47 Vivid Green Birds (Pictures and Distribution)

Different species of green birds live around the world. From deciduous woodlands in sub-alpine regions to tropical regions of the world, green birds come in different shades.

Bright green, dark green, and iridescent green are some of the most common green nuances birds of the world are seen in.

Many times, birds are backed by additional colors and may even change plumage on the chest or neck going into the breeding season.

High populations of green birds are found in the tropical forests of The Americas. Considerable numbers of species live in Southeast Asia, Southern Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa.

Some birds may maintain their green nuance throughout their lives or change it as they turn adult and age.

The following green birds are some of the most common sights around The Americas and the world.

At least males or females of the species are green with many showing green plumage across both sexes and their juveniles.

1. Violet-green Swallow

Violet-green Swallow

A dark green color is seen across male and female Violet-green Swallows (Tachycineta thalassina).

These birds have small coloring differences between males and females, but both have considerable green patches across the base of the wings and the upper back known as the nape.

One small coloring difference between the sexes is seen in the coloring of the head as males also have a green crown while females have a gray crown.

The chest and belly are white in both sexes with additional dark wing tips.

The name of the species is inspired by purple undertones across the upper back.

Distribution – Eastern North America, Central America

Green nuance – glossy green

2. Broad-tailed Hummingbird

Broad-tailed Hummingbird

A metallic green appearance is mostly specific to the male Broad-tailed Hummingbird (Selasphorus platycercus). Females also show a green hue but to a lesser and duller extent.

The male hummingbird has a green head and green wings with iridescence.

A red throat also helps them male attract females in the breeding season.

Found in woodlands up to alpine areas, this is a bird species with a preference for oak woodlands and pine woodlands.

Its presence in The United States is almost permanent as most Broad-tailed Hummingbirds move South to overwinter.

Distribution – Western and Southwestern US territories, Mexico

Green nuance – iridescent green

3. Pelagic Cormorant

Pelagic Cormorant

Pelagic Cormorants (Urile pelagicus) are dark cormorants with a very dark green appearance.

This is why the species is also known as The Violet-Green Cormorant. While dark green coloring, close to black, is specific to the cormorant, not all areas of its plumage have the same appearance.

For example, its underbelly shows the brightest green areas while its head shows dark green to black coloring.

There’s a glossy aspect to its green plumage mostly seen in direct sunlight.

Reaching a size of just over 30 inches, this species is present in The Northern Pacific.

Distribution – US West Coast, Western Canada, Alaska, Northern Asia

Green nuance – dark green

4. Monk Parakeet

Monk Parakeet

Various green nuances are specific to The Monk Parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus). This is a species with dark green wings, a light green head, and pale green bellies.

Much of their tails are also dark green.

Blue coloring may be seen on the tips of their wings, depending on their gender.

These types of birds are native to Brazil and South America but are also present in Florida and Southern US states.

Much of their presence in The US is growing, with some estimates showing there are up to half a million Monk Parakeets in the US.

Its native range ties a pest status to the species which invades local crops.

Distribution – Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Florida, Texas

Green nuance – dark green, pale green

5. Red-crowned Parrot

Red-crowned Parrot

Dark green and bright green nuances are specific to the Red-crowned Parrot (Amazona viridigenalis).

A Mexican native, this type of parrot tends to have a bright appearance with bright green bellies which also show a yellow hue.

The wings of the species are darker while the head shares green and red coloring. Its red crest inspires the name of the species.

Living in groups, these parrots can be loud, especially when hungry.

Distribution – East Mexico

Green nuance – bright green

6. Painted Bunting

Painted Bunting

Both male and female Painted Buntings (Passerina ciris) share green coloring, at least partially.

Males are only partly green, as they only show a green spot on their backs.

Females are mostly green and dominated by a pale green nuance. The faded green plumage of the female’s underbelly is backed by the darker pale green head, back, and wings plumage.

There’s gray coloring on the wings of the female as well.

