Bright blue, dark blue, and turquoise are just some of the blue nuances some bird heads are seen in.
These colors may be attributes of male or female birds across numerous species.
Colorful birds with blue heads are seen across the world from temperate to tropical areas. Here are some of the most common species which show a blue head.
Table of Contents
1. Blue Jay
Blue Jays (Cyanocitta cristata) are some of the most common North American birds with blue heads. Both males and females have blue heads and blue plumage.
The 4 subspecies of these birds can be categorized by their region, but they all come with a blue head.
Northern Blue Jays have a light blue head and are specific to the Northern parts of North America.
Coastal Blue Jays have more intense blue coloring and they are found along the East Coast.
Inland Blue Jays have bright blue heads with dark blue wings.
Florida Blue Jays have the lightest blue head color of all Blue Jay species.
All of these subspecies are active and aggressive, known to kill other birds.
Distribution – Eastern United States, Eastern Canada
2. Eastern Bluebird
Male Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) have bright blue heads. These birds are also blue across their wings.
Females of the species have gray-blue heads and faded blue-black wings.
There are 7 recognized subspecies of Eastern Bluebirds split by their region from the Northern parts of Canada to the Southern parts of Panama.
Almost half of The Eastern Bluebirds in the North move South to overwinter.
Populations in the Southern and Southeastern US states are seen year-round, similar to those in Central America.
Social birds, Eastern Bluebirds may be spotted moving or feeding in flocks.
Distribution – Eastern Canada, Eastern United States, Central America
3. California Scrub-Jay
Similar to Blue Jays, California Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma californica) have a blue head, body, and tail.
Their chest is white or white-gray. The female has a gray head and upper back with a blue back and a long blue tail.
Much of the range of this species is tied to The West Coast. It lives in an area between California and Southeastern Canada.
Feeding on small frogs and reptiles, these birds are always seen in low numbers together and even in pairs in the breeding season as they don’t gather in large flocks.
Distribution – California, Baja California, Oregon, Washington
4. Common Grackle
The dark blue coloring is specific to the head and chest of The Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula).
This navy blue nuance is also seen on the upper back of the male, which is also more likely to have clear blue coloring as opposed to the gray-blue plumage on the females.
Males often have iridescent blue heads or even purple heads, in the case of The Florida Grackle subspecies.
Birds of this species eat various seeds, insects, and amphibians.
They are further known for having loud vocalizations which can be annoying in inhabited areas, especially in the breeding season.
Distribution – Eastern North America
5. Western Bluebird
Both male and female Western Bluebirds (Sialia mexicana) have a blue head but the nuance of the plumage varies.
Males have darker blue heads with considerable blue plumage across the body and the wings.
Females show a bright blue head with brighter blue plumage across the body.
These birds can be seen in an extended habitat across North and Central America.
Some of the best places to see these birds in The United States include Southwestern states where both resident and migratory Western Bluebirds are found together.
Western Bluebirds living in the Northern part of the continent move here to overwinter or travel South to Mexico.
Distribution – Western United States, Western Canada, Mexico
6. Tree Swallow
Often seen in cavities and holes, Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) spend much of their lives up on trees as arboreal birds.
These are some of the largest swallows and show vivid blue head coloring as adults.
Juveniles of the species have a gray head, up until they become adults and are dominated by blue plumage.
Tree Swallows are also known for their bright iridescent blue head during the breeding season.
A white neck and a white underbelly contrast the bright blue upper plumage of these birds.
Some of the best places to see these birds in North America are at the edges of woodlands.
Tree Swallows use existing holes to nest but they may also be seen in parks and gardens with installed birdhouses.
Distribution – North America, Central America
7. Indigo Bunting
A dark blue head is specific to the colored Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea). Its name is inspired by its mostly blue appearance.
Male Indigo Buntings have a dark blue head but a light blue chest, belly, and body. These birds also show blue wing bases and black wing tips.
They have a dual-color beak, typically black and blue, and are completely different colored than females.
Indigo Bunting females are mostly brown or chestnut and lack blue plumage.
Juveniles of the species show a combination of male and female coloring. They have a blue and brown head as well as a blue and brown body.
These birds lay white eggs in nests they build themselves and place on lower tree branches or shrubs.
