Pictures & Identification Guide
Scientific name: Araneus diadematus Common name: European garden spider, orangie, crowned orb weaver, diadem spider, cross spider, cross orbweaver
Scientific name: Phidippus audax Common name: daring jumping spider, bold jumping spider
Scientific name: Salticus scenicus Common name: zebra jumper, zebra jumping spider
Scientific name: Eratigena duellica Common name: giant house spider
Scientific name: Misumena vatia Common name: flower (crab) spider, goldenrod crab spider
Scientific name: Argiope aurantia Common name: Black and yellow garden spider,...
Scientific name: Scotophaeus blackwalli Common name: gnaphose de blackwall, mouse spider
Scientific name: Steatoda grossa Common name: cupboard spider, the dark comb-footed spider,...
Scientific name: Cheiracanthium mildei Common name: northern yellow sac spider
Scientific name: Pholcus phalangioides Common name: Daddy long-legs, skull spider, long-bodied cellar spider