It’s believed females are smaller and more vulnerable to predators and their pale green color helps them blend in with the woodlands they live in.

Distribution – US East Coast, Southern US, Cuba, Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Guatemala

Green nuance – pale green

7. Nanday Parakeet

Nanday Parakeet

A bright green appearance is characteristic of The Nanday Parekeet (Aratinga nenday).

Parrots of this species show varying green nuances. A black head is contrasted by a green back, darker green wings, and brighter green-to-yellow underbellies.

This is a species with azure plumage on the chest and red plumage just above the legs.

Females of the species are slightly different. They feature a gray head and long blue tails.

A South American native, Nanday Parakeets are also found in North America where they have escaped captivity or in areas they were introduced in.

Distribution – Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Texas, Florida, California

Green nuance – bright green, yellow-green

8. Rosy-faced Lovebird

Rosy-faced Lovebird

A pale red face inspires the name of a mostly green bird, The Rosy-faced Lovebird (Agapornis roseicollis).

This species shows a bright green color on the head, wings, and belly.

Its tail is mostly blue and black.

Males and females of the species have similar coloring and sizing. They show small differences in their bright green nuances which are often overlooked.

A common species in captivity, The Rosy-faced Lovebird is seen in small groups or flocks in its native Southwest Africa.

Birds of the species feed on seeds and small fruit.

Distribution – Angola, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa

Green nuance – bright green

9. Elegant Trogon

Elegant Trogon

The Elegant Trogon (Trogon elegans) is a multicolored species with a black-green head a red belly, and a metallic green back.

This iridescent appearance is only specific to males as the females of the species are mostly gray and white.

The Elegant Trogon is a species that shows multiple nuances of iridescent green. The green color of its head is dark, close to black.

Its green back is brighter, with specific iridescence in full sun.

Cavities are repurposed by these birds for nesting.

Growing up to 12 inches, Elegant Trogons are found in Central America, with occasional populations in Southern US territories.

Distribution – Mexico, Guatemala, New Mexico, Arizona

Green nuance – iridescent green

10. Red-masked Parakeet

Red-masked Parakeet

A mostly green appearance is characteristic of the Red-masked Parakeet (Psittacara erythrogenys), a species with a bright red face and a white beak.

Males and females of the species show similar green coloring.

Most individuals have a slightly brighter green belly and darker green wings, back, and head.

Juveniles of the species are also green but only show red face coloring when reaching their juvenile stage.

Found at different elevations, these parrots may even live at high elevations. In South America, this species lives in territories with an elevation of up to 8.000 feet.

Distribution – Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Florida, California

Green nuance – dark green

11. Mitred Parakeet

Mitred Parakeet

A mostly green appearance is specific to The Mitred Parakeet (Psittacara mitratus). This species also stands out with a red head and red patches along the neck.

Not all birds of this species have the same red and green coloring. It’s believed the plumage color of the species may change over time.

Reaching a size of up to 15 inches, this species used to be seen in Western South America but is now also spotted in The United States.

California and Florida are states where the parrot has been introduced.

Fruits seeds and nuts form the bulk of their diets. Parrots of the species tend to adopt a modified diet in their introduced range.

Distribution – Peru, Bolivia, Argentina, Florida, California

Green nuance – dark green

12. Yellow-green Vireo

Yellow-green Vireo

A type of migratory bird, The Yellow-Green Vireo (Vireo flavoviridis) is a species that shows an olive-green color on the back and wings.

Its underbelly is white while its head is also olive-green.

Coloring differences between the sexes are small and they might be difficult to tell apart.

A species that migrate from Central America to the edges of The Amazon Basin, the species lives on trees and feeds on insects.

Most of its numerous populations are found in Mexico with occasional sightings in Southern Texas.

Distribution – Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Southern Texas

Green nuance – olive-green

13. Yellow-chevroned Parakeet

Yellow-chevroned Parakeet

Yellow-chevroned Parakeets (Brotogeris chiriri) have a mostly green color with yellow marks along the wings.

