Small flying bugs inside the house are common in warm months. Most flies are active in the summer but they can survive longer and even overwinter in the house.
Flying bugs in the house can be born in the house, which is the case with many drain flies. Others can get into the house attracted to light, food, or warm temperature.
Correctly identifying each flying bug in the house is the first step toward learning how to eliminate it and how to prevent them.
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Small Flying Bugs in House
The following bugs are the most common in homes. They appear in the spring but some of them can even survive winters in warm homes with plenty of food.
1. Gnats – Small Flying Bugs in House Plants
Gnats are small black flies often seen inside and outside of the house.
Many confuse gnats with baby Common house flies. But they’re a smaller type of fly of a different genus.
Gnats enter homes for a few reasons. Some seek out food while others are attracted to light.
These small black flies can even bite.
Gnats that bite have long wings, 6 legs, and scissor-like mouthparts. It’s the female gnats that tend to bite more than male gnats as they need a blood meal to lay eggs.
Not all gnats that bit exclusively feed on blood. Most gnats inside the house feed on fruit and other food left out in the open with easy access.
Biting gnats such as Biting midges, and Black flies only bite before laying eggs.
Most gnats inside the house don’t bite, they’re indoors looking for sugar-rich foods such as rotting fruit.
Electric traps are often used to kill gnats and to stop them from reproducing.
Biting gnats can cause diseases and using a trap against them as soon as possible is recommended.
Even non-biting gnats can come with considerable damage.
Gnats that feed on plants and plant roots as well such as Fungus gnats can kill your potted plants
These flies attack your indoor plants.
Reducing watering frequency both for the plants inside of the house and for those outside of the house is recommended to reduce the number of these gnats.
2. Ants – Small Flying Bugs in House Attracted to Light
Ants can fly into the house attracted to artificial light. They also fly indoors seeking heat whenever outdoor temperatures are too low.
A good percentage of flying ants can make their way indoors attracted to food, particularly sweet food.
Fruits and some sweets are known to attract a large number of ants. Since most ants aren’t solitary, you can expect them to fly and mate indoors in high numbers.
Some types of ants can bite while others don’t. Apart from food infestation, biting ants can also spread disease-causing bacteria.
Some carpenter ants are known for their good flying skills.
They make their way into the house by flying through open windows or cracks in walls or another small opening.
Carpenter ants nest in damp wood but they can eat plants and even other insects.
Each type of ant might need to be eliminated by different means. Black carpenter ants are eliminated by fixing dampwood problems that attract these types of ants that nest in this wood.
3. Termites
Not all termites can fly, but there are various classes or casts of termites that can make their way by air.
Dampwood termites can fly. These are often confused with Black carpenter ants.
Subterranean and drywood termites can also fly.
Their working casts are known for flying and they can be seen inside the house.
Seeing termites indoors is scary since this means the structural integrity of your home can be damaged.
Most termites are identified by an elongated body with long wings.
They grow up to a size of ½ inches and they might only be active at night as nocturnal fliers.
Wood moisture attracts most termites indoors.
A water leak might be causing a visible or invisible dampwood problem in the house that attracts termites.
Wood that’s in direct contact with the soil eventually gets damp as well as draws in moisture.
Leaky roofs and crooked walls all contributed to dampwood issues known to attract termites.
Termites don’t bite people and they don’t spread diseases.
All bites you think are caused by termites are probably caused by other flies inside the house such as Deer flies or Sandflies.
4. Mosquitoes – Small Flying Bugs in House that Bite
Mosquitoes are some of the most common invasive flies in the house. They suck blood and they can also carry diseases.
These flies are seen in homes attracted to light. Open windows facilitate their transition indoors.
While small, mosquitoes quickly pick up human breath which attracts them instantly.
Furthermore, any dogs or cats you might have inside of the house also attract mosquitoes just as much as humans.
Mosquitoes carry all types of diseases, depending on their environment.
West Nile is one of the diseases these flies spread around the world.
Mosquito also helps spread various diseases in the US. These include Zika virus, dengue, and chikungunya.
Bacteria and viruses spread by mosquitoes are typically picked from one victim and transmitted to the next.
Mosquitoes might bite an animal carrying the dangerous Zika virus.
This virus then multiplies in the body of the mosquito eventually reaching its saliva which it injects into the following bitten victim.
This is when the virus is transmitted further.
Not all mosquitoes transmit viruses and bacteria.
Mosquitoes can be kept away from homes by using mesh screens on windows.
You can also consider growing mosquito-repelling plants such as lemongrass, mint, and lavender.
5. Cluster Flies
Cluster flies are native to North America. They’re always seen in high numbers in homes and around homes in the summer.
These flies are mainly identified by their large bodies.
Cluster flies grow larger than the common house fly.