Distribution – Eastern North America, Southwestern North America, Central America
8. Painted Bunting
A deep blue head is specific to the male Painted Bunting (Passerina ciris). This species gets its name from the high color variation across the body of its males.
The shoulders of this bird are also blue while the underbelly is red or red-orange. They exhibit mixed green, yellow, and black wing coloring.
Females of the species are dominated by olive and olive-green colors. They have brighter underbelly and darker wings.
The colorful appearance of these birds used to make them a sought-after species but Painted Buntings cannot be raised in captivity today due to their protected status.
Distribution – Southeastern United States, The Caribbean, Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica, Guatemala
9. Purple Martin
Various shades of blue are seen on The Purple Martin (Progne subis). Males may have a dark blue appearance with a purple sheen in direct sunlight or they may be dark purple.
Females of the species are known for their vivid blue heads and upper wings. The crown is blue while a dark gray face mask and a black head section complete its upper appearance.
A white belly contrasts the black and blue wings of the female.
There are 3 subspecies of Purple Martins across North America. Eastern US populations, Southwest US populations, and West US populations are all marked by blue coloring either mostly on females or both on males and females.
Distribution – The Americas
10. Blue Grosbeak
A native species in North America, Blue Grosbeaks (Passerina caerulea) are known for their vivid blue heads contrasted by a gray beak and a black face around the beak.
The upper body of males is also blue. Brown, black, and blue coloring is further specific to the wings of males.
Brown and black colors are seen on female Blue Grosbeaks which lack blue plumage.
Lowe elevation trees as well as low shrubs are among the areas these birds live and nest on.
They can eat all types of insects they find just above the ground or on the ground. Typical choices include spiders, insects, caterpillars, seeds, and small fruit.
Distribution – Southern United States, Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama
11. Mountain Bluebird
Mountain Bluebirds (Sialia currucoides) are named after the various shades of blue seen in their males and females.
A dark blue head and body are the atypical coloring of the male Mountain Bluebird. Females of the species have a light yellow color with gray underbellies and blue wings.
These birds can be seen and heard singing on trees in the various woodlands they inhabit across North America.
As their name suggests, birds of this family are mostly tied to high-elevation mountainous areas. They may migrate South to overwinter, especially in their Northern populations.
Populations that don’t migrate survive on different types of berries in the winter.
Distribution – Alaska, Western Canada, Western and Central United States, Mexico
12. Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jay
Dominated by a blue head and upper body, Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jays (Aphelocoma woodhouseii) may reach a maximum size of 11 inches.
Also identified by their long tails, birds of this group live around woodlands and along evergreen pine woodlands.
They are active throughout the day and are known as birds that store food. They hide their food and rely on good memory to come back to it later as needed.
Their high intelligence has been studied and it turns out Woodhouse’s Scrub-Jays are some of the smartest birds in North America.
Proof of this is in how they manage food and store it for future use, carefully planning its dietary needs days and weeks ahead.
Distribution – Southwestern United States, Mexico
13. Indian Peafowl
A large blue head and a blue body of an iridescent characteristic are seen along The Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus).
Females have a darker appearance and lack the long trail of males, together with the juveniles of the species.
A studied species in India, The Indian Peafowl was initially believed to have an elaborate trail to attract females, a theory that hasn’t been officially adopted by all researchers.
It turns out females don’t favor males based on their elaborate trials and that they can choose any male from a group of males ready to breed.
Males initiate breeding by raising their tails.
Distribution – India, Sri Lanka
14. Black-throated Blue Warbler
Named after its black throat and body, this species (Setophaga caerulescens) also shows a bright blue crown and a bright blue back.
Its wings are also blue while its underbelly is mostly white.
This species has different plumage between the sexes as the female Black-throated Blue Warbler is mostly gray.
Living in the Northern parts of the continent, these birds migrate to warmer climates to overwinter.
Most Black-throated Blue Warblers end up in the region of Cuba for the winter months.
Distribution – Northeastern United States
15. Lazuli Bunting
A blue head is characteristic of the male Lazuli Bunting (Passerina amoena) and the male juvenile.
Females have dull gray plumage on the head and the body. Colorful males have blue bodies and short black tails.
White underbellies are specific to males and also show an orange-brown band on the upper chest.
Much of the lives of these birds are spent on trees. Males may live in upper canopies, where it sings both in the breeding season and outside the breeding season.