This is a species with a green head, a green back, and green wings. Its underbelly is also green, with a bright nuance.

Birds of the family may also show small coloring variations.

Found in vast areas of tropical forests, they prefer to live at the edge of woodlands, typically open areas around these woodlands.

Flowers and nectar are among the foods Yellow-chevroned Parakeets eat in these open habitats.

Distribution – Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Florida, California

Green nuance – bright green

14. Rose-ringed Parakeet

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Commonly found in India and sub-Saharan Africa, Rose-ringed Parakeets (Psittacula krameri) are mostly green.

They have a green appearance with a bright green head or a similar nuance green head compared to the rest of their body.

This is a parrot with a pink-rose collar, a red beak, long green wings, and a long green tail.

Much of its popularity is given to the capacity of The Rose-ringed Parakeet to survive outside of its native area.

This is one of the few parrots to adapt to cool climates such as those in Northern Europe where it can survive cold winters.

Fruits, nuts, and seeds are part of its diet around the world.

Distribution – India, sub-Saharan Africa

Green nuance – bright green

15. Budgerigar


Some of the most common birds raised in captivity are Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus).

This is a parrot of Australian origin now seen all around the world, including North America.

Varying colors are tied to this species, especially to the parrots raised in captivity.

The green base color is the natural color of this species, however. A green chest and belly dominate the appearance of the species.

Budgerigars have a yellow head with black spots on the throat and the sides of the head.

Yellow and black feathers are also characteristic of its wings while its tail is green, blue, and black.

These types of parrots move from one place to another in their native Australia. They live and move in very large flocks.

Distribution – Australia

Green nuance – bright green

16. Eared Quetzal

Eared Quetzal

A dark green appearance is specific to The Eared Quetzal (Euptilotis neoxenus). This species has a metallic green nuance which makes it stand out in direct sunlight or during the day.

In the evening, this species may appear darker due to its iridescent green color.

A green body and a green chest are specific to these birds which also show a red belly and a black head.

Their tails have a green-blue appearance while their outer wings are black.

Male birds of the species are known for their elaborate whistle-like singing patterns.

Distribution – Mexico, Arizona

Green nuance – metallic green

17. Calliope Hummingbird

Calliope Hummingbird

Iridescent green is specific to the wings and crown of The Calliope Hummingbird (Selasphorus calliope).

The chest of the male has white and tan colors. Unlike females, the male Calliope Hummingbird also shows purple spots on its upper chest during the breeding season.

Nesting at high altitudes, this species of hummingbird is found across the Western and Southern states of the US.

It prefers to live at a higher elevation as a species tied to The Rocky Mountains and to states with plenty of high peaks such as Montana.

Hummingbirds in the Northern states migrate South towards Mexico to overwinter.

Distribution – Western United States, Sierra Nevada, Mexico

Green nuance – iridescent green

18. Buff-bellied Hummingbird

Buff-bellied Hummingbird

A metallic green color is seen on the head, back, and wings of The Buff-bellied Hummingbird (Amazilia yucatanensis).

This is a species with a white belly and dark outer wings while their beaks are mostly red-brown with a black tip.

Brown to orange feathers is also seen on the wings of these hummingbirds.

A wide territory along The Gulf of Mexico is their main range. They often live in The US in the warmer months and further South in the cooler months.

Some populations living in warmer areas such as those in Southern Texas aren’t nomadic or migratory

Distribution – Southeastern United States, Eastern Mexico

Green nuance – metallic green

19. Amazon Kingfisher

Amazon Kingfisher

A combination of dark green nuances is seen on the head, back, and wings of The Amazon Kingfisher (Chloroceryle amazona).

Both males and females show specific green plumage but males show an additional brown or bronze-brown color on the chest.

This species also shows a dark green crest and a dark green head, backed by a white collar and green wings.

Females of the species show contrasting green and white plumage with a green tail and an elongated pointy black beak.

