rose wildflowers can survive up to 5 years.

High adaptability, Wood’s Rose can grow even in clay soils where it can attract wildlife such as bees.

The species can also be cultivated at home in gardens due to its very aromatic pink flowers. However, these flowers tend to look the best every second year.

32. White Bog Orchid

White Bog Orchid

One of the tallest types of wildflowers in Montana is White Bog Orchid (Platanthera dilatata).

Part of the orchid family, this wildflower grows to a height of around 40 inches with the possibility of reaching a height of around 50 inches.

White Bog Orchid grows clusters of tiny white flowers on the spike-like top of the plant.

These flowers are highly fragrant, attracting butterflies, wasps, and bees.

Swamps and marshes are some of the areas of the state where this species can reach its maximum height. Shorter White Bog Orchids are found in drier habitats.

33. Heartleaf Arnica

Heartleaf Arnica

Heartleaf Arnica (Arnica cordifolia) is another common yellow wildflower in Montana.

This species grows to a maximum height between a few inches and 2 feet. It comes with yellow or golden-yellow flowers which resemble the yellow flowers of daisies.

Its leaves are often different, while all of its flowers have the same shape and color.

The leaves of The Heartleaf Arnica can have tapered ends or they can come in the shape of a heart.

Adapted to mountainous regions, Heartleaf Arnica is a species that grows to 12.000 feet, but it prefers to live in an area with pine woodlands.

34. Wild Bergamot

Wild Bergamot

Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) is one of the aromatic wildflowers of Montana. While a weed elsewhere, the species can be used to make tea and other types of drinks.

The taste of Wild Bergamot drinks is often described as similar to the taste of mint tea.

This species has small lavender flowers and short leaves that may only grow to a length of 3 inches.

A type of perennial herb, Wild Bergamot can reach a maximum height between 2 and 5 feet.

While a wildflower, the species may also be grown in state gardens where the species is seen as an aromatic herb or as a decorative perennial.

35. Lanceleaf Stonecrop

Lanceleaf Stonecrop

This type of species (Sedum lanceolatum) can also be grown in containers or gardens similar to succulents.

Lanceleaf Stonecrop is one of the most likely species in Montana to be found at very high elevations.

This species could also grow on Granite Peak as it has been discovered at altitudes of up to 13.000 feet outside of the state.

A short species, Lanceleaf Stonecrop is a wildflower that only grows to a few inches and which has either yellow or yellow-red flowers.

This species is also seen in numerous other subspecies and are more common as cultivars in gardens.

36. Lewis Flax

Lewis Flax

Lewis Flax (Linum lewisii) is one of the species that live up to a few years but which is only in bloom for one day per year.

Its blue or purple flowers are only blooming a single day while the rest of the plant remains green throughout the year.

Full sun is preferred by the species which grows considerably over the years. Its first year is marked by a height of up to 5 inches while the species reaches a height of up to 26 inches by the third year.

37. Meadow Deathcamas

Meadow Deathcamas

A common sight across high-elevation hardwood and coniferous woodlands, Meadwos Deathcamas (Toxicoscordion venenosum) grow from bulbs.

The species can be grown at home from bulbs both in the garden or in containers but it’s generally toxic for animals.

Not many bees and insects pollinate the species due to its high toxicity which may even kill small animals.

38. Yellow Fritillary

Yellow Fritillary

Yellow Fritillary (Fritillaria pudica) is a species named after its rich yellow flowers. Its flowers are bell-shaped, growing upside down.

The species changes the color of its flowers as it ages. Its yellow color starts to darken before eventually turning red.

Yellow Fritillary is a species that can be consumed. Its flowers and the leaves which grow at the base of the plant are all edible.

Eating the species is a rare sight given the species is not as common as it used to be.

39. Oxeye Daisy

Oxeye Daisy

An introduced species in the state, Oxeye Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare) has a European origin and it can be found along various habitats such as crops and pastures.

The species provides little value for animals as they don’t eat it.

Even more, it overgrows crops and other types of disturbed land creating monocultures and depleting the nutrients in the ground.

Some areas of Montana have even seen a modified ecosystem as these daisies have displaced local wildflowers.

40. Hairy False Goldenaster

Hairy False Goldenaster

Different varieties of Hairy False Goldenaster (Heterotheca villosa) are found in the state.

This species typically comes with multiple golden flowers which have yellow petals and yellow central sections.

Each plant has a varying number of flowers. Up to 20 golden-yellow flowers are seen on this species.

Its green leaves are covered in short dense white hairs.

Prairies and other open areas are ideal for the species in full sun.

The height of Hairy False Goldenaster varies considerably and it may reach 36 inches.

A long blooming season is a reason this species is also grown in gardens as its flowers are visible throughout the summer.

41. Ute Ladies’-Tresses

Ute Ladies’-Tresses

A semi-aquatic habitat is specific to Ute Ladies’-Tresses (Spiranthes diluvialis). This is a species that grows tiny white to ivory spiral-arranged flowers.