While they are differently colored, both male and female Lazuli Buntings have a similar size, growing a maximum between 5 and 5.9 inches.
Distribution – Eastern North America, Mexico
16. Purple Gallinule
Dark blue and bright blue colors are specific to the head of Purple Gallinules (Porphyrio martinica).
Their crown is bright blue while the rest of the head is dark blue. Red and yellow beaks contrast the dark appearance of the head.
Dark blue and light blue nuances are further characteristic of the back and underbelly of these birds.
The bright green or iridescent green coloring is characteristic of these birds which also show strong contrasting yellow legs they rely on to walk and grab aquatic vegetation.
Purple Gallinules build nests on water and spend much of their time on water vegetation.
Distribution – Gulf of Mexico, The Caribbean, Central America, South America
17. Green Jay
A black and blue head is specific to Green Jays (Cyanocorax yncas). These birds are named after the green appearance of their wings and bellies.
A dark green color is seen across their wings while their underbellies have a bright green color.
The tail of Green Jays has a green-blue color.
The head of the species has a contrasting appearance. It has a blue crown and the back of the head as well as a black face mask that continues down the upper neck.
Growing up to 11 inches, Green Jays are rarely spotted in The United States.
They are mostly found in the Eastern side of Mexico while small populations are seen in extreme Southern Texas.
Distribution – Mexico, Texas, Belize
18. Mexican Jay
A light blue head is characteristic of The Mexican Jay (Aphelocoma wollweberi). This is a species with black marks around the eyes and black-blue beaks.
The wings and back of these birds are also light blue. Mexican Jays additionally exhibit a long blue tail while their underbellies are white.
Males of the species also show blue and black legs.
Birds of this species are known to work together to build nests. Juveniles of the species that cannot yet breed help adults in building nests.
Up to 4 green eggs are laid in each of their nests.
These nests are found in areas with plenty of food. Mexican Jays prefer acorns and pine woodlands.
Distribution – Arizona, Texas, Mexico
19. Florida Scrub-Jay
A blue head and blue wings are specific to The Florida Scrub-Jay (Aphelocoma coerulescens).
Bright blue nuances are seen on the male with additional white and even pink-white plumage.
Its blue head sees white stripes above the eyes and a matching darker blue beak.
These birds also show long blue tails in a similar blue nuance to the rest of the plumage.
As its name suggests, the bird lives in Florida scrub where it may become a protected species.
Feeding on caterpillars, this species is highly dependent on weather and susceptible to climate change as the emerging period changes to early-season weeks when caterpillars aren’t available.
Distribution – Florida
20. Pinyon Jay
A dark blue head is seen on Pinyon Jays (Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus). These birds are all-blue but the rest of their plumage has a lighter blue nuance compared to the head.
Dark blue birds of this family are found in the Western US states along pinyon-juniper woodlands.
Much of their feeding is based on the availability of pinyon cones.
Birds of this species are adapted to taking out the numerous seeds inside the cones.
Once cones become rare in an area, Pinyon Jays may move woodlands or states for food.
While the bulk of their diets is based on cone seeds, Pinyon Jays may also eat small insects and even caterpillars.
Distribution – Montana, Washington, Nebraska, Kansas, California, Texas, Utah, Nevada
21. Varied Bunting
A mostly blue head and a blue crown are specific to Varied Buntings (Passerina versicolor). These birds have red coloring at the back of the head and black masks around the eyes.
A red and blue chest is specific to the species which also shows dark blue wings.
Found in desert scrubland, this is a species adapted to eating spiders, insects, seeds, and the few fruits available in this area.
A mostly Central American species, Varied Buntings are also found on the Southern US border. Their breeding habitats include the Southern areas of Texas and Arizona.
Distribution – Southern Texas, Southern Arizona, Southern New Mexico
22. Island Scrub-Jay
A blue head and an elongated black beak are seen on Island Scurb-Jays (Aphelocoma insularis). These birds are dominated by white and blue nuances.
A similar bright blue color is seen on the back of the bird, similarly to its head while its upper chest and underbelly are mostly white.
Dark blue and black wings are characteristic of this Californian species.
While its range is limited to California, Island Scrub-Jay is mostly seen on Santa Cruz Island where it spends most of its life.
Birds of this species may live in hot arid climates where natural risks such as wildfire can destroy their habitats quickly.
As a result, they are a species under observation with a risk of going extinct.
