Common Snakes
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1. Western Ratsnake
This is the most common snake species in Texas. It is nonvenomous and able to climb trees
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2. Western Diamond-Backed Rattlesnake
This species is aggressive and venomous
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3. Western Ribbon Snake
While shorter than other species, this snake has specific preying techniques
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4. Plain-Bellied Watersnake
This species is known for living next to water sources
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5. Rough Earthsnake
The snake is known for its slim short figure. It reaches up to 10 inches in adulthood
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6. Diamondback Watersnake
This species is known for its rough body due to its keeled scales
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7. Dekay’s Brownsnake
Known for its small to medium body size, this type of snake has a diet based on slugs and snails
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8. Northern Cottonmouth
The snake is one of the most dangerous species of snake in Texas
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9. Coachwhip
These snakes represent one of the fastest snakes in Texas
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10. Checkered Garter Snake
This species is known to live in grasslands around the state
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