As males, female Amazon Kingfishers also have a dark green crest.

Found across wet habitats, this bird prefers to live close to lakes and ponds.

Distribution – Central America, South America

Green nuance – bronze green, dark green

20. Warbling White-Eye

Warbling White-Eye

Growing to a size of at least 4 inches, Warbling White-Eyes (Zosteropsjaponicus) are named after their contrasting white eyes.

Much of their plumage comes in different shades of green, such as olive green and pale green.

Its wings, back and head are mostly olive green while its chest and bellies are pale green to white.

Both males and females share similar plumage and similar short black beaks.

Native to East Asia, Warbling White-Eye birds are migratory. They move from the Northeastern parts of the continent to the Southern parts of the continent.

Distribution – Japan, China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines

Green nuance – olive green, pale green

21. European Bee-Eater

European Bee-Eater

The European Bee-Eater (Merops apiaster) is a multicolored bird that can grow to a maximum size of just over 11 inches.

Much of its appearance is marked by its gender and the time of the year as the plumage may be different during the breeding season.

Brown and yellow upper parts are contrasted by blue-green underparts on the species.

Female European Bee-eaters tend to have larger green areas, especially during the breeding season.

Blue-green plumage may be seen on the back of the female as well, unlike with males.

Bees and wasps are among their most important foods. These types of birds are also one of the most important predators of honeybees.

Distribution – Southern Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Southern Africa

Green nuance – blue-green

22. Green Woodpecker

Green Woodpecker

Olive-green wings are seen on Green Woodpeckers (Picus viridis). These types of birds also show contrasting red crowns and white underparts.

Its face also shows a contrasting black mask.

A large type of woodpecker, The Green Woodpecker eats ants on the ground, despite also being spotted on trees.

Unlike other woodpeckers, it has little interest in picking up insects under tree bark.

Much of its range is tied to Europe but some small Green Woodpecker groups also live in Asia.

Distribution – Europe, Russia

Green nuance – olive green

23. Green Jay

Green Jay

Green Jays (Cyanocorax yncas) are among the most common types of birds with multiple shades of green.

This species shows a darker green mantle and wings as well as brighter green bellies.

Green nuances across the body are contrasted by the black and blue heads of the species.

Long tails are also specific to these birds and they come in a dark green-blue color.

Only found in Texas in The United States, Green Jays are mostly a Central American species that feed on different insects.

They can even look out for small insects under tree bark.

Green Jays are also known for singing and making different types of sounds.

Distribution – Southern Texas, Central America

Green nuance – dark green, pale green

24. Kentucky Warbler

Kentucky Warbler

A combination of green and yellow makes up the plumage of The Kentucky Warbler (Geothlypis formosa).

Olive green nuances are specific to its mantle while its underbelly shows a vivid yellow color.

The dark olive color of the species is further contrasted by black stripes and a black face mask.

Gradient black plumage is also specific to its crown, which becomes olive towards the back of the head.

Much of the range of the species is tied to Eastern North America. Kentucky Warblers are still absent from this area in the winter when they prefer to move to Central America, South America, or The Caribbean.

Distribution – Eastern United States, Mexico, Panama, Ecuador, Colombia, Cuba

Green nuance – olive green

25. Green Kingfisher

Green Kingfisher

There are 5 Green Kingfisher (Chloroceryle americana) subspecies and all of them are marked by different shades of green.

These subspecies are also marked by the different percentages of green plumage and white plumage, but all come in different shades of green.

A dark green color is mostly specific to the male Green Kingfisher.

Birds of the species show a brown-red chest and a white belly while their heads, mantle, and wings are mostly green.

A long black beak is also seen on this species which shows a short dark green tail.

Distribution – Southern US, Central America, South America

Green nuance – dark green

26. Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird

A dark metallic green nuance dominates the appearance of Rufous-tailed Hummingbirds (Amazilia tzacatl).

This is a species with a dark green head, mantle, and wings. The tips of the wings and the tail have a rust-brown color.

An elongated red-brown and black beak is also specific to this species.

Contrasting bright gray plumage is seen on the lower belly while the lower chest has a bright metallic green color.

Distribution – Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela

Green nuance – iridescent green

27. Berylline Hummingbird

Berylline Hummingbird

Mostly dark green plumage is seen both on male and female Berylline Hummingbirds (Saucerottia beryllina).

Males and females have considerable bronze-green plumage with additional purple sections on the upper chest of the male in the breeding season.

These hummingbirds are found in dry and moist woodlands where they drive out other hummingbirds.

They are also a constant presence on coffee plantations which they negatively impact.

Berylline Hummingbirds are considered territorial and highly aggressive.

Distribution – Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua

Green nuance – metallic green

28. Sparkling Violetear

Sparkling Violetear

Green and blue colors dominate the appearance of Sparkling Violetears (Colibri coruscans). These birds are among the most common to take on a metallic green appearance.

The neck and face of the species are blue while the crown, mantle, and wings are green.

Blue sections are seen on its lower underbelly. As its green plumage nuance, the blue nuance of its plumage is also dark.

The breeding season of the species is varied given its large distribution. It is also the time when this species migrates by changing elevation.

Distribution – Western South America

Green nuance – iridescent green

29. Asian Green Bee-Eater

Asian Green Bee-Eater

Multiple shades of green and yellow are seen on Asian Green Bee-Eaters (Merops orientalis), together with black and blue.

The back and the wings of Asian Green Bee-Eaters are dark green while their chest and belly are either pale green or even white.

A dark yellow color is specific to its crown while its face is bright blue. A black band goes around its head from the beak to the back of the head.

The underwings of the species show a bright brown color.

Despite their name, these birds mostly eat beetles.

Distribution – Africa, Southern Asia, East Asia

Green nuance – dark green, pale green

30. Glittering-bellied Emerald

Glittering-bellied Emerald

Iridescent green marks the main color of The Glittering-bellied Emerald (Chlorostilbon lucidus).

This is a species that shows a bronze green head, mantle, wings, and underbelly. Going into the breeding season, males show a blue spot on their chests.

Even female Glittering-bellied Emeralds show a metallic green color but they have a contrasting bright gray belly.

Females also show blue coloring, but only on the tips of their wings. Both males and females have a bright red-orange beak.

Birds of this group feed on plant nectar. They establish a base of flowers which they visit and re-visit for nectar.

Distribution – Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina

Green nuance – metallic green

31. Green Honeycreeper

Green Honeycreeper

There’s a considerable coloring difference between male and female Green Honeycreepers (Chlorophanes spiza).

Birds of this species show darker plumage in the case of males.

Male Green Honeycreepers have a blue-green color with black wing margins or dark blue wing margins and black heads.

Females are bright green with yellow nuances on the crown.

The female has dark green upperparts and brighter green bellies. As males, they also show a dual-color black and yellow beak.

Distribution – Central America, South America

Green nuance – blue-green, bright green

32. Canivet’s Emerald

Canivet’s Emerald

A bird that mostly eats nectar, Cenivet’s Emerald (Cynanthus canivetii) is a species named after its emerald green color.

This bird has a dark green appearance across the sexes. Males have a dark green metallic head with a matching chest, belly, and wings.

Females have brighter green plumage with a white-gray neck, chest, and belly.

Both males and females have dark tails but females have longer tails which are mostly gray to black.

Distribution – Eastern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica

Green nuance – metallic green

33. Green-breasted Mango

Anthracothorax prevosti
Green-breasted Mango

This type of hummingbird (Anthracothorax prevostii) comes in different shades of green and feeds on nectar and small arthropods.

A dark metallic green color is specific to its wings and belly. Some of its plumage in this area has a bronze hue.

Its head is partly green and partly black.

Breeding males signal their breeding season by showing a blue-green upper chest.