Distribution – Santa Cruz Island in California
23. Tropical Parula
Blue and yellow colors are specific to the Male Tropical Parula (Setophaga pitiayumi) while the female is dominated by gray and yellow colors.
The upper body of the male, including its head, shows a bright blue color.
Its upper beak is also blue while its lower beak and its underbelly are bright yellow. A small yellow-green patch is also seen on its blue back.
Males also exhibit blue upper wings and white underwings.
Females have gray heads, gray wings, and gray tails. They have an upper black beak and a lower yellow beak which is continued by a yellow underbelly.
While the bird doesn’t live in The Amazon Basin, it is found almost throughout South America and in coastal regions of Central America with its 14 subspecies.
Distribution – Mexico, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Argentina
24. Black-throated Magpie-Jay
A black and blue head is specific to The Black-throated Magpie-Jay (Calocitta colliei). This is a species with a partially black head and a black crest.
It features bright blue sections on the face and around the eyes as well as around the crown and behind the head.
Its beak also shows a dual color with a combination of black and blue, similar to its head.
Bright blue wings and a white underbelly complete the appearance of this species.
An omnivorous species, the Black-throated Magpie-Jay is an opportunistic feeder which eats seeds, fruits, plants, and insects.
Growing up to a size of 30 inches, this species is mostly found in the Western parts of Mexico with a growing presence in Baja California.
Distribution – Mexico
25. Red-faced Cormorant
The Red-Faced Cormorant (Urile urile) is a species dominated by black with a contrasting bright red face.
Males change their plumage as they enter into the breeding season. This is the reason why some Red-faced Cormorants may appear black while others may appear blue.
The dark navy blue head of the male in the breeding season is contrasted by a yellow beak and a red face.
A pale blue color is also seen at the base of the beak.
Males also have a crest that changes in color together with the head into the breeding season.
Females have a mostly black head with brown patches and a gray-white beak.
Mostly seen in large colonies along coasts in the breeding season, these birds tend to live together.
Distribution – Northern Pacific from East Asia to Southern Alaska
26. Red-collared Lorikeet
An exotic species only found in Australia, The Red-collared Lorikeet (Trichoglossus rubritorquis) is a species with a bright blue head and multicolored plumage.
Its red beak shows orange nuances at the tip while its head is further contrasted by an orange spot at the back.
Its chest and belly are orange or orange-red with a black mid-section and a yellow lower belly.
The wings of Red-collared Lorikeet have a bright green and uniform color nuance.
Long green tails are further specific to the parrots.
Local rainforests and wooded areas are the main areas of the species.
Distribution – Northern Australia, Western Australia
27. Superb Fairywren
Bright blue sections are seen on the head of The Male Fairywren (Malurus cyaneus). This is a species that shows a blue crest and blue lateral coloring around the head. A blue band is seen at the neck as well.
Black sections on the head contrast its blue appearance. Its eyes and beak are also black.
Birds of the species have black and blue tails while the rest of the body including the underbelly and the wings show a combination of gray, tan, and black colors.
Superb Fairywren females aren’t as colorful as males. They are mostly light brown above and gray to white on the underbelly.
Males and females of the species are known for their elaborate courtship.
The male bird is even known to carry flowers and present them to the female when seeking a breeding partner.
Distribution – Southeastern Australia
28. Red-rumped Parrot
Emerald green heads with a blue undertone represent the colorful appearance male Red-rumped Parrots (Psephotus haematonotus) are known for.
These parrots show a combination of emerald green and azure blue across the wings, which are also black and red in the inner parts.
The multicolored tail of these males shows green, blue, and black nuances as well.
Females of the species have a dull green head and bright green body.
Red-rumped Parrots are among the longest-living birds in Australia with a lifespan of up to 30 years.
Most parrots of the species never reach this age but might survive as long in captivity only in excellent conditions.
Distribution – Southeastern Australia
29. Sacred Kingfisher
A bright green crown is seen on the male Sacred Kingfisher (Todiramphus sanctus). Females may show a more green-dominant crown.
This species has a black border around its blue crown followed by a white collar. Its wings and tail are blue.
A yellow or cream-colored underbelly is specific to these birds.
Females of the species show emerald green or green-blue wings as opposed to the bright azure blue wings of the males.
