Western honey bees (Apis mellifera) are also known as European honey bees. They are distributed throughout the world.
The American bumblebee (Bombus pensylvanicus) is a threatened species native to North America. They were once the most common bumblebee in the southern United States.
The Eastern carpenter bee (Xylocopa virginica) is common in Texas, nesting in various wooded areas, eating pollen and nectar.
The Southern Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa micans) is often found near woody plants. These bees do not live in colonies.
The Ligated Furrow Bee (Halictus ligatus) is a burrowing bee, that creates a nest underground. These bees are predominantly black or brown/black.
The Horse Fly Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa tabaniformis) is common in North America and is an essential pollinator for pepper, tomato, and eggplants.
The Sonoran Bumble Bee (Bombus sonorus) is a large and colorful bee that is native to the Sonoran desert and the western United States.
The Two-spotted Longhorn Bee (Melissodes bimaculatus) has two light spots at the end of the abdomen, which stand out against the black body.
The Metallic Epauletted-Sweat Bee (Augochloropsis metallica) is a distinctive green color with a bean shape. They grow to around 9mm in body length.
The Strand’s Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa strandi) is a large carpenter bee, building a nest in wood. They use their strong mandibles to create circular holes.