16 Tiny Green Bugs That Bite (& What to Do When You’re Bitten)

Tiny green bugs can bite by accident or looking for blood. These small bugs are often seen as friendly due to their green non-threatening color.

Some green bugs are known for their painful bites.

Others such as green ticks are even more dangerous as they can spread various diseases such as Lyme disease.

Treatment of the bitten area is often needed following green bug bites.

Bites of green bugs can often go unnoticed as well.

Tiny Green Bugs That Bite

1. Green Ticks

Tick bites are common across the US. Ticks are seen on dogs all the time, especially in the fall.

Green Tick

These small bugs can also bite and attach themselves to humans.

Green ticks are rare, but they exist in the US. Some ticks that have already fed on blood can be green or appear green.

Species of ticks that can be green include the American dog tick.

Even the Brown dog tick can appear green.

Ticks are dangerous as they need to be physically removed when they attach to your skin.

You need to use tweezers to remove them.

Green ticks are also carriers of bacteria and viruses. While not all green ticks spread viruses, they can spread some of the most dangerous diseases associated with bugs as the following.

  • Lyme disease
  • Rocky Mountain spotted fever
  • Anaplasmosis

Whenever you get bitten by a tick you instantly feel pain. Some other green bug bites can go unnoticed, but this isn’t the case with green ticks.

These ticks need to be removed and you need to inspect your body for other ticks as well.

You can pick up ticks when out in the park or around the garden. Camping is a common place where people pick up ticks.

Seeing a doctor is sometimes recommended after a tick bite.

You need to see a doctor if the pain increases if you have a fever, or if you have a swollen bite area.

2. Green Spiders

Green Spider

Green spiders can sometimes bite. Many species of spiders are partially green or mostly green.

A few common green spiders that bite include the following.

  • Green lynx spider
  • Green crab spider

Many green spiders prefer not to bite. However, some may be venomous and may be dangerous.

The Green lynx spider is a venomous species known to bite humans.

This green spider isn’t venomous but it can cause eczema.

Skin problems such as eczema caused by the Green Lynx spider bite can spread to more than 5 inches around the area of the bite.

While small (Green Lynx spiders can grow to a maximum size of 22mm), the spider is highly dangerous when it comes to its bite effect.

On the skin level, its bite signs might be visible for up to a few weeks.

Spider bites might need medical treatment in case of infections.

You need to avoid scratching the area of the bite or the extended area (in case of eczema) when bitten by these spiders.

Medical attention is needed if the symptoms of the bite do not disappear or if the pain levels remain high.

3. Green Thrips

Green Thrips
Green Thrips. Image by Jon Sullivan via inaturalist

Thrips are either green or yellow.

Bugs of this genus are seen on plants and vegetables. They are common on crops as well as in gardens on flowers and other ornamental plants.

Some thrips are specialized in a certain flower, fruit, or vegetable.

Avocado thrips live on avocados while citrus thrips live on citruses.

All of them can bite.

Tiny thrips are recognized by their elongated bodies.

Avoiding them is possible by trimming the lawn and vegetation around the house.

Wearing dark clothes is also recommended as thrips are attracted to white and yellow clothes.

4. Lacewings


Thrips are identified by their elongated green body with green wings, dark eyes, and dark brown antennae.

These small insects are beneficial to gardens as they eat many invasive species such as scale insects.

Unfortunately, lacewings can bite people, albeit not very commonly.

Lacewings live on plants. They often live on the same plants as pest bug species.

Adult lacewings don’t bite, it’s the larvae of the species that can bite people.

One of the main reasons lacewing larvae bite is the need for food.

Even newly-hatched lacewings don’t have usable wings which means they might bite looking for a quick meal.

The bite of the larvae isn’t painful.

It might only come with red skin, a symptom that goes away in a few hours.

5. Banana Cockroaches

Banana Cockroach

Banana cockroaches have an elongated green body that grows to a maximum size of 22mm.

These bugs have a uniform green color, a green head, and green wings.