Sometimes reaching Southern US territories, Green-breasted Mangos are mostly seen in Central America

Distribution – Mexico, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Belize, Venezuela

Green nuance – metallic green, bronze-green

34. Northern Emerald-Toucanet

Northern Emerald-Toucanet

Various shades of green are characteristic of The Northern Emerald-Toucanet (Aulacorhynchus prasinus).

This is a species that has dark green wings and bright green plumage across its belly and head.

A dark blue face with a white border is seen around its black, blue, and yellow beak.

Toucans of this species eat fruits and invertebrates taking advantage of their large beaks. They are found in tropical forests but always live in pairs or small groups.

Distribution – Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama

Green nuance – bright green, dark green, green-blue

35. Violet-capped Woodnymph

Violet-capped Woodnymph

Metallic green plumage is specific to male and female Violet-capped Woodnymph (Thalurania glaucopis).

Males of the species also show a violet-blue head which inspires their name. The bellies of males are also metallic green.

Females have green heads and white-gray bellies and necks.

Much of the range of this species involves resident populations with just small groups preferring to migrate.

Birds of this species return from their migration to breed and lay 1-2 eggs which hatch within 2 weeks.

Distribution – Brazil, Paraguay

Green nuance – iridescent green

36. Red-necked Tanager

Red-necked Tanager

Green is the dominant color of the adult Red-necked Tanager (Tangara cyanocephala) and the main color of the juvenile.

Birds of this species have bright green bellies with yellow and black wings. The upper back mantle is black while its tail is green and black.

The head of The Red-necked Tanager is blue, azure, and red-orange.

Juvenile Red-necked Tanagers are mostly green with blue nuances on the crown and yellow-green and black wings.

Distribution – Eastern regions of Brazil

Green nuance – pale green, dark green

37. Brassy-breasted Tanager

Brassy-breasted Tanager

Tropical forests are the main habitat of the multicolored Brassy-breasted Tanager (Tangara desmaresti).

The males and females of the species are almost similar, both are dominated by vivid green plumage.

Bright green bellies and necks are specific to these birds. Yellow, black, and green wings are also seen on these birds.

Brasssy-breasted Tanagers have a bright blue face with a black upper neck and a yellow chest or an orange-brown chest.

A small species, Brassy-breasted Tanagers live in small or large groups.

Distribution – Southeastern Brazil

Green nuance – vivid green

38. Amazonian Motmot

Amazonian Motmot

Dominated by pale green nuances, Amazonian Motmots (Momotus momota) are a widespread species in The Amazon Basin.

These birds are identified in 9 subspecies, most of which show considerable green plumage.

The green sections on the species are tied to the back and wings while the belly is yellow or yellow-green.

Contrasting purple, blue, and black heads are also seen on the species.

Adults of the species show a different array of blue colors on the head from azure to dark blue-purple.

Its long tails are green and dark green.

Distribution – Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru

Green nuance – pale green, green-to-blue

39. Blue-naped Chlorophonia

Blue-naped Chlorophonia

A similar species to The Amazonian Motmot, The Blue-naped Chlorophonia (Chlorophonia cyanea) is that even shares its habitat.

Green plumage dominates the appearance of the multicolored Blue-naped Chlorophonia.

This species has a bright blue head with a uniform nuance. Its wings are dark blue and show black detailing and blue feathers.

The upper back of the species is also blue while its belly is yellow.

Female Blue-naped Chlorophonias lack blue plumage on the wings and are known for their dark olive wings.

Distribution – Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia

Green nuance – bright green

40. Malachite Sunbird

Malachite Sunbird

Iridescent green plumage dominates the appearance of the male Malachite Sunbird (Nectarinia famosa).

This color is mostly specific to its lower chest, belly, and wings while its head has a brighter green nuance with yellow undertones.

The long tail of males is also green-blue and black.

Female Malachite Sunbirds aren’t as colorful. Yellow, bright gray, and dark gray dominate the plumage of the female.

