The horse’s paper wasp (Polistes major) is a large wasp that can grow to 0.87 inches (22mm) in length with a 1.8 inch (45mm) wingspan.
The hunter’s little paper wasp (Polistes dorsalis) is a small wasp that has an exoskeleton plate that looks like a black with a yellow-colored shield and elongated antenna.
The feather-legged scoliid wasp (Dielis plumipes) grows to around 25mm and is considered medium-sized with yellow or cream/white abdominal bands.
The metric paper wasp (Polistes metricus) is a dark rusty colored wasp with black markings in the thorax and the abdomen is mostly black.
Mexican paper wasps (Mischocyttarus mexicanus) have asymmetrical internal and external lobes on their tarsal segments.
The male and female red marked Pachodynerus wasp (Pachodynerus erynnis) have similar coloration except the male has a white to yellow pentagonal spot on the face.
The southern yellowjacket (Vespula squamosa) is a social wasp, which is easily identified with its black and yellow patterning, along with an orange queen.
Noble scoliid wasps (Scolia nobilitata) are beetle hunters, they are solitary wasps with the female digging in the soil in search of beetles.
The yellow-legged mud dauber wasp (Sceliphron caementarium) can grow to 1.10 inches (28mm) in length.
The three-banded scoliid wasp (Dielis trifasciata) is distinguished with its bright yellow to orange colored stripes.