These flies grow in the ground as adult flies only lay eggs in the ground, in earthworms. They’re tied to decaying carrion and this is key to eliminating them from around the house.
One of the first actions to consider is to seal all possible entry points to the house.
Sealing wall cracks and the tiny spaces under doors can help keep these flies out.
Refraining from overwatering plants and flowers can help as well.
The larvae of cluster flies are parasitic. They attach themselves to earthworms which thrive in damp soils.
Cluster flies don’t carry any diseases. Yet, they can still be annoying as they are noisier than other house flies.
6. Horse Flies
Stout-bodied horse flies are seen all around the world. They grow up to 30mm and they are found all around the world.
Horse flies eat nectar. They travel from flower to flower to eat nectar all day, similar to bees.
Female Horse flies have specific mouth adaptations that allow them to bite and drink blood.
It’s believed the females of the species drink blood so they can have a protein-rich meal to lay eggs.
Males of the species cannot bite.
Females rip through the skin in high numbers. Too many female Horse flies drinking the blood of an animal can even lead to anemia in that animal.
Horse flies can also bite people.
Flies of this genus are often found in homes where there are animals or in homes with nearby animals.
Since they live in all climates these flies are adapted to making the most of the warmest parts of the year when they become truly active.
It’s best to wear protective insect spray in these months as well as bright clothes which repel these flies.
Protective physical barriers are recommended for homes.
You can add mesh screens on doors and windows to keep these flies out.
7. Fruit Flies – small flying bugs in kitchen
Fruit flies are small red, tan, or orange insects that feed on fruits. These flies prefer overripe fruits for their high fructose content.
Fruit flies are different from Common house flies and Horse flies as they feed on fruit and lay eggs on fruit.
These flies do not bite.
All types of overripe fruits such as apples, bananas, or plums attract these flies into the house.
Fruit flies are known to lay eggs in these fruits as well.
The female Fruit fly lays up to 500 eggs in overripe fruits.
Eliminating all fruits that are too ripe is recommended to keep these flies out.
Using all types of traps also works against these flies.
Vinegar sprayed around the kitchen sometimes helps keeps these flies out.
Other vinegar and water solutions are recommended to trap these flies. A pierced plastic wrap over a bowl of vinegar and water is considered an efficient fruit fly trap.
8. Flesh Flies
Flesh flies are some of the most common invasive insects in areas with carrion and other types of decaying meats.
These flies are larger than house flies. They have a gray patterned body and they aren’t easily distinguished from other types of flies.
Mating is one of their distinguishable features. These flies don’t lay eggs as they lay maggots or small flies directly on carrion.
This is why these flies are dependent on decaying meats they find around the house or in the house.
Flesh flies are more common in meat manufacturing facilities.
While these flies don’t bite, they carry a large number of viruses and bacteria, and eliminating them involves getting rid of all rotting meat and carcasses around the house.
9. Drain Flies – Tiny Flying Bugs in Bathroom
Drain flies are a common home pest. These flies emerge in drains, especially in dirty drains.
Flies of this type feed on organic material buildup in the drains and on contaminated water. They like to live in drains and lay eggs in drains.
While they feed on bacteria-rich matter, these flies aren’t known for spreading diseases or for biting.
They only live a few days and they tend to die whenever you clean the drains as a preventive measure.
Drain flies can be blocked by putting duct tape over drains such as those in the kitchen or the bathroom.
They try to emerge and they can stuck on the duct tape which can be removed the following day.
To kill drain flies and to clear organic material buildup on drains you need to act with a cleaner or homemade solutions.
Pouring boiling water, vinegar, or water with baking soda are recommended solutions to kill drain flies on the spot.
10. Blow Flies
Blow flies are common in homes where there’s decaying organic matter.
These flies are attracted to garbage, decaying food, and carrion.
You can find them in homes where drains are dirty as well. These flies feed on a wide range of organic matter sources.
Blow flies can also make their way indoors from the garden. All types of compost are known to attract these flies, especially homemade compost.
These flies tend to go away whenever you clean the house or the backyard.
You need to remove decaying plant matter, organic buildup in the drains, and garbage that isn’t taken out frequently from the house.
Outside, you need to wash garbage cans and ensure there are no animal carcasses or decaying organic matter these flies can lay eggs in.
11. Bees
Bees are one of the most beneficial insects for plant pollination. Bees can get in the house by accident or are attracted to sugary items such as honey, flowers, fruits, and sugar.
Bees don’t carry diseases but they can sting.
Various types of bees can be found around the house and in the house during the warm months.
Bees such as bumblebees are common in North America.
They can be attracted to light and make their way indoors.
Homes with many potted flowers can also attract bees. These insects can also be found on porches where many have decorative flowers.