Unlike other cockroaches, Banana cockroaches mostly live outdoors around trees and other plants.

These roaches can bite people in the eventuality of scarce food when they enter a starvation mode, similar to other cockroaches.

Large Banana cockroach populations can quickly devour all foods in a given area.

These roaches might look for any type of food at this stage. They prefer to eat dead skin and fingernails but they might attempt to bite if they manage to get indoors while hungry.

6. Tree Crickets

Tree Cricket

Tree crickets can sometimes bite.

They can attempt to bite using their sharp mouthparts. However, they have short mouthparts which cannot pierce human skin completely.

Some diseases can be spread by these crickets, mainly when interacting with their feces by rubbing the bitten area.

Known for a uniform green color, Tree crickets live on trees, flowers, and shrubs.

Preventing Tree cricket bites can be complicated as these bugs are known for seeking a warm shelter as temperatures drop in the fall.

They can travel by wing and easily move into your garden.

One of the easiest methods to keep crickets out is to seal all cracks in walls and other small openings they can use to seek warmth inside the house.

7. Green Leafhoppers

Green Leafhopper

Green Leafhoppers are understood to be entirely herbivorous.

They can still bite humans and they do so looking for food.

It’s not yet clear if they bite for blood or if they’re attracted to the skin for its warmth.

These leafhoppers are identified by their pale green color with 4 black spots on the wings.

Most Green Leafhoppers don’t invade homes. They only bite people in gardens and parks where they are seen on various types of green leaf shrubs.

These bugs are common in rice fields. However, they don’t reproduce in high numbers which means they have a limited impact on crops.

A low reproductive rate is also one of the reasons the species is not as researched as other green biting bugs.

8. Pale Green Assassin Bug

Pale Green Assassin Bug

Pale Green Assassin bugs are identified by their green body, green legs, and yellow-brown wings.

These bugs are known as ambush predators.

They make the most of their green color for camouflage.

Bugs of the genus wait on plants for insects to come in their range to grab them.

Pale Green Assassin bugs can bite.

These are some of the most painful bites from bugs that live in gardens.

The pain inflicted by this bug can last the whole day.

Swollen skin in the area of the bite can persist for 2-3 days for the species.

The best way to avoid being bitten by the Pale Green Assassin bug is to not handle it when gardening or when out in nature.

As the most common Zelus species in North America, this bug is among those that can be found almost everywhere wasps go.

Apart from eating wasps, these bugs also go for sawflies and flies.

9. Katydids


Katydids are a species of bugs related to crickets.

Identified by their thick long body, these bugs are all-green.

They are seen as friendly bugs and are often raised as bug pets. However, larger Katydids can still bite.

Their bite isn’t powerful to pierce the skin. A pinch can be felt with the bite of this species.

Katydids can be unexpectedly when handled or when surprised in gardens, parks, or elsewhere in nature.

While you cannot prevent these bugs in your backyard, you can remove some of the plants known to attract these bugs.

This includes eucalyptus and bursaria group shrubs.

Removing these plants doesn’t guarantee the bugs won’t return to your garden.

These bugs like to eat leaves. They are seen eating the leaves of orange and lemon trees all the time as well.

Bugs of the genus can fly from these trees to your garden or look for similar leaves to eat around the house.

Adding window mesh screens prevents these bugs in the house as they’re often attracted to artificial light.

Given their size, these green bugs cannot enter many other small cracks or openings in walls as other small bugs can.

10. Praying Mantis

Praying Mantis

Praying mantises have known carnivores.

These green bugs eat all types of insects and they can be among those that are often seen in gardens.

Praying mantises get their name from the retreated front legs resting position which makes them appear as if in a praying position.

These bugs rarely bite people.

Some of the larger Praying mantises might build up the courage to bite humans when handled or when roughly handled.

The bite itself isn’t painful. A pinch is a maximum sensation humans feel when bitten by this bug.

Praying mantises don’t have teeth so they cannot tear up the skin.

They only have mandibles which they use to rip off insects.

