Are you a new corn snake owner and you’re wondering how old your corn snake is? Are you thinking of buying a corn snake and are concerned about how big it will grow?
Continue reading below to find out about the corn snake growth chart.
Having some knowledge of the growth of corn snakes and their development stages can help you quickly identify your snake’s age or how much growing it still has to do.
How to Measure Corn Snake Size
There are some useful methods you can use to measure your corn snake, taking into consideration that your snake is not going to lie in a perfect straight line for you so you can measure it.
Corn snake owners have come up with some unique ways to get an accurate measurement of their pets, these include:
Use a piece of string and hold it on your snake’s head, move it along the body, around any bends and curls until you reach the tail.
Take the length of string used and put it against a measuring tape to get an estimated length, you may be out by a centimeter or two.
Measuring Tape
Take the measuring tape and do the same as with the string.
Place the measuring tape along the length of your snake to get a measurement which can help you identify age quickly and effectively.
Measuring Tape Against A Wall
Put the measuring tape against a wall and let your snake slither the length of the wall to get an estimated size.
Corn Snake Growth Chart
Age | Length | Weight |
Hatching | 8 – 12 inches | 6 – 8 grams |
6 month | 20 – 30 inches | 26 – 30 grams |
12 months | 35 – 40 inches | 35 – 100 grams |
24 months | up to 60 inches | up to 900 grams |
Corn snakes can live up to twenty years in captivity but should be fully grown by the age of two years.
Different growth rate between male and female?
Male and female corn snakes do have some differences in terms of their growth rates with females weighing more than males from an early stage, even though males tend to grow longer once they are fully grown.
Both sexes are the same size and weight at birth, but this can change quickly within the first year with females reaching up to 100 grams, while males tend to stay between 35 and 80 grams.
Once they are fully grown, males will weigh more, often between 700 and 900 grams, with females only reaching up to 700 grams.
In order to achieve an accurate weight, weigh your snake the day before feeding and keep this consistent throughout their measuring and weighing, so you always get accurate measurements.
When do they grow fast?
From the above corn snake growth chart, you will notice a faster growth rate from your snake in the first 12 months as they eat more during this period.
Baby corn snakes will need to eat more with one prey every 5 to 7 days, while adults need to be fed every 1 to 2 weeks.
When do they stop growing?
While the corn snake can live up to 12 years or more in captivity, they should reach full length by the time they reach 2 years of age.
Longest corn snake
Remember that measurements and weights are just an estimate, an average based on the species.
The largest corn snake that was ever recorded was 72 inches in length, that’s 1.8 meters.
For interest, the oldest corn snake ever recorded was 32 years of age. This is a long-term pet commitment with corn snakes living an estimated 20 years in captivity.
Corn Snake Development Stage
When a corn snake a baby, juvenile, adult
- Baby Corn Snake – 8 to 14 inches
- Juvenile Corn Snake – 20 to 30 inches
- Adult Corn Snake – 24 to 70 inches
When is the first shed?
Corn snakes grow fastest in the first year of their lives, which is why they tend to shed more as babies and juveniles, than as adults.
You should see your corn snake shed within 7 days of hatching. They will shed once every few months as they grow and will increase in size with each shed.
When can tell if my corn snake is male or female?
Once they reach adult size, males are larger than the female in terms of length.
Males have larger anal spurs and a professional can carry out a sex probe from the age of 6 months to determine the age.
Due to the fact that both the male and female are the same color, you cannot use this to identify the sex.
From just before 6 months you can have a professional probe test if it is important for you to know if you have a male or female snake.
Factors That Impact Growth and Size
There are a number of factors that will influence your corn snake’s growth and size. It’s important to provide a comfortable and natural habitat where your snake can grow and thrive.
It will all start on whether you are purchasing a wild corn snake or a captive bred snake. Captive-bred snakes tend to be slightly smaller, which has to do with their diets and home confines.
The difference in size at such an early stage will not have a significant impact on the overall size of your pet once it reaches full size.
The first thing that can have an influence on size and growth is the enclosure you keep your corn snake in.
Adults should be kept in nothing smaller than a 20 gallon tank, though bigger is always better. If you have space, opt for the biggest tank you can fit.
It is suggested that a full-grown corn snake be kept in a 40-gallon tank.
If you are nervous about your corn snake not having enough wiggle room and resenting you later in life, then it is fine to allow them a bigger cage.
Temperature and Humidity
If your temperature and humidity levels are inaccurate for your corn snake, then it may lead to lack of appetite and illness, this can impact the overall growth size of your pet.
Focus on ensuring you provide a warm enclosure of 85ºF with a humidity level of between 40% and 50%. Humidity aids in shredding and ensures your snake remains healthy and happy.
Use a digital thermometer and hygrometer to help you monitor levels regularly and with ease.
Related –How to set up a heat mat in corn snake tanks.
How often you feed your snake and the quality of food will impact growth size and development. As a rule of thumb, follow the feeding guidelines below:
Hatchling or baby corn snakes should be fed one pinky mouse every five days for up to seven months.
Some corn snake owners feed their hatchlings up to three times weekly, you can determine your corn snake’s appetite and feed accordingly.
Juvenile corn snakes between the ages of 6 to 7 months of age should be fed every 7 to 10 days. This should be done until they are approximately 2 years of age.
You can increase the prey size based on the size of your pet.
Adult corn snakes that are 24 months or more should be fed every two to three weeks. This is based on the size of pinky mice being fed.
I’m hi I believe my corn snake is 2 metres long
This is not helpful in determining the age when the corn snake, after they become an adult – I’m 90% sure my snake is 21 but I’m looking for a way to confirm that since I did not get her until she was around 10 years old. She is 5’8” in length. Please inform me if there is a way I can find out. Thank you!
Hi, I think my snake is underweight. He is about 7 months, and I just weighed him in oz (8)and not sure what 226.79 grams is in “snake sizing” please help and thanks in advance 🙂
There is no way to find out the age after they have turned adult