Marshes, floodplains, old canals, and floodable areas are all part of its range.

Low grounds are ideal for the species, even if it has been spotted up to an altitude of a few thousand feet.

The leaves of the species are short, measuring just a few inches while the plant itself can often grow taller than 15 inches.

Ute Ladies’-Tresses have tiny flowers which are mostly white and measure up to an inch.

42. White Campion

White Campion

White Campion (Silene latifolia) is a species identified by its large white flowers with notched petals.

This species is of Asian origin and it has become a naturalized plant in North America.

Most White Campions are found in the Eastern states, with Montana marking its Western limit with a reduced number of areas it grows in around the state.

Disturbed land and other types of fields are areas where the wildflower grows.

Traditionally known for its possible health benefits, White Campion is a species that grows well around mixed woodlands as well.

43. Virginia Strawberry

Virginia Strawberry

This type of strawberry (Fragaria virginiana) can be found on dry land across the state. It produces small edible strawberries and it can be grown in gardens for its sweet fruits.

Small white blooms are specific to this species and their size can vary considerably.

Virginia Strawberries are a species that may reach a size of up to 4 feet in the wilderness.

Cultivated Virginia Strawberry is typically shorter. The cultivated version of the species is a hybrid.

44. Star-flowered Lily-of-the-Valley

Star-flowered Lily-of-the-Valley

This herbaceous perennial (Maianthemum stellatum) is named after the shape of its small flowers. Its blooms have petals arranged in the shape of a star and are characterized by a bright white color.

While its flowers are short-lived, its leaves are green almost throughout the year. These leaves can grow to a length of a few inches while the wildflower can reach a maximum height of 8 inches.

Star-flowered Lily-of-the-Valley can grow on all types of moist terrains.

It can be seen around woodlands as well as on the multiple prairies around the state. Wildflowers of this species can also grow along streams and rivers.

45. Pipsissewa


This type of evergreen plant (Chimaphila umbellata) grows as a shrub to a height of just a few inches.

It blooms small pink flowers in mid-summer and it bears fruit towards the end of the summer.

The species has dark green leaves which have been used in different types of health-related issues by Native Americans.

Its edible leaves are also flavored and can be turned into tea or used as flavoring for various drinks.

Pipsissewa is a species that grows along the state’s woodlands. High-elevation pine woodlands are among its favorites, followed by mixed woodlands.

46. Bride’s Bonnet

Bride’s Bonnet

Brides’ Bonnet (Clintonia uniflora) is a type of lilac and a flowering species.

It features dark green leaves and one white flower. Occasionally, Bride’s Bonnet can bloom 2 flowers.

The flower grows on top of the hairy stem and is made up of 6 opposing white petals.

A small berry-like fruit appears soon after the flower. This fruit typically appears no sooner than July.

Various animals and birds eat this fruit in the summer.

Bride’s Bonnet has a long life span, surviving for decades.

47. Bitterroot


Bitterroot (Lewisia rediviva) is a low-growing wildflower specific to Montana and Western North America.

This species has an important role in the state’s ecosystem being named the state flower at least once in the past.

The name of the species is inspired by the multi-state Bitterroot Mountains.

Bitterroot grows at low elevations around these mountains. It can be found on dry and rocky terrains along the mountain range.

Grassland in the mountains is also the area where wildflowers can be spotted.

This species is one of the wildflowers without leaves with a large white to pink flower which is in bloom around July.

The roots of the species are edible when cooked and they generally run deep, allowing the plant to survive in dry soils.

48. Tansy


Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) is one of the aromatic wildflowers of the state. While not as common as other species, this plant comes with a rosemary-like fragrant profile.

The plant itself is toxic and may even kill animals when eaten in large quantities.

Tansy may be spotted in gardens or on crops as it deters many types of pests.

This is a type of deterring plant under a generic group of companion species that is sometimes used on potato crops to keep The Colorado Beetle away.

49. Aspen Fleabane

Aspen Fleabane

Aspen Fleabane (Erigeron speciosus) is identified by its colorful flowers with hundreds of ray flowers arranged around a central yellow or yellow-orange section.

These florets come in different colors such as various shades of pink or lavender.

Aspen Fleabane is among the species that grows large flowers while the plant itself reaches a maximum height of around 24 inches.

While it can live in dry soils, a long blooming season is specific when you maintain moderate soil moisture when the wildflower is grown at home.

50. Common Dandelion

Common Dandelion

The Common Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is one of the weeds also present in Montana. Known for its milky latex, this plant can overgrow fields, parks, and gardens across the state.

Common Dandelion is a known weed on lawns across the state.

This species can establish itself on disturbed land as well. It grows to a height between 2 and 15 inches and even taller in rare cases.

Almost impossible to completely remove from invaded areas, these wildflowers also come with different benefits.

They offer plenty of pollen and nectar for bees and other insects.