Grasshoppers are a type of insect with thousands of species that live around the world.
Known for feeding on grasses, grasshoppers can cause significant ecosystem damage when feeding on legumes or trees.
North America is the home of common grasshoppers. Eastern US states as well as Southwestern states are known for high grasshopper populations.
These populations can vary considerably from one year to another.
Food abundance prompts high reproduction rates which may even lead to as many as 20 grasshoppers per square foot in the case of an outbreak.
Apart from economic damage, grasshoppers can also cause visual damage by impacting decorative grasses, trees, and plants.
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Grasshopper Identification
Grasshoppers come in different colors, often within the same species.
Some male grasshoppers may also appear different from females, which are also typically larger.
Some grasshoppers take on aposematic coloring that keeps predators away while others take on common green or brown colors without spots or stripes.
Common grasshopper colors
Grasshoppers come in green, gray, brown, black, red, and yellow colors. These colors and their combinations dominate most North American grasshoppers.
These bugs can be found in vivid colors or faded colors, often used to blend in as camouflage.
Grasshopper size
Most grasshoppers in North America measure anywhere between 20 and 55mm. The size of the grasshopper depends on the species to a large extent.
Most female grasshoppers are larger than male grasshoppers.
Grasshopper habitats
Dry and humid habitats are common for grasshoppers. They can live in prairies, fields, meadows, active farms, old farms, gardens, orchards, and vineyards.
Streams and sandy areas are also common grasshopper habitats. These bugs may also survive oak scrub and exposed soil habitats.
Fresh grass or plants in high numbers attract the most grasshoppers, typically from spring onwards.
Grasshopper diets
Most grasshoppers feed on plants. They eat various plant parts such as leaves, stems, seed pods, or flowers.
They also eat a wide range of dead insects. Female grasshoppers are known for eating more dead insects than males.
Types of Grasshoppers
The following species of grasshoppers are common across various North American habitats.
1. Differential Grasshopper
Differential Grasshoppers (Melanoplus differentialis) are native to North America. The species is a widespread crop pest with distribution across most states.
It has a brown or green color with both variants being common.
Differences in size help differentiate males from female Differential Grasshoppers.
Males are shorter and may grow to a maximum size of up to 37mm while females sometimes reach a size of 50mm.
Crops such as those corn and cotton are impacted by the species.
2. Eastern Lubber Grasshopper
This species (Romalea microptera) is among the most common native grasshoppers in Southeastern US.
In some regions, it’s known as the Florida lubber or the Florida grasshopper.
It comes in different colors, all atypical of the standard green color dominating many species.
Eastern Lubber Grasshoppers have a combination of orange, red, and black colors with a dominant orange nuance.
It also comes in a mostly black morph with yellow strips or a black morph with secondary orange and yellow colors.
The species may grow to more than 70mm.
3. Gray Bird Grasshopper
The gray dominant color is specific to the Gray Bird Grasshopper (Schistocerca nitens).
The species is native to many Southern US states with implications of swarming to Hawaii.
It can fly over long distances, even if this isn’t a yearly occurrence.
Gray Bird Grasshoppers aren’t good news on crops as major pests. They can also consume all types of ornamental plants in Texas and Hawaii.
4. Carolina Grasshopper
This species of grasshopper (Dissosteira carolina) is also seen across many US states.
It has a gray or tan main color and it can be seen flying. These grasshoppers aren’t good flyers, however.
All types of open fields and areas with diverse short vegetation are habitats for the species.
It feeds on true grasses but it doesn’t impact them majorly as it’s a highly solitary species.
5. Green-striped Grasshopper
This type of grasshopper (Chortophaga viridifasciata) inhabits North America from Canada’s British Colombia to Southern US states.
Green is its main color although the bug comes in diverse color combinations.
Red and gray are often secondary colors seen on the wings of the species.
Green-striped Grasshoppers only reach a maximum size of 38mm in the case of females.