An African native, Malachite Sunbirds also show a blue nuance to their green plumage entering the breeding season.

Females of the species are less colorful and appear gray-brown.

Distribution – Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Malawi, South Africa

Green nuance – iridescent green

41. Klaas’s Cuckoo

Klaas’s Cuckoo

A dark green body, head, and wings are characteristic of the white-bellied male Klaas’s Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx klaas).

The metallic green coloring is specific to these birds. Females also have a metallic blue color of a paler nuance and cover reduced areas across their bodies.

Unlike males which have pure white bellies, females have white and brown belly plumage.

Klaas’s Cuckoo is a species native to sub-Saharan Africa.

Birds of this species have a diverse diet that includes insects and caterpillars.

Distribution – East Africa, West Africa, South Africa

Green nuance – metallic green

42. Golden-fronted Leafbird

Golden-fronted Leafbird

Bright green colors dominate the appearance of the adult Golden-fronted Leafbird (Chloropsis aurifrons).

This is a species named after the golden yellow crown of the adults which also show contrasting blue and black face and neck plumage.

A mostly green appearance is specific to the juvenile Golden-fronted Leafbird. It only shows a yellow crest in adulthood but shares the base color and the blue beak with adults.

Distribution – India, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam

Green nuance – bright green

43. Blue-throated Barbet

Blue-throated Barbet

A vocalizing bird of Southeast Asia, Blue-throated Barbets (Psilopogon asiaticus) are mostly green.

Bright green and dark green nuances are seen on its underparts and upper parts. This bird species is named after its blue face and neck, on the other hand.

A bright blue color contrasts its mostly green appearance. The crown is red and black with a dual-colored black and white beak.

Distribution – India, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh

Green nuance – bright green, dark green

44. Common Green-Magpie

Common Green-Magpie

3 green nuances are seen on The Common Green-Mapgie (Cissa chinensis).

Pale green, dark green, and green-yellow are characteristic of its plumage.

Dark green is specific to its wings, tail, and upper back. Its belly is bright green while its head has a bright green color with yellow nuances.

A black band is also seen on its face, running from its beak to the back of its head.

Contrasting dark red-brown colors are also seen on the edges of its wings.

White spots with black borders are further identified on the inner section of its wings.

Distribution – Southeast Asia

Green nuance – dark green, bright green, green-to-yellow

45. Long-tailed Broadbill

Long-tailed Broadbill

A species native to Southeast Asia, Long-tailed Broadbills (Psarisomus dalhousiae) are birds with dual green nuances.

The uniform dark green coloring is specific to the wings of the species while the belly has a bright green nuance.

A contrasting yellow and black head is seen on Long-tailed Broadbills.

The name of the species is inspired by the long vivid blue tail of the bird.

Distribution – Nepal, India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam

Green nuance – dark green, bright green

46. Fire-tailed Myzornis

Fire-tailed Myzornis

The Fire-tailed Myzornis (Myzornis pyrrhoura) is a species named after its short vivid red color.

Bright green bellies are contrasted by dark green backs and wings. The upper chest is bright green and brown while the green head shows black spots.

Black, orange, and red colors are specific to the tips of the wings and the tail.

Growing to a size of up to 5 inches, Fire-tailed Myzornis are Asian birds that feed on insects.

Distribution – Nepal, China

Green nuance – bright green

47. Hooded Pitta

Hooded Pitta

The 12 subspecies of Hooted Pittas (Pitta sordida) are dominated by various shades of green and dark contrasting heads.

A bright green belly is matched by dark green wings with or without white marks.

A mostly black head with a bright brown crest and a black beak is further specific to The Hooded Pitta.

Birds of this species mostly live on the ground where they look for food such as spiders.

They also lay eggs on the ground or in the ground, taking advantage of existing burrows.

Distribution – Bangladesh, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Malesia, Philippines

Green nuance – bright green, dark green