These bugs also use their front legs to prevent a quick escape from the prey. They can wrap these front legs around fingers when biting.

Even with serrated front legs, these bugs cannot inflict paint o humans when biting.

These bugs do not transmit diseases to people.

11. Green-head Ants

Green-head Ants

Both scavengers and predators, Green-head ants are some of the most dangerous ants in Australia.

The worker caste of this species has a metallic green color all across the body, especially on the head.

These ants are diurnal always moving around for insect seeds, fruit, and caterpillars.

They eat all of them and they can often make exceptions with other insects.

The sting of these ants is very painful.

When it comes to the intensity of the sting, it turns out it only lasts a short period before disappearing completely.

However, these ants inject potent venom with their sting.

This venomous sting is what causes the most problems to humans.

It puts people at the risk of an anaphylactic shock.

This serious allergic reaction is well-documented and it may lead to the death of certain individuals who react badly to these allergies.

Studies show this ant is truly dangerous to some and not dangerous at all to others.

Researchers found the Green-headed ant is truly dangerous to individuals with severe reactions to allergies.

While deaths weren’t concluded in the research, this option is always open in cases with a risk of an anaphylactic shock.

12. Sweat Bees

Sweat Bee

Sweat bees come in multiple species in North America.

They are often seen as pollen eaters. These bees have an important pollination role.

Only one Sweat bee in the US is a kleptoparasite which means these bees have a beneficial role.

They can still sting, on the other hand.

Male sweat bees cannot sting. Females can sting but they rarely do so.

Stinging females are rare since these bees prefer not to engage with people as they fly away.

They might sting if roughly handled.

By comparison, the sting of sweat bees isn’t as painful as the sting of other bees or wasps.

Complications to the sting are also rare.

Most symptoms such as pain disappear quickly.

Sweat bees can be encountered in fields of flowers, parks, gardens, and next woodlands.

These bees can sting just about anywhere. Staying away from the bees is recommended.

You should not pick flowers before first investigating them as sweat bees can be hidden inside.

Further Reading:

13. Cuckoo Wasps

Cuckoo Wasp

Cuckoo wasps are found in many desert regions around the world.

This is a kleptoparasite species known for laying eggs in the nests of bees and other insects. The hatching eggs eat their host.

Cuckoo wasps come in different colors including a metallic green color.

Wasps of the genus are among the few that have a highly sculptured body that comes in either blue or green metallic colors.

Female Cuckoo wasps cannot sting. They are often seen as the stinger genus as they have long ovipositors.

It’s the males of the species that can sting, mainly when becoming territorial.

However, most male Cuckoo wasps do not sting. It’s the large males that can sting.

Roughly handling these wasps is going to make them more aggressive.

Picking them up from a nest they are parasites in also makes them aggressive.

Otherwise, Cuckoo wasps are solitary creatures that aren’t readily available for stinging as they live in remote desert climates.

14. Green Tiger Beetles

Green Tiger Beetle

The Green Tiger beetle is one of the fastest beetles in the US.

A common sight in open areas of woodlands, these beetles are identified by their metallic green body.

They grow to a maximum length of 18mm and they can be seen as some of the most prolific predators of spiders, caterpillars, and other insects due to their large mouthparts.

These beetles do not bite when left alone. They only bite when handled with bare hands.

In terms of pain levels, the bite itself is barely painful.

This bite comes with no health risks and no known bacteria.

Green Tiger beetle bites can be completely avoided by not picking the colorful bug off the ground when walking in the woods.

Prevalent in the summer, this species prefers to make a quick ground-level escape to avoid confrontations with humans.

15. Dogbane Leaf Beetles

Dogbane Leaf Beetle

This beetle has a metallic blue-green color.

This beetle is one of the proven species to feed on toxic plants.

Dogbane leaf beetles feed on dogbane, a toxic flower.

This toxic flower is also known as the Indian Hemp. It contains toxins harmful to people. This toxin isn’t toxic to the Dogbane leaf beetle.

The toxic can be transmitted to people if bitten by the beetle in very rare cases.