No special action is needed to clear bees apart from opening doors and windows so they can exit the house naturally.
Once they collect sufficient pollen they fly out to make their way to the beehive.
Bees can only be found in the warm months in temperate climates as this is when flowers bloom.
If you get stung by a bee you need to remove the stinger which can get trapped in the skin.
This is best done right away as you can scrape it off with a fingernail soon after the sting.
12. Wasps
Wasps are similar to bees but they can nest on the outside walls of homes.
Unlike bees, wasps can be seen as dangerous pests that can sting.
Adult wasps only eat nectar and they’re only interested in flowers and other plants as a result.
Young wasps are carnivores as they need protein to grow. They can eat other insects, bees, and even spiders.
Wasps can settle in almost any home. They can nest under roofs, in the attic, on exterior house walls, or in the garage.
Wasps traps are sometimes efficient against wasps.
Homemade solutions include spraying the perimeter with an essential oil such as geranium essential oil which wasps don’t like.
Sealing all cracks in walls and gaps around windows is important to prevent wasps from getting inside the house.
Some wasps are aggressive and they can sting even without being roughly handled. It’s best to keep them out of the house.
13. Grain Moths
Grain moths are sometimes found in the pantry. These moths are identified by their brown color and similar size to clothes moths.
The insects invade dry grains such as oats in the pantry as they feed on grains.
Moths of this genus make their way indoors through infested grains people buy from stores or other sources.
The only method of eliminating grain moths is to discard all infested grains from the pantry, the kitchen, and the house.
Moths of this genus aren’t particularly dangerous and they don’t migrate to clothes or other food sources remaining in the grains.
14. Clothes Moths
Clothes moths are some of the most common moths found in homes. These insects are most damaging in the larval stage.
Adult clothes moths do not feed. It’s the larvae of these moths that eat all types of fabrics such as fur, cotton, and silk.
Clothes moths can be prevented by regularly cleaning and dry cleaning your clothes.
You can vacuum and clean the house regularly to prevent these insects.
While they don’t carry diseases, clothes moths can damage clothes, towels, blankets, furniture upholstery, and carpets.
Clothes moths are among the most common household pests and they can easily multiply in the right conditions.
Some people go as far as recommending chimney cleaning so that these insects don’t easily get indoors.
Most clothes get in the house carried on clothes or in luggage, however.
15. Crane Flies
Crane flies are part of the Tipulidae family. This is a group of flies that includes other biting insects but Crane flies don’t bite.
While somewhat related to mosquitoes and similar to Robber flies, Crane flies don’t sting.
They are found across North America in high numbers after rainy days or in areas that get a lot of rain.
Crane flies have larvae that develop in high moisture and damp soils.
As a result, they’re only seen in areas with heavy rain and not in the dry Southern areas of the country.
Crane flies aren’t carnivores as frequent misconceptions about the species suggest.
These flies eat plants, leaves, and other plant traces they find in soil including fine roots.
The combination of a diet based on plants and a preference for damp soils makes Crane flies a common sight on lawns.
As a result, dealing with crane flies mostly involves good lawn management around the house.
This might means watering the lawn less frequently if possible.
Crane flies have all types of predators which include birds. As a result, you can try bringing in predators to feed on these flies.
You can install bird feeders on the lawn to attract birds that also feed on Crane flies.
16. Carpet Beetles – Tiny Brown Flying Bugs in House
Carpet beetles can fly and crawl. These bugs are serious home pest due to the damages it causes and the rapid multiplication rates of the species.
As its name implies, this bug species eat carpets and all other natural fabrics inside the house. Leather, wool, and fur are among the preferred animal-source foods carpet beetles invade homes for.
Carpet beetles make their way into homes by different means. They can be transported with clothes or luggage or they can fly indoors when they find an open door or window.
Carpet beetles regularly enter homes with plants. Potted plants tend to intrude such bugs into homes.
Eliminating these bugs is done by vacuuming, sweeping, and throwing out all-natural materials and objects affected by carpet beetles.
These bugs don’t bite and they don’t spread diseases. They are only known for creating economic losses through the destruction of animal-based textures and objects found inside the house.
17. Face flies
Face flies are only found in homes on farms and those next to cattle. These flies depend on cattle manure as they use it for reproduction.
Face flies only lay eggs in cattle manure. They arise in cow manure and they live and feed on cow manure.
These flies are only seen on farms but they make their way indoors in the fall when temperatures start to drop.
While they don’t bite, the flies can still be annoying. You can get rid of them by sealing all your home’s entryways.
This includes installing mesh screens on doors and windows.
Small flies of this genus can also make their way indoors through air vents and chimneys, these need to be sealed in the fall as well.
18. Woodworm beetles
Woodworm beetles are the larvae of the Common Furniture Beetle. This larva eats wood around it, typically old wood in furniture.