Males are shorter and vary in size between 20 and 30mm.
6. Two-striped Grasshopper
This species of grasshopper (Melanoplus bivittatus) is mostly green.
It has 2 overlapping yellow stripes which inspire its name.
Two-striped Grasshoppers have a slightly detrimental role in agriculture. They consume different crops and may even consume other grasshoppers when going hungry for a long time.
Its economic effects are vast as this species only consumes the flowers of plants which prevents plant reproduction.
7. Pallid-winged Grasshopper
This type of grasshopper (Trimerotropis pallidipennis) uses its coloring to camouflage itself on dirt roads and rocks.
It has a tan, light brown, and gray color combination which makes it difficult to spot on such surfaces.
The species can be detrimental if its populations are high.
Growing to a size of over 30mm, the species is most damaging in the summer months across Southern US.
8. Red-legged Grasshopper
This species (Melanoplus femurrubrum) is known for its basic green or pale green color.
Grasslands and areas with dense vegetation are their natural habitat.
On occasion, Red-legged Grasshoppers named after their orange-red legs are also seen on crops.
They can be a major pest of soybean and wheat crops.
Most people know it as a general grain pest that comes out on the hottest days of the summer.
9. American Bird Grasshopper
This type of grasshopper (Schistocerca americana) begins life as a green species through its early instars. It later becomes a brown grasshopper.
Various shades of brown are specific to the species.
You may find the American Bird Grasshopper is one of the most present species in gardens.
It has a pest status across various fields such as corn, oats, or citruses.
If abundant, it can create major economic losses on a long list of crops.
10. Obscure Bird Grasshopper
Obscure Bird Grasshoppers (Schistocerca obscura) are a species seen in Eastern US habitats.
Green is the main color of the species which shows brown wings and yellow stripes across the dorsal side.
The species lives in open areas and next to woodlands.
Its season expands through the summer and into October in states further South.
11. Short-winged Green Grasshopper
This species (Dichromorpha viridis) comes in green or brown coloring.
These identification differences are noted between the sexes as only the females are brown.
Females also differ in body size as they’re also larger than males.
The species is further differentiated by a slanted face and by having wings shorter than its body.
12. Pine Tree Spur-throat Grasshopper
The Pine Tree Spur-throat Grasshopper (Melanoplus punctulatus) is nocturnal.
It may be spotted at night when it’s attracted to lights.
This species feeds on pine and trunks of other trees.
It has a gray to brown color with distinct banded brown and white legs.
While a rare species due to its high-elevation habitat, the grasshopper may be spotted in Eastern US habitats up until November.
13. Admirable Grasshopper
A difference between the color and the size of the Admirable Grasshopper (Syrbula admirabilis) is notable, as with other species.
Females are larger than males that only grow to 30mm.
Males have a brown color with tan or cream sections while females have a green color with additional brown coloring.
The Admirable Grasshopper is active in many dry habitats across the US until October.
It only makes its appearance at the beginning of the summer.
14. Plains Lubber Grasshopper
This type of grasshopper (Brachystola magna) is native to Northern and Central America.
It has a presence across multiple US states where it likes crops, dry fields, and even sandy fields with scarce vegetation.
It feeds on many types of grasses and it may also eat other insects when going hungry.
This species is frequently seen on sunflower crops as well as feeding on wheatgrass.
Thistles are also common for the Plains Lubber Grasshopper.
15. Spotted Bird Grasshopper
This species of grasshopper (Schistocerca lineata) comes in different shades of green and yellow.
Some individuals may be almost completely yellow while others are mostly green.
A green variant with brown wings is also seen for this species.
It can be found in almost all US states with higher numbers across Eastern US states.
The species is also found in high numbers across California.
16. Migratory Grasshopper
Swarming is specific to the Migratory Grasshopper (Melanoplus sanguinipes) as its name implies.