It might cause mild skin reactions as only a small amount is transferred with the bite.

Dogbane leaf beetles remain largely harmless to people as they rarely bite.

These beetles are known for their sedentary habits.

They don’t move much through the day which means picking them up is mostly subject to getting close to them on Dogbane plants.

Tied to dogbane, this green bug is present in North America.

Northeastern parts of the US are where Dogbane beetles are found.

Most of them are found on grasslands where they stand out with their shiny green metallic color.

This color is believed to be a warning to potential predators as it signals potential toxicity.

16. Ambush Bugs

Ambush Bugs

Ambush bugs are known for their capacity to change colors. Mostly green and brown, these bugs can adapt to other colors depending on their habitat.

These bugs sit on flowers waiting for prey and they take on the color of the host flower.

Ambushing is their main preying technique as their name implies.

They await for various insects to come in close range in flowers seeking pollen before striking.

Ambush bugs are known to have painful bites.

They don’t bite willingly but they will react when squeezed or when roughly handled.

It’s best to brush these bugs off yourself gently to avoid being bitten when one gets on your arms or neck.

What to Do When You Are Bitten?

The bites of green bugs can come with mild symptoms or serious symptoms.

Catching a sample of the bug is essential, especially in cases with serious side effects as correct species identification can help doctors quickly establish a treatment.

Capture a sample of the bug

Capturing the bug is recommended for the species you aren’t sure about after biting.

Many of the green bugs biting people aren’t difficult to capture as they attach themselves to the skin, such as in the case of ticks.

Other green bugs such as ants might be more difficult to catch.

In such cases, it’s recommended to get a good glimpse of the small bug or to photograph it so that you later identify the species when visiting a doctor.

Clean the bitten area

Cleaning the bitten area is recommended both for serious and for mild symptom bites.

This can be an area where the saliva of bugs can be still present. This saliva can have an irritating effect.

Feces might also be present in the area and they pose a risk of infection when scratching.

Clean water and soap are sufficient to properly clean the bitten area.

Most green bugs that bite cannot pierce the skin which means the wound can be cleaned thoroughly even without medical care.

Watch out for adverse reactions

Keeping an eye on the bitten area and looking for severe symptoms is recommended for those bitten by these green bugs.

Not all green tick bites require hospitalization as not all venomous green spider bites as well. Hospitalization is needed in cases of breathing difficulties, nausea, vomiting, or an infection around the bitten area.

Some symptoms might only appear a few hours to a day after the bite.

Use ice packs to cool down the bite in case of itching

Itching or mild pain is common when bitten by some species of small green bugs such as ants. This is where ice can have a cooling effect on the skin.

Ice can be applied to reduce swelling as well.

A typical ice cube or supermarket ice pack can relieve some of the pain and inflammation caused by a bug bite.

How to Prevent Tiny Green Bugs

Tiny green bugs are seen across multiple species. Preventing their bites often involves considering different measures.

Ticks have different preventive measures from spiders or praying mantises.

The following preventive methods work best for a certain species but they might apply to multiple species as well.

1. Use chemical repellents when out in nature

Chemical repellents with the following active ingredients are recommended against a wide range of bugs such as ticks.

  • Permethrin
  • Picaridin
  • DEET          

Chemical repellents have their role when it comes to deterring bugs.

Products with DEET or permethrin are successfully used to repel ticks. These products are known to act as a potent repellent but this doesn’t mean ticks cannot attach themselves to clothes regardless.

Products with chemical repellents need to be followed by extra protective measures such as avoiding areas where high tick populations have been reported.

These can be areas where wild animals such as deer have been spotted in high numbers.

2. Camp on the clear ground to avoid ticks and ants

One of the best measures against ticks, ants, or other types of green bugs is to set up camp away from areas where these bugs thrive.

Many ticks and green ants are found in woodlands or grasslands.

Camping is one of the activities known to expose people to various bugs such as green ticks.

It’s best to set up camp on the clear ground where these bugs aren’t visible as they prefer to hide in vegetation.