These larvae feed on both hardwood and softwood furniture.
One of the most common concerns with woodworm beetles is their long lifespan.
The species is known for living up to 4-5 years which means they can create considerable furniture damage in the meantime.
The best method to avoid woodworm beetle invasions of your home is to inspect the furniture when you buy it.
You can also ventilate the home frequently. Another good method of protecting furniture from all types of pests is applying a fresh coat of paint or varnish.
How to Get Rid of Tiny Flying Bugs in House
Small flying bugs are very annoying when inside the house. Some of them can even bite and spread disease.
Dealing with flying bugs in your house also involves sealing all air entry points of the home when it comes to taking good preventive measures. Here’s what you can do to keep these bugs out.
Seal all entry point
Sealing all entry points to the home is recommended when it comes to bugs that fly. This includes air vents and even chimneys.
Many flying bugs make their way into the house in the summer when the weather is warm or in the fall when the temperatures start to drop.
You need to seal wall cracks and all small openings around doors and windows to keep these bugs out.
Clean the home frequently
Regular cleaning is ideal when it comes to species such as carpet beetles. You should vacuum the home frequently to eliminate all bugs, their eggs, or the foods which might attract these bugs indoors.
At the same time, you should also look at the foods which need to be discarded as some long-shelf life food can get forgotten in the pantry.
Old oats that have gone bad might attract various moths.
These types of food as well as fresh food that’s been sitting around for too long attract a wide range of flying insects and bugs.
Inspect potted plants
Potted plants are one of the reasons bugs are found indoors. Many flying bugs eat plants and you need to ensure you aren’t offering them what they need to survive.
Potted plants with green leaves are known to attract many flying bugs.
Even bringing in potted plants from unverified sources isn’t recommended as you might be bringing in infested soil that houses bugs or eggs with bugs soon to emerge.
Many bugs such as those seen above are known to grow in the soil. You should thoroughly check all potted plants you plan on bringing indoors to reduce the risks of a bug invasion.
Inspect furniture before moving it indoors
Furniture is also known to house different types of bugs. You can see these bugs nest inside old furniture or you can bring them in with furniture whenever you move.
As with potted plants, furniture should be properly inspected before you bring it in at home. Old furniture needs to be repainted so that it doesn’t house bugs that live inside the wood.
Reduce lawn watering frequency
Garden and lawn watering frequency needs to be properly adjusted to eliminate all bugs. Damp soil and damp conditions are known for promoting all types of flying bug invasions.
Watering flowers next to the house is another issue that has been known to prompt the formation of bugs that easily move indoors.
Clear all fruit around the house and in the backyard
Rotting fruit and overripe fruits are known to attract one of the most common small flying bugs in the house, the fruit fly.
This species is only attracted to fruits as they have high sugar content. As a result, clearing all fruit from around the house is recommended.
You should also pick fruits off the ground whenever you find them in the garden.
Some fruits such as strawberries and cherries ripe in early summer while others are in the fall.
You should clear all of them from around the house or from the ground to avoid the formation of fruit flies and similar bugs.
Fruit flies can lay hundreds of eggs in a single overripe fruit so maintaining clean premises is best to avoid bugs that love fruits.
Install protective window screens
Window screens are recommended against almost all types of small flying bugs. You can install window screens in key areas around the house such as the kitchen and the bathroom.
Mesh screens can offer protection against mosquitoes, common house flies, horse flies, and other types of insects that are attracted to light and that can make their way indoors.
You can also add them to doors and air vents.
Small flying bugs inside the house are annoying. They can also be problematic as they can spread diseases at times.
Flying bugs such as gnats and mosquitoes are found in almost every home as soon as the weather gets warm.
Keeping these bugs out often involves looking at where they reproduce and what they eat.
Many bugs are attracted to moisture either in the house or in the ground around the house.
Managing moisture and puddling water is a must to avoid various species such as mosquitoes.
Other bugs only enter homes attracted to artificial light.
Some species that grow on animals are known to fly indoors by accident.
Face flies are a type of insect that’s only present in homes when there are cattle nearby.
Bees and wasps are some of the common species found indoors which are very difficult to control as rotting food or moisture doesn’t attract them.
Preventive measures need to take into account that various types of bugs that can fly make their way indoors for different reasons.
Physical barriers work best to keep these bugs out. Sealed cracks and openings in walls don’t allow them to easily get indoors.
Mesh screens on windows keep event even tiny flying bugs out.
Drain flies and flesh flies are attracted to decaying organic matter and rotting foods. These types of flies can only be avoided when you eliminate this organic matter from the house.
They can form even in homes with sealed entry points.
All bugs are annoying but some are even known to bite.
Gnats are one of the most common flying species known to bite repeatedly both animals and people.