There are 4 Sacred Kingfisher species around Oceania. They are split by their main regions such as Australia and New Zealand.
Distribution – Australia, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, New Caledonia
30. Variegated Fairywren
An Australian native, The Variegated Fairywren (Malurus lamberti) is a species with a bright blue head, contrasting black eyes, and a black beak.
These birds also show a black chest, a white belly, and brown wings.
Females Variegated Fairywren have a gray head, a dark gray to brown body, and wings with a similarly-colored tail.
Females also show an orange beak as opposed to the black beak of the males.
Much of the neon blue coloring of the male’s heads is only specific to the breeding season when they try to grab the attention of the females.
Distribution – Eastern Australia
31. Southern Cassowary
The adult male Southern Cassowary (Casuarius casuarius) has a distinct bright blue head. Its colored appearance continues down its blue-purple neck.
Black bristle-like plumage is specific to this species.
Juveniles are dominated by brown bristle-like plumage. Male juveniles have dark brown heads before turning adults.
One of the longest-surviving species of birds in the world, the Southern Cassowary is now an endangered species in Australia.
One of the distinct breeding traits of this species is specific to the incubation and care of the young which is up to the male and not the female.
Distribution – Papua New Guinea, Australia, Indonesia
32. Blue Rock-Thrush
A dark blue appearance is specific to the male Blue Rock-Thrush (Monticola solitarius), including its head.
Dark blue and black plumage combinations are specific to the male which also has black wing tips.
Females of the species have a dark brown appearance combined with a bright brown underbelly.
A common species around the world, this type of bird may migrate to parts of Northeast Africa, The Middle East, and to India to overwinter.
Much of its range covers Europe and mainland China.
Distribution – Europe, Africa, Asia
33. Blue-and-white Flycatcher
Woodlands at high elevations across East Asia are the main habitat of The blue-and-white Flycatcher (Cyanoptila cyanomelana).
This species shows considerable differences in the color of the male’s head to the female’s head.
Males have a blue head with a black or navy chest and neck. They also have light blue wings and a white underbelly.
A brown head and a brown body are specific to a female that lacks any type of blue spots, as opposed to juveniles.
The young male is similar to both the adult male and the adult female as it shows a brown body with blue wings.
Distribution – Thailand, China, North Korea, South Korea
34. Rainbow Lorikeet
Parrots are some of the most colorful birds in the world. This is also the case with The Rainbow Lorikeet (Trichoglossus moluccanus) and its 6 subspecies.
An Australian native, this colorful parrot has a bright blue head or a dark blue head.
Its beak has a red-orange color while its chest has a similar orange nuance.
The plumage on the lower underbelly is also blue, similar to the nuance on its head.
Yellow spots are seen on the back of its head and its green wings.
A species that only relies on plants, Rainbow Lorikeet eats pollen, nectar, and wildflower fruits.
Distribution – East Australia, West Australia
35. Blue-Headed Parrot
Blue-headed Parrots (Pionus menstruus) are found in Southern regions of Central America and across South America.
Named after its bright blue head, this family of parrots has blue shoulders and a blue chest. They feature a green underbelly and bright green wings.
Red-orange spots are visible in different areas of its body such as on its black beak or its blue tail.
This species isn’t known for its vocalizations but it represents an important parrot in The Amazon Basin.
Distribution – Costa Rica, Panama, Columbia, Ecuador, Brazil
36. Blue-necked Tanager
A light blue head is specific to the Blue-necked Tanager (Tangara cyanicollis).
Birds of this species show a combination of blue nuances across their body with additional black and yellow sections.
The bright blue head is contrasted by a black and dark blue face mask as well as by a short pointy black beak.
The upper chest is black while the lower belly shows dark blue coloring, similar to the dark blue nuance of the wings.
Bright blue streaks and yellow spots further decorate the wings of The Blue-necked Tanager.
Distribution – Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil
37. Collared Kingfisher
Dark blue crowns are specific to the adult Collared Kingfisher birds (Todiramphus chloris).
Juveniles of the species also have blue heads but with a brighter blue or blue-gray color.
Bright blue wings and tails are also seen on the adult Collared Kingfisher. Its blue nuances are combined with white sections across the underbelly and with a white neck collar which inspires its name.
These birds have elongated and wide black beaks.
They can be spotted up on trees in coastal areas of Asia and Oceania.