Some data suggests the Migratory Grasshopper is the grasshopper most detrimental in the US.
Its range expands to all US states, Canada, and Northwards towards Alaska.
A common sight on crops, it can cause significant economic losses to wheat, corn, and even vegetable crops.
It also defoliates all types of fields and it may be seen feeding on grasses in high numbers.
This species only flies over short distances. It covers just a few feet at a time, typically just above the ground.
17. Southern Green-striped Grasshopper
There’s a difference between the Southern Green-striped Grasshopper (Chortophaga australior) males and females.
Brown coloring is specific to females while males are mostly green.
These grasshoppers are active in the spring in most states and they might be seen into the summer in Northern states.
They prefer humid habitats with dense vegetation. However, direct sunlight is also preferred by the species.
Roadsides are common areas where grasshopper is spotted in.
18. Black-sided Pygmy Grasshopper
This species (Tettigidea lateralis) has a dark brown to black color. It can be seen throughout the year in the Southeastern US ranges.
It lacks a year-round presence in Northern cooler states.
It prefers all types of humid and dry habitats. The Black-sided Pygmy Grasshopper is also seen across coniferous forests and in sandy territories.
On occasion, Black-sided Pygmy Grasshoppers can migrate as well.
19. Fontana Grasshopper
Fontana Grasshoppers (Trimerotropis fontana) are commonly found at high elevations across various US mountains.
The species has a gray and dark gray color with females being brown.
This species uses camouflaging colors whenever it rests on sandy areas. Its gray color makes it difficult to spot on the sand and rocky terrains.
20. Two-striped Mermiria
This species (Mermiria bivittata) is known to feed on grasses. It grows to a size of at least 20mm in the case of males.
Differences in coloring are specific between the sexes.
Two-striped Mermiria grasshoppers are mostly brown and gray.
Black, brown, and yellow colors are specific to the female. Yellow is dominant in females.
This species is attracted to lights at night. It flies in short bursts that measure anywhere between just a couple of feet and up to 10-12 feet.
21. Crackling Forest Grasshopper
This species (Trimerotropis verruculata) is most common across Northern US states and it has a growing presence on the East Coast.
Woodlands and sandy areas are common sights for the species.
Its gray, dark gray, and black color helps it blend in when resting on sandy areas.
This species may also appear in woodlands where it lives on the ground among leaves to make it more difficult to spot.
The species has a short season in the North while it remains active until October in the East.
22. Aztec Spur-throated Grasshopper
Oak woodland is among the preferred habitats of the Aztec Spur-throated Grasshopper (Aidemona azteca).
This is one of the species with a completely different look made from wide black bands and alternating narrow yellow and white bands.
It can be found on the ground on dead leaves in states such as Arizona and Texas and further South into Mexico.
The species appears in May in some states but it has a year-round presence in Arizona and Central America.
23. Seaside Grasshopper
Seaside Grasshoppers (Trimerotropis maritima) are named after their sandy beach habitats.
They are found across different states in the US where their season depends on the weather and food availability.
Seaside Grasshoppers have a light gray color which makes them blend in with sandy beaches.
They are seen throughout the year in Southern states but have a very active season only in the summer.
24. Wrinkled Grasshopper
A light brown and dark brown color combination is common on the Wrinkled Grasshopper (Hippiscus ocelote).
The species is also seen in yellow and brown color in the case of its females.
Sizing differences are also spotted between the sexes as females are larger.
They grow to a size of up to 53mm while male Wrinkled Grasshoppers grow to a size of up to 40mm.
These grasshoppers are omnivores as they eat both plants and meat.
They can consume other grasshoppers of their species in a cannibalistic behavior when going hungry for long periods.
25. Mischievous Bird Grasshopper
These grasshoppers (Schistocerca damnifica) are seen all around North America. With a shorter season in the North, the species also come in slight color differences from one region to another.
A brown nuance is specific to the Mischievous Bird Grasshopper.
Orange undertones or yellow undertones are also seen on a couple of its variants.
You can identify the age of this grasshopper by the length of its wings. An adult grasshopper has wings as long as its body.
26. Ponderous Spur-throat Grasshopper
This species (Melanoplus ponderosus) is only found in Southern US states, mostly across Texas.
It has different color combinations as it lives in different dry habitats.
A yellow base color with brown and black sections is common for the species. Brown and black sections are seen on its central dorsal side.
The legs of the species are either all-yellow or yellow and black.
A mostly gray variant is also seen for the species without being very uncommon.
27. Rainbow Grasshopper
Rainbow Grasshoppers (Dactylotum bicolor) use a combination of multiple colors to appear toxic to their predators.
This species is known for its red, yellow, and black color combinations in bands, stripes, and marks that warn potential predators.
Native to North America, Rainbow Grasshoppers are also seen across Mexico.
This is a species that can’t fly but it can multiply rapidly on crops.
Known as an alfalfa crop pest, the Rainbow Grasshopper may overcrowd crops as many of its spider and lizard predators avoid the species due to its vivid coloring.
28. Clear-winged Grasshopper
This species (Camnula pellucida) is mostly black and it grows to a size of up to 32mm.
Its wings have black and transparent patches that inspire its name.
The role of the Clear-winged Grasshopper in the ecosystem needs to be managed as the species is a known pest of crops.
Grains are its favorite food which means wheat and barley are among the most exposed crops to its invasive status.
The impact of the Clear-winged Grasshopper depends on its region. It’s one of the most impactful grasshoppers on Canadian crops.
29. Painted Meadow Grasshopper
This species (Chimarocephala pacifica) has a green and red or mostly red color.
Painted Meadow Grasshoppers are one of the smaller species of North America.
It can grow to a size as short as 16mm with some of the larger individuals measuring up to 24mm.
The species is seen as one of California’s common grasshoppers as it can be found in regions around The Sierra Nevada.
A common sight next to roadsides, the species is also adapted to living next to woodlands.
It doesn’t hold a pest status as it mostly feeds on grasses.
30. Olive-green Swamp Grasshopper
This species (Paroxya clavuligera) has a green to brown or brown-dominant color.
It grows to various sizes as an adult. Males are shorter, growing to a size between 20 and 30mm. Female Olive-green Swamp Grasshoppers grow to a size of up to 46mm.
Active until October, the Olive-green Swamp Grasshopper is a species that likes humid habitats with plenty of vegetation.
It can be found on dense vegetation next to water sources such as lakes or ponds.
The species is also a common sight in vegetation along coastal areas.
31. Spotted-winged Grasshopper
Spotted-winged Grasshoppers (Orphulella pelidna) are among the species adapted to both humid and dry environments. These are some of the most common species next to the water in North America.
Found in marshes or along rivers, they prefer vegetation around freshwater.
They primarily feed on grasses.
Grasshoppers of this genus are further known to live on dry lands. Prairies are a common sight for the species that remain active until early fall.
Eastern, Western, and Midwestern habitats are specific to this North American native species.
32. Speckle-winged Rangeland Grasshopper
Speckle-winged Rangeland Grasshoppers (Arphia conspersa) are found across Western parts of the US and of Canada.
The species feeds on multiple types of grasses and sedges.
A migratory habit is also specific to the Speckle-winged Rangeland Grasshopper.
This is a species that possesses good flying skills. With its long wings, it makes its way to prairies and habitats with sufficient grasses to feed on.
Its flight pattern is based on short bursts over a given segment, typically not longer than 10 feet at a time.
33. Brown Winter Grasshopper
Brown Winter Grasshoppers (Amblytropidia mysteca) are a common sight across Southwestern US habitats.
The species is small as the largest Brown Winter Grasshopper may measure up to 30mm.
This brown grasshopper has rusty-red undertones and a distinct branch-like color on the trees it lives on in woodlands.
Pine woodlands are among the most common habitats for the Brown Winter Grasshopper.
It feeds on tall grasses in or around woodlands.
The Brown Winter Grasshopper is seen throughout the year in many Southern US habitats while it overwinters in an adult stage in other habitats.
34. Clipped-winged Grasshopper
A green species, the Clipped-winged Grasshopper (Metaleptea brevicornis) also has brown wings.
This species has long antennae and is seen across wetlands.
Marshes and habitats close to water are among its favorites. The species feeds on grasses and is seen flying until October.
Growing to a size of up to 53mm, these grasshoppers are seen across Southeastern marshes with Texas being their Western limit.
35. Scudder’s Short-winged Grasshopper
Woodlands and dunes are among the most common Scudder’s Short-winged Grasshopper (Melanoplus scudderi) habitats.
The species is known to be active late in the season across multiple US states.
August is the first month these grasshoppers become active.
They remain active until the end of the year in the South and up to November in Northern states.
Brown or red-brown coloring is specific to Scudder’s Short-winged Grasshoppers across Eastern North America.
36. Cattail Toothpick Grasshopper
Reeds and sedges are among the most common foods for the Cattail Toothpick Grasshopper (Leptysma marginicollis).
The species has a slim profile that resembles toothpicks. It has a highly slanted face that appears horizontal.
Brown and tan colors are specific to the Cattail Toothpick Grasshopper.
This species has tan coloring on the sides of the body and darker brown colors on the dorsal side and its wings.
37. Snakeweed Grasshopper
Snakeweed Grasshoppers (Hesperotettix viridis) are among the very few beneficial grasshoppers.
They have a rare beneficial role in the ecosystem by eating some of the grasses and plants that may prove toxic to livestock if eaten in high quantities.
Snakeweeds can be health-detrimental to cows and other animals on pastures.
The grasshopper is identified by its average-size body and green base color.
Distinct black chevron-shaped marks contrast its green legs.
38. Sulphur-winged Grasshopper
A combination of dark and light brown is specific to the coloring of the Sulphur-winged Grasshopper (Arphia sulphurea).
This is a species dominated by dark brown colors whiles its legs are a combination of light and dark brown bands.
Males and females aren’t among the largest types of grasshoppers. A male Sulphur-winged Grasshopper grows to a maximum size of 31mm.
Grasshoppers of the species first appear in the spring, after overwintering. They feed on grasses through spring and summer, until the end of August.
Small differences in its flight season are seen across Northern states where it appears later in the yeaSulphur-winged Grasshopperr around May, but where it’s still active until August.
39. Trailside Grasshopper
A dark gray to brown color is specific to Trailside Grasshoppers (Lactista gibbosus).
Black spots are seen on the wings of some individuals. All variants are seen in arid areas with rocks and sand.
This is where the species blends in the best.
You can find Trailside Grasshoppers in Southwestern US habitats.
It lives in a space between Arizona and California. A growing population is also reported in Baja California.
Multiple broods of Trailside Grasshoppers are seen across Southern California.
40. Marsh Meadow Grasshopper
Also known as Meadow Locusts, Marsh Meadow Grasshoppers (Pseudochorthippus curtipennis) are native to the US, except in the Southern states.
It also has an expansive range in Canada.
The species doesn’t seem as common as others as it prefers meadows at high elevations.
Feeding on grasses, this grasshopper is found in a few different colors.
The green color is common among these grasshoppers, as is the brown and black color.
The green grasshopper has brown and yellow secondary colors while the brown morph has contrasting black bands.
41. Cream Grasshopper
Cream Grasshoppers (Cibolacris parviceps) have a bright color of cream nuances with gray and tan markings across the body and the wings.
This species has a specific bright color that resembles its rocky or sandy terrain habitat.
Grasshoppers of this genus also live in chaparral.
A preference for low vegetation habitats is specific to the species as it blends in with dry soils and muddy habitats.
42. Green Bird Grasshopper
Green Bird Grasshoppers (Schistocerca shoshone) are native to Southwestern US regions.
They prefer Utah, Arizona, Texas, and California where they make the most of water sources and lush vegetation next to water sources.
Green Bird Grasshoppers are nocturnal and difficult to spot as they sit motionless during the day.
Their base green colors help them blend in with their host plant.
Green Bird Grasshoppers are also seen on crops in Southwestern US states.
43. Horse Lubber Grasshopper
Horse Lubber Grasshoppers (Taeniopoda eques) are found in Southern US and Mexico.
Main black color is specific to the species which also shows contrasting yellow coloring which might make it seem toxic to some predators.
The species grows on threes but it moves to desert scrub for food as an adult.
Horse Lubber Grasshoppers are also known to have different diets between the sexes. Females may eat dead insects.
A higher need for protein-rich food makes females search for dead insects to feed on.
44. Red-shanked Grasshopper
Red-shanked Grasshoppers (Xanthippus corallipes) feed on grasses and sedges.
The species is present both on the West and on the East side of The Rocky Mountains.
Red-shanked Grasshoppers often migrate for food. They move with the wing.
This species is also capable of longer short-flight bursts compared to other grasshoppers as they can reach up to 30 feet in a flying segment.
Gray and brown are the main colors of the grasshopper. The species also has orange-red contrasting legs.
45. Yarrow’s Grasshopper
A green color with a yellow undertone is specific to Yarrow’s Grasshopper (Melanoplus yarrowii).
This species can come in an all-green color with red legs as well.
Distinctive traits of the species include chevron-shaped yellow marks on the legs, brown eyes, and brown wings.
Some variants of the species are completely brown. These variants also show red hind legs coloring.
Arizona, Utah, and California are its US habitat.
46. Atlantic Grasshopper
Seen from the summer months to early fall, Atlantic Grasshoppers (Paroxya atlantica) have a dark brown color.
Light brown and black sections are also specific to this species.
Atlantic Grasshoppers live on the Eastern Coast and they are known to favor moist habitats.
Found next to marshes, the species is small compared to other North American grasshoppers.
Males grow to a size of up to 24mm while larger females grow to a size of up to 28mm.
47. Marbled Grasshopper
Marbled Grasshoppers (Spharagemon marmorata) have overlapping habitats with Atlantic Grasshoppers.
The species lives in sandy areas where light gray and black coloring specific to the insects make them blend in.
Mild temperatures along the coast make the season of Marbled Grasshoppers longer. They can be seen late into the fall, mainly until freezing temperatures first arrive.
48. Long-headed Toothpick Grasshopper
Southeastern US marshes are the home of the Long-headed Toothpick Grasshopper (Achurum carinatum).
This species lives next to water sources across Florida.
It has a brown-gray color which helps it remain undetected in bushes and other types of dense vegetation.
Its slender elongated body also shows an almost horizontal face. While it has wings, the Long-headed Toothpick Grasshopper is not a good flyer.
49. Green-legged Spur-throat Grasshopper
This species (Melanoplus viridipes) is named after its green legs while the rest of its body shows diverse coloring.
Brown and white sections are seen across its wings and body.
This species also has black lateral bands and large black eyes while its face is green as its legs.
Small red marks are also visible on some Green-legged Spur-throat Grasshoppers.
This species is endemic to Eastern North America.
50. Longhorn Band-wing Grasshopper
Sandy habitats close to water are the preferred location of Longhorn Band-wing Grasshoppers (Psinidia fenestralis).
This common species lives on beaches and dunes across the US states on The Atlantic Coasts.
It takes the colors of its environment with gray being dominant across the wings and the body.
Also known as the Sand Locust, the Longhorn Band-wing Grasshopper has brown bands across its body.
51. Showy Grasshopper
Similarly to Longhorn Band-wing Grasshoppers (Hesperotettix Speciosus), the Showy Grasshopper is a species that lives in areas with scarce vegetation and open soil or muddy conditions.
This grasshopper has a base green color with red dorsal stripes and red legs.
Showy Grasshoppers also have contrasting red antennae.
This species isn’t considered a North American pest as it prefers to consume weeds. It only feeds on grasses.
52. Montezuma’s Grasshopper
This species (Syrbula Montezuma) appears across Texas and other Southern states in June or July.
You can identify it by a combination of green and light brown colors across its body and legs.
Lateral green bands with dark black spots contrast their dominant brown coloring.
As with other grasshoppers, females are large than males. They grow to a size of up to 46mm.
Smaller Montezuma’s Grasshoppers only grow to a size of up to 32mm.
You can find the species in diverse habitats with tall vegetation.
53. Mexican Pygmy Grasshopper
This species of small grasshopper (Paratettix Mexicanus) is native to North America and Mexico.
It lives across Southern states with a habitat ranging from Florida to California.
With a preference towards humid environments, Mexican Pygmy Grasshoppers may also be f54. ound next to water sources.
Their dark brown color makes them blend in muddy habitats.
This winged species has a textured appearance which makes it resemble tree bark.
It may be difficult for predators to spot in muddy areas or on dunes.
54. Red-winged Grasshopper
The gray color is also specific to the Red-winged Grasshopper (Arphia Pseudonietana).
The species has red wings, visible when it flies. Apart from its contrasting wings, the species is also known for making a distinct sound as it flies.
This species overwinters as an adult and it emerges in the spring.
It feeds on various types of grass.
55. Orange-Winged Grasshopper
This species (Pardalophora Phoenicoptera) is named after its contrasting orange wings. Only the ventral part of the wings is orange.
The species has a mixture of gray, black, brown, and green colors.
Feeding on grasses, the species isn’t considered a pest.
While it prefers grasses, the species has been found next to trees.
It may be one of the larger widely distributed grasshoppers in North America.
Males grow to a size between 36 and 42mm while larger females may reach a size of up to 55mm.
56. California Rose-winged Grasshopper
This North American native species (Dissosteira Pictipennis) begin life in the spring.
It grows to a mostly brown or gray color as an adult.
A common sight across the Sierra Nevada, this species lives in scrubland. Most habitats where the species is seen are oak scrublands.
The species is also known for its contrasting red wings. The inner red sections of its wings are visible on its short flights.
57. Devastating Grasshopper
This species is one of the most important grasshopper pests in North America. It has a major impact on crops in California and Oregon.
This grasshopper is one of the most common pests in California vineyards.
Devastating Grasshoppers are among the species that feed on trees and all types of legumes.
Its damages are the highest soon after it rains and legumes start to grow new leaves, roots, and stems.
Gardens are common habitats for the species.
58. Aztec Grasshopper
This brown grasshopper (Lactista Azteca) is mostly found in Southern US territories.
It lives in areas with little vegetation on exposed soil to make the most of its neutral coloring that helps it blend in.
A gray color with tiny black spots is specific to the species, together with a brown variant.
Open woodlands and exposed soils along roads are common areas where the Aztec Grasshopper is spotted in Texas and New Mexico.
59. Three-banded Grasshopper
Named after its 3 black bands on its dorsal side, this species is native to Southwestern US territories.
Three-banded Grasshoppers are found across Texas in high numbers.
As a species that likes sand-rich habitats, it’s often seen along streams.
The purpose of its bands is to hide its shape from common predators.
60. Valley Grasshopper
This species (Oedaleonotus Enigma) is a common pest with potential for outbreaks in drought periods.
While it feeds on grasses and weeds, the grasshopper may also consume legumes.
Known for rapid multiplication rates, the species can quickly defoliate crops, orchards, or other habitats.
The species is a common sight on old crops across Southern California.