Here’s how to set up a tent to stay away from these green bugs.

  • Set up camp on clear ground
  • Avoid areas with tall vegetation
  • Stay clear from areas with leaves on the ground
  • Set up camp away from water
  • Keep bugs away by always closing the tent
  • Tuck your pants in the socks when camping

All of these measures can be backed by applying bug repellent to keep these bugs away.

3. Hike on trails only to prevent picking up ticks

Hiking is another activity known to expose people to green ticks, green spiders, and other types of green bugs.

Hikers are informed to stay on trails to avoid getting lost.

But hikers also need to stay on trails to avoid catching all types of green bugs living in tall vegetation.

The more you venture off trails the higher the chances of picking up some type of bug.

For most hikers, other preventive measures are still recommended.

Wearing high-top boots is advisable to avoid picking up ticks on the ankles.

Long-sleeve shirts are also recommended against all types of green bug bites such as those of green beetles.

Wearing light color clothes is also recommended as many types of tiny green bugs are repelled by bright colors.

Some of the colors that work best are white, yellow, and pink.

4. Check pets for bugs such as ticks

Tiny green bugs can also be a problem at home, not only when camping.

Ticks such as the American Dock tick make their way into homes through pets.

Regularly checking your pets for ticks is recommended. These ticks are not specifically inclined to bite people but they can transfer hosts from animals to humans.

Ticks also need to be manually removed from pets once they find a host since they attach themselves to the skin.

Washing pets with anti-tick shampoo can also be a good preventive measure against ticks, ants, and other biting bugs.

5. Put up a fence around the property to keep wild animals out

Homes next to forests, fields, crops, or other areas with wild animals are prone to bug invasions.

Ticks, ants, and green tiger beetles are among the green bugs that can make it to the house when there’s no physical barrier keeping them away.

Wild animals tend to carry all types of biting tiny bugs which can spread through the backyard, to pets, and into the home easily.

Putting up a fence around the property is the first recommended measure to keep these animals and the biting bugs they carry out.

6. Pick up fruits from the ground to keep ants out

Fruit tends to attract ants and other animals around the house.

Ripe fruit is known for its high sugar content which can attract Green-head ants together with seeds and other types of food.

Picking up fruits early means you reduce the chances of having various biting ants around the house.

Keeping fruits in sealed containers is also recommended indoors as ants can make their way into the house looking for food.

7. Spray plants with insecticidal soap to keep bugs away

Insecticidal soap or mild insecticide is sometimes used to keep bugs away.

This type of insecticide is sprayed directly on plants, vegetation, trees, and even on the lawn.

The main role of insecticide is to kill and prevent bugs from plants.

Since most bugs eat plants or live around plants, insecticide soap is one of the repelling agents known to keep these bugs away.

Insecticidal soap contains one or multiple active ingredients.

  • Potassium salt
  • Fatty acids
  • Neem oil
  • Sulfur
  • Pyrethrin
  • Spinosad

Insecticidal soap works on all types of bugs. However, superior results have been reported when insecticidal soap is sprayed on soft-bodied insects such as the following.

  • Green thrips
  • Green spiders
  • Lacewings

Insecticidal soap needs to coat entire plants for it to be truly effective. Stems, leaves, and flower buds need to be coated in insecticidal soap.


Tiny green bugs can bite with varying consequences. Bites of these bugs can sometimes be overlooked when not painful.

People only realize they’ve been bitten when the bite itself is painful.

Small green bugs such as tree crickets might not pierce the skin with every bite.

Other bugs such as green ticks pierce the skin to drink blood and dig deep into the skin to attach themselves to the mammal host.

These bites can be prevented by staying away from areas where they live. Checking pets for the bugs they carry is also recommended.

Spraying mild insecticides such as insecticide soap around the house also works to keep many of these small biting colorful bugs away.

Seeking medical help is recommended whenever bites of tiny bugs come with complications such as infections, headaches, fever, or even when mild symptoms don’t go away in a couple of days.