Distribution – Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Papua New Guinea
38. Blue-headed Quail-dove
A species only found in Cuban forests, The Blue-headed Quail-Dove (Starnoenas cyanocephala) is known for its enlarged body and tiny blue head.
This species has a bright blue crown with black and white face stripes and a contrasting red and white beak.
Its plumage is mostly brown or gray-brown.
Birds of this species live in woodlands where they feed on the food they can find among the ground-level leaves, such as bugs and insects.
Distribution – Cuba
39. Indian Paradise Flycatcher
Both adult males and females have a similar blue head with a large blue crest.
A black beak and a black face are further specific to these birds. The legs are also bright blue.
White and brown wings and bodies are characteristic of the species.
A species that lives in woodlands, The Indian Paradise Flycatcher (Terpsiphone paradisi) is also a species that builds elaborate nests up on trees.
Up to 3-4, eggs are laid in each nest and the female is responsible for their incubation period.
Distribution – India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan
40. Purple Sunbird
Iridescent blue or blue-purple colors are seen on the top of Purple Sunbirds (Cinnyris asiaticus).
Their face is mostly black, as is their curved bill. Blue coloring with a metallic tint is seen on the base of the wings while the wing tips are mostly black.
Red-brown and black underbellies are further characteristics of Purple Sunbirds.
A mostly black appearance is specific to the plumage of the males under the shade of a tree as their iridescent blue heads and wings are only truly visible in direct sunlight.
Female Purple Sunbirds are mostly gray-brown with brown heads.
Distribution – India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Oman, United Arab Emirates
41. European Roller
Bright blue plumage dominates the appearance of The European Roller (Coracias garrulus), including its head.
An azure nuance of its head is contrasted by black stripes around its eyes, together with a black beak.
The underbelly of the species has slightly brighter blue nuances while its wings show a combination of bright blue, dark blue, and brown nuances.
Birds of the species also have purple coloring on the underside of the wings, seen when they fly or glide.
An arboreal species, The European Roller lives on trees and builds nests on trees.
Distribution – Europe, West Asia, Africa
42. Purple-crested Turaco
A blue-purple head with lateral iridescent green nuances is specific to the Purple-crested Turaco (Tauraco porphyreolophus), a species with a purple top section of its crest.
Blue nuances are clear between the green and purple areas of its head.
The wings of the species are also blue-purple, with considerably more blue undertones compared to its head.
A long blue tail is also specific to Purple-crested Turacos.
An African native, The Purple-crested Turaco is only found in evergreen woodlands.
Distribution – Kenya, South Africa, Burundi, Zimbabwe
43. Swallow-tailed Hummingbird
A blue head that turns purple in the breeding season is specific to The Swallow-tailed Hummingbird (Eupetomena macroura).
This species stands out with colorful and contrasting colors across its body.
A metallic green color is seen across its back and wings while its long split tail has a dark blue nuance.
The same green metallic nuance is seen across its chest. Much of the coloring of Swallow-tailed Hummingbirds is seen both across males and females.
Distribution – Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay
44. Blue Dacnis
Both male and female Blue Dacnis birds (Dacnis cayana) have blue heads. Males are dominated by a blue body color while females have a green body.
The male Blue Dacnis has a bright blue head with black marks on the neck and around the eyes.
Its underbelly is blue while its wings are black and blue. Females have an all-blue head, bright green underbellies, and green wings.
Growing to a size of around 5.5 inches, Blue Dacnises are known to eat insects.
Distribution – Panama, Colombia, Brazil, Paraguay, Venezuela, Ecuador
45. Blue-and-yellow Tanager
A bright blue color with turquoise undertones is specific to the head of the male Blue-and-yellow Tanager (Rauenia bonariensis).
This species shows black and blue coloring across its wings and yellow coloring across its underbelly.
Females have a gray head and a similar yellow underbelly.
Birds of this species are seen along trees of various heights. They are found in South America, outside The Amazon Basin.
Distribution – Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia, Uruguay
46. Black-naped Monarch
A bright blue head and a darker blue belly and wings are seen on the male Black-naped Monarch (Hypothymis azurea).
Females of the species have gray heads and brown bodies.
An arboreal species in Asian tropical forests, both male and female Black-naped Monarchs work together to build their nests.
Males become territorial towards the nest and are also known to help with incubation.
